Authorpreneur Dashboard – Nina Norstrom

Nina  Norstrom

Not a Blueprint: It's the Shoe Prints That Matter

Parenting & Relationships

Symbolizing a Journey ─ Learning Lessons ─ Letting Go ─ and Gaining Insight . . . tools that lead to relationships. Relationships are formed with people, alcohol, animals, battlefields, diseases, drugs, environments, and even our emotions. Whether toxic or nontoxic they’re an integral part of daily living. Follow Author Nina Norstrom through the journey as she peels off those toxic relationships. The story takes you through the experiences of grief, pain, trauma, and forgiveness. The story weaves lies with love, betrayal with deception and drama with murder. As the shoe prints are molded in and out of a variety of unhealthy relationships, they’ll leave behind a blazing trail of lessons. Teaching an ultimate lesson for the meaning of relationships, that builds honesty and compassion. The story in its raw image projects a remarkable voice to the heroic fight and bravery gained when striking back to wipe out the toxicity of deadly relationships. Through its reading, you will discover the importance that life brings many challenges, and that each challenge provides lessons to be learned. Inside the Excerpts, are sneak previews of what's bubbling: Preorders are available for April 5, 2016 DETAILS ABOUT THE JOURNEY Why is the topic so important? What we do in our everyday experiences brings about important life lessons. We’re living inside the topic each day we inhale anew breathe. In These days and times, toxicity has settled in the environment. Just think about it: every day we wake up we’re on the battlefield fighting a war. And just feeling where there’s: good against evil; sons against fathers; daughters against mothers; nations against nations; drugs against diseases; and the list goes on and on.

Book Bubbles from Not a Blueprint: It's the Shoe Prints That Matter

New Birth

It’s a gift to be able to give birth. Parenthood lasts for a lifetime. There’s no greater joy. . . And it’s one of the joyous journeys a mother will ever experience. Once a mom’s body muscles’ have expanded to bring into life a human being, she soon forgets all the sufferance endured and ravishes in the moment . . . knowing she just delivered a child into this world. Then, so shall Mom’s life change forever, recognizing another human being’s survival is dependent upon her. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause . . . When a woman can endure that pain, she has got to be pretty darn powerful! It’s all in a woman’s strength

A Salute To Mothers' Day

With Mother’s Day around the corner, it brings fond memories of the time gone past. While thinking back, I recall the early years of becoming someone’s mommy. There I was young (and wet behind the ears) with a tiny, little seed planted inside me. Bringing a child into this world takes a lot of growing up. And when it was time to release the seed, maturity was a phase in life I hadn’t been introduced to (yet). I knew nothing about parenthood and all those dedicated responsibilities involved. The little I'd grown to know came from watching my parents raise their children and that was in a house of toxic abuse. Knowingly, after giving birth, I would enter a journey that would undoubtedly change our lives forever. To have a seed growing inside, it’s amazing how our bodies can withstand the pain of giving birth. Women you are powerful producers! Men you are powerful to have planted such a remarkable seed! This story is available in all three formats . . .

Literary Titan Review Messages the Poem

This was only one of the poems written inside the storybook. There are many others. Here is what the Reviewer from Literary Titan had to say about after reading the storybook . . . My experience as a reader was emotional, and I commend the author for being open about her feelings while letting the readers inside the usually restricted area of a person’s psyche. The poems written for the departed soul of her daughter are beautifully expressed, seeping out the multitude of emotions of a parent. Moreover, the other feelings expressed in the book, whether it’s grief, anger, or resentment towards certain people, fate, or God, are raw and genuine. *********************************** Note: To finish the poem, you'll have to read the story.


In a nutshell, this book taps into the cycle of toxicity. And the many relationships encountered. As we know, relationships are built on: people, animals, drugs, alcohol, diseases, work environments, emotions, and battlefields. So the message reveals that life brings challenges and with each challenge there are lessons learned. The story itself, it’s about the shoe prints, those symbols of life journey that are left by our experiences.

Pieces of My Past

Yes, it’s amazing how a person can bring out the worst in you . . . . if you allow them. This bubble is a prime example of why I stay clear of toxic people, to this day. After all the toxicity interactions that occurred in my life, I’ve made a transformation. People do change you! I’ve learned many lessons through this journey. Now, it’s my mission to help others learn about its effects.

House Cleaning

: If it wasn't working last year, what makes you think it'll work this year? Dump him like it's hot! It’s a New Year, and time to get rid of that old trash. Take no prisoners in the process. You may not wanna be as bold to do it as harshly, and that’s fine! It doesn’t matter how you clean house . . . just do it! If it’s not working for you, there’s no shame in your game when starting fresh.

It'll Kill Ya

With the deadline closed for Enrollment in Health Care Coverage, are you caught having to bear those future medical expenses on your own? Let's hope not! The financial burden alone is enough to kill ya!

The Wolf

Readers: believe me when I tell ya: "Those were only promises." That he called "VOWS." Because when it was all uncovered (in the story) you will discover I'd been sleeping with a live wolf in in sheep clothing. Worst of all, I was married to it!

The Little Voices - Inside Our Heads

Those little voices inside our head ─ we all have them. We’ll hear them whispering or screaming. Regardless of how they appear to speak to us, they can be our greatest supporter or worst nightmare. We can identify it as “the voice of destruction” or “the voice of survival.” Its nagging voice, I shall always remember that eerie tone. Of course (for me), that horrible day it happened was a destructive thought process waiting to escape; whereas, affecting every aspect of my inner being, including my self-esteem, confidence, performance, personal relationships, and accomplishments. It was so scary I freaked out. Yes, I went bonkers and lost it all in a blink of an eye! That part of my life was the crumbling pieces of my past, it is not who I am today. Now, I can tell y’all that I’ve made a transformation. The beauty of it all, “I didn’t stay there.” The moral of is message: Never allow your pass to define your future.

Broken In Pieces

People do change, you know? All that and so much more are the crumbling pieces of my past. I was those scattered pieces of a broken Humpty Dumpty . . who had fallen down and couldn’t get back up. Seemingly, the pieces couldn’t be put together. But look at me now! Living inside this new self I’ve made a transformation. Yes, I’m broken and It’s beautiful! Beautiful to know how I can share my story with others; embrace another’s journey; and realize “no one walks alone,” through their brokenness. Yet, aren’t we all those scattered pieces of a Humpty Dumpty, in some form?

Those Were The Days

All you Baby Boomers can you recall those days when you too hung out at the neighborhood lounge? I reckon I can . . . . After a long day at work or a week end outing, those were the good ole days. What ever happened to those days when you could gather at the neighborhood lounge, sit at the bar (drinking/smoking), and listen to one of your favorite hometown bands. You could easily hangout then and didn’t worry much about all that #toxicity brewing in the air. You even thought you saw Mr. Perfect’s eye giving you that “sexy wink.”

Dysfunctional Family Life

There is no life without a relationship of some form or another. To breathe brings on a relationship with life. So you think your life is the only one full of #toxicity? Think again! Toxic #relationships invade so many people. We're living inside a toxic environment. You'd be amazed at the #bubbles that explode from behind the pages of this story. A production of #WriteLifePublishing.

Ribbons - Why The Colors?

There’s no mistaken a devil in its flesh. You can dress toxicity up in many disguises. No matter how it appears, the toxic still remains. So when you step back and allow it to unfold, that devil is bound to be exposed. But best ways to escape toxicity . . . is the key to Awareness!

Broken Hearted

Broken hearts, are forever weeping with sorrow. When holidays, birthdays, weddings, graduations, and celebratory times roll around it can be an exceptionally difficult period for a parent; particularly. We (deeply) tend to miss our loved ones. They are those little angels who touched our lives with their special gifts. Their presence will forever be a part of our memories. Yet, as we embraced their presence, it’s hard to accept they were only on loan to us.

Ask And Ye Shall Receive

There are women who become submissive to their partners. But don’t let their passive behavior fool you. ‘Cause when they’ve had enough of the #toxic crap and foolishness. Watch out! Anything is bound to happen when those emotions explode. No telling what might fall from above to bring a mate down to their knees. There's a lesson learned behind every journey: Inside this one, it can be said to "Never underestimate the power of a woman."

Broken Vows

There is nothing beautiful about toxicity. When engaging in toxic relationships, take off those blinders! And see it in full color! If you’ve not read the story book, “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter” / “A Journey Through Toxic Relationships,” here are some insights learned through the journey: • In a toxic marital relationship, see it for what it’s worth. • An intimate relationship with a married man can be extremely toxic. • The character of a person lessens. • Don’t become codependent. Be willing to leave a toxic relationship. • Don’t be blinded by feelings nor emotions. They both cripple a pure marriage. • What you have become a borrowed relationship. • Once a cheater, always a cheater. • Cheating is a sign of being untrustworthy and disrespectful. • It shows an inability to commit. • You’ll always be considered the other woman.

Our Shoe Prints Speaks to Life's Journey

What we do in our everyday experiences brings on important life lessons. We’re living inside the title each day we inhale a new breath. Our society is messy, broken, and crippled. So much that we are living in a toxic environment. Every day (we wake up) we’re on the battlefield fighting a war; good against evil; sons against fathers; daughters against mothers; nations against nations; drugs against diseases; and the list goes on. It makes one wonder, "Are we in the last days?" Not only do we need to get right with Creator but with ourselves. It's important to remember that we can’t change our destiny, only the course it takes to get there. For me, I see this challenge a has a greatness in value. It speaks to the educational side of life. That is I’ve learned!

The Split

It is one thing not to realize the relationship is toxic, but to know it’s poisonous and stay is only asking for heart breaks. Toxic relationships occur regardless of one’s sexual orientation. Living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be a challenge. There are ways to respond and avoid toxicity. What is it about our relationships that require a change?

Unspoken Journey

Many of us have taken that unspoken journey . . . Yet, we’ll dare not expose where we’ve come from or where we’ve been. Understandably so, no one wants to admit that their tainted and damaging lifestyle had gotten the best of them. One thing for sure there is love in sharing . . . sharing is caring. It can be so beautiful when we care about others as we do ourselves, enough to want to break through that wall of silence, trapping us inside that darken world. Believe me when I walked that trail, it was so dark all I’d seen was darkness. Not even a smidgen of daylight passed through my narrow path. There was a time I can remember drowning my sorrows in a bottle of booze and wanting to wash away all the hurt and tragedy that life had bestowed upon my family. Drifting back to those memories it was there . . . where I often sat back to embrace the words of Mariah’s beautiful melody, “I Don’t Wanna Cry.”'t+wanna+cry+youtube&v=QfG1qwl-Zho&qsrc=472 I don’t know about you . . . OMG those lyrics, hit deep in my heart and soul every time I hear them played out.

B r O k E n Soul

Dad, you did it all, huh? Having those wild flings, telling those lies, and committing physical abuse on mom. Truly, that was who you were, and mom endured your toxic ways. But what that showed me (us) as a child, “You couldn’t be faithful in your marriage, respectful, or caring as a father. And showing us that toxic behavioral side was evidence you were broken inside and out; broken as a fallen Humpty Dumpty. Now, I say to you (dad), “Wherever your remains rest after death, may the Creator have mercy on your broken soul.” Dad (yes), you broke mother down. Regardless, that which you’d done to mother had been done to you. You were already B r O k E n.

I Feel Your Pain

With all the losses experienced from the raft of COVID-19, there is nothing like the pain that stabs deep into the heart. The tears overflow like a river; and the pain becomes unbearable. When it happened to me, I had to drown my emotions in a bottle of booze. Although the pain was endured years ago, it doesn’t really matter. Now, I'm feeling the pain of your losses. I can’t tell ya, it’s gonna be okay. Yes, It takes time to travel through this journey. True, you may never get over it. As time goes on, you’ll learn to get through it. Prayers are with you all through this painful journey. Cut and paste this link to hear how Mariah takes me home . . .

Taking Drama to the Umpteenth Degree

Wow! There’s a mess of toxicity brewing on Capitol Hill. Its actions reminded me of my past life - but at a different height. Go sit you bottoms down, stop that foolishness. In other words, quit being toxic! Don’t you realize toxicity can be a blazing mess. Yes indeed, there’s a “B” inside us women. Since you’re aware of our other side, just ask yourself, “Do I really want to see her in action?” As you’ve read in the excerpt, its end-results weren’t a romantic picture. But became someone’s memorable moment in time. So watch out ‘that taint of corruption ain’t nice’!

Has The Whole World Gone Mad?

When you’re in that toxic space, you don’t realize just how toxic you are. You even have an ability to readily recognize the toxic side of others. When you’re full of it, there’s a strangeness in appearance, the walk, and the talk. Life lessons have a way of educating you. Don’t you know? I’m preaching from experience; and not from what someone told me. Perhaps, that's what helped the story to win its awards. One thing for certain, there’s a lot of toxic fumes spilling over on Capital Hill. It’s hard to let go of that toxic joint when you’ve been carrying it around for decades. Gee, Mr. President just how long will you hold onto it? The time to let go, has arrived! I've let go; will you?

All That Glitters Ain't Gold

Don’t let that personality fool y’all. He was still a #devil in disguise. You are so right! I picked him and should have known what I had. Like so many others, we don’t see the trees for looking at the forest. When this happens, it becomes a lesson learned. Often times, toxicity comes in your circle, and you don’t realize it’s toxic until you start dipping and dabbling in it. There is beauty in that realization; it’s when you can give it up and move on . . . For sure, toxicity appears in all forms, shapes and fashions. #Toxicity has no shame, no gender, no preference who it targets. You may think you’ve found quality in a person; but wind up with the devil himself. No matter how they tend to dress themselves up in character; some things never change!

We'll Love You in the Hereafter

In the years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds they have joined us on this broken place called earth, there are several loved ones who are no longer with us. Some died as a result of COVID-19; some died from attack of police brutality; some from mass killings; some died from those toxic and deadly diseases; and some we lost due to natural causes. Families, oh dear families, I fill your pain. I, too, have traveled that journey. Regardless of how our #loved ones left us, their life on this broken earth was most precious and beautiful. They leave behind a life filled with memories . . . and the many gifts showered upon us. Those loved ones are our superstars, they are our heroes/(s)heroes, they are our champions, and they are our celebrities. Sleep on our angels; we shall meet in the hereafter . . .

Don't Believe The Hype

Readers: believe me when I tell ya: "Those were only promises." Because when it's all uncovered (in the story) you'll discover a real wolf in sheep's clothing.

Wedding Bells

During the pandemic, we've seen an alarming rise when it comes to domestic violence. Knowingly, it can be as deadly as COVID19. Confession time for me,"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Read this excerpt from Chapter Six . . . Don’t let that personality from my ex fool y’all. He was still a #devil in disguise. You are so right! I picked him and should have known what I had. Like so many others, we don’t see the trees for looking at the forest. When this happens, it becomes a lesson learned. Often times, toxicity will come in your circle, and you don’t realize it’s toxic . . . Until you start dipping and dabbing in it. There is beauty in that realization; it’s when you can give it up and move on. For sure, toxicity appears in all forms, shapes and fashions. #Toxicity has no shame, no gender, with no preference who it targets. You may think you’ve found quality in a person; but wind up with the devil himself. No matter how they tend to dress themselves up in character; some things never change! Available in audible version

Liar, Liar, Your Pants on Fire

Nowadays, we just can't escape the element of #toxicity. It appears EVERYWHERE. It's even in their speech. Perhaps, that's why this character wasn't able to get out what he wanted to say without stumbling over his words. Best I can say about the character in this bubble, "Liar, liar your pants on fire!" Really, will the toxicity in life ever cease? It just keeps growing, growing, and growing.

Moms We Love You

I think about mom a lot. Even though she is enjoying a new life with her angel friends and dearly departed family members, I’d love to see her smiling face once more. There is much I have to share. You know that sharing as those “mother-daughter” talks. A heck of a lot has happened since we last seen one another. I’m sure she would be proud of me. I’ve come a long way and achieved many accomplishments. For one, I’m an author now. That’s she’d embrace. Behind those storybook pages, I’ve revealed some family secrets. It’s been stated, “What goes on in the house, stays in the house.” Shame, shame on me; perhaps, mom wouldn’t be a happy camper - about that one! I’m smiling ‘cause I know she wouldn’t. Wish I could have done more to express how much I loved her. Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day. Mom, I love you and Happy Mothers’ Day to you. And those moms around the globe!

Reliving Memories of COVID19

This fight with toxicity (COVID19-relationship) is not new for me. Perhaps, it is to you! Some decades ago, I met this deadly-relationship face-to-face; I felt its raft as we fought. I’m familiar with the dangerous effects; and how its tortured imprisonment can drive one to drink. With the social distancing restrictions, there’s no wonder alcohol sales has spiked its peak in consumption . . . since pandemic of COVID19. "You took me there Mariah where I didn't want to go. Yet, through your lyrics and vocals, I found comfort as you eased the pain." While medicating myself with E&J, I was in that world where everything appeared gloomy and doomed! This space was a place shadowed by a mass of toxicity. Reliving the memories . . . it's a world where I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to travel. Life is so full of stuff (the good, the bad, and the ugly). But isn't that what life throws at us: a season of joy, a storm of obstacles, years of struggles, and life of challenges? It all boils down to taking that journey!

You Say, I Say

You call it COVID19. I call it Toxicity. Regardless of its name, it spits out poison – a deadly source. COVID19/Toxicity has kept us hostages in our space for weeks-on-end. Not coming out is evidence and fear of its dangerous interactions. I’ve known its effects for decades, and warned you in past four years. Toxicity, you’ve destroyed our emotions and have taken many lives. With those destructive ways, we cast you out. Everyone, take heed! There’s no better time to learn about its effects then through pages of NABP. Don’t believe me, keep turning a deaf ear. It’s LIVE-ACTIVE-DEADLY! From the voice of Lucy, . . . Lucy Adkins 5.0 out of 5 stars Sharing Our Stories Matter Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2020 Verified Purchase In this memoir of a life of one hardship after another, Nina Norstrom shares her personal experiences of love and loss and the damage done by toxic relationships and bad choices. It's a riveting story, one in which the reader aches badly for things to "turn out"--for the bad relationship to right itself, for health challenges to be overcome. Reading the personal stories of others helps us in our OWN lives, and this one does. . . .

The Coronavirsus Unmasked

What goes on in the household stays in the household. As little ones growing up, we knew about the crippling effects of a toxic virus long before now. Our dad was the prime example of a coronavirus. His poisonous snake ways infected our environment. Daily, mom tried hard to disinfect the house. Still, it didn’t isolate us from being in the midst of his venomous interactions. That would undoubtedly contaminate us all. Poor dad, he was truly broken inside. His brokenness taught us how contagious a coronavirus could be. And he called himself a Christian. I’ve always said, “You won't know what or who is behind the mask until it’s unmasked.”

The Amazing Power of Prayer

Are you allowing those toxic relationships to keep you a prisoner inside your own space? During the time I engaged in #toxicity, I found the time to give thanks to our Creator - for being with us through each horrid day. Don’t just wait for that Thanksgiving Day to arrive. It’s never too late to be grateful and give thanks. Do you think HE doesn't see or hear ya? You’re mistakenly wrong. HE positions HIS eyes and ears everywhere. It’s why HE hears and sees all we do. No, I’ve never really seen HIM, personally! I’ve only seen an image of what I thought may have been HIS visit to me. Yet, has anyone of us really seen HIS true image?

Heaven or Hell

Through all the stuff, I’ve encountered in life (i.e., the good, the bad, and the ugly) those experiences brought an awakening. We can take life for granted if we dare – believing it will always be a tomorrow (even everlasting). But the reality is there are no guarantees, nor promises – the recognition, “We exist on borrowed time.” It took a war battle (i.e., a hardened fall inside my journey) to see the vision of what was written, before we were born. Some of us may be spared from demise (when tragic incidents occur) for it was not the moment, second, minute, hour, time, or date for our expiration (i.e., death). As descendants of Adam and Eve, we’re cursed with an incurable condition - called “fallen condition.” I know I’m made a huge transition. And been given wisdom to know we should cast away all evil doings unless we’re prepared to reap consequences (i.e., what we sow). So, will you be cast away from entering those Pearly Gates? It is not my call to answer but a question for you to consider. What door will you choose?

One Who Knows The Pain

All Family Members Longed Remembered . . . With the many losses we’ve experienced (from one freakin' accident), my heart bleeds; my body screams out from the abuse of pain; my eyes continuously weeps from running tears. Knowingly, no comforting words can soothe that aching pain - at the moment in time. I can only recall the brokenness I felt when saying to HIM, “Creator, why me?” “Why, why, me!” Rest in Peace All You Beautiful Angels / You’ve got your wings - so fly high!

My Life From the Past

Many of you don’t know me. And those that do - know I’ve made a complete transformation. It’s been nearly four decades ago; the old me . . . There was this period (a very long one) when that ugly thing lived inside me. It was this thing which controlled my every action and thought processes. Back then thought I’d never live to talk ‘bout it. Well, I’ve survived the journey, and I’ve revealed pieces of it inside this storybook – the good, the bad, and the ugly. After you’ve read it, don’t prejudge me. Just know we all have a past. And it’s what we do with it (i.e., the past) that beautifies who we are today! Wyland 5.0 out of 5 stars A Transformative Book This book has the capacity to impact positively on its readers. This is because it addresses everyday problems, like teenage pregnancy, cancer, divorce, domestic violence, sexual promiscuity, breakdown of family bonds and faith - especially in times of crisis. In other words, the book deals with life and its challenges. My rating of the book is therefore taking cognizant of the ability of the book to transform lives. I highly recommend it to all who are going through a rough patch in their lives, like the loss of a beloved.

Taking It One Day at a Time

Yes, this Christmas (2019) has come and gone. All-in-all, it brings back some painful and difficult situations. Then too there are those joyous memories and moments I’ll embrace a lifetime. I’m appreciative to all readers that took time to walk our journey - alongside us. Recently, here’s what one reader had to say . . . . Millie West 5.0 out of 5 stars Helpful advice on difficult relationships Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2019 Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase Nina Norstrom has endured some difficult situations in her life, but she has come through these crippling experiences with an optimistic attitude which she shares to help other people. Highly recommended for people in challenging relationships.

Holiday Tides

It’s that time of the year again! Those darn holidays can be joyous for many, but then for some ‘tis not quite as joyless. Holidays, birthdays, weddings, graduations, and celebrations . . . ‘tis time of the year we tend to miss our loved ones. I think about my sister and her loss, all my losses, and any others whose precious loved one has gone home to get their wings. Looking back through the stages of our life . . . I can remember when our house was filled with the holiday #blitz of giving, laughter and cheers. You’d think one has gotten use to living without. Nope, no matter how long of a gap there’s still that space inside that longs for their presence. They are so precious . . . our little #angels who touched our lives with their special gifts. Their presence shall NEVER BE FORGOTTEN and forever will be a part of our memories.

It’s Here – Open Season

It’s Here – Open Season The time is now! Start thinking about Health Insurance - Open Season. I can recall while walking the journey (back in the day) I was drowning in medical bills. That hospital stay alone was a whopper. Those out-of-pocket expenses are a whole other creature. When it comes to picking the right carrier or plan, you’ll wanna make a wise selection. With little time to spare - ‘cause there’s a very short window (i.e., tiny window). No one plans to get sick, but it happens. In anyway case, you can find yourself financial strapped and overwhelmed. And that’s real talk!

Miracles Do Happen

I won’t forget what HE has done for me. Where I came from or even how I’d gotten there. So I’m still preaching, shouting, and praising about his glory to this day. How HE brought me from the darkness into the light. I no longer live in that world of darkness nor do I waddle in self-pity and hold onto that tainted world of toxicity. According to Tasha Cobbs . . . "This is a Move" and Wonder no more . . . #miracles do happen!

Action, Roll 'Em

Slate it! Scene – Take – Roll Date: Sound: Production Co: Director: Cameraman: Drama - Comedy - Thriller - Romance . . . This is one hot scene that will be released inside the VDO Book Trailer (showing real-to-life actors and actresses). You’ll be amazed to see who's playing the characters of Nina and Marcus. In this role, will Nina play Herself? You don’t wanna miss out on viewing this blazing hot trailer.. Watch for a release coming soon to a “YouTube Channel” near you!

A Scene from the Past

The excerpt you've just read was what it looked like on our first date . . . while wining and dining together. That was way before “The Red Dress” scene which unfolds in an upcoming VDO Book trailer. If you’re not familiar with the VDO Books, you’ll wanna see this one! Don't wait for the trailer, read the story or listen to the audible version. And know . . . that toxic lifestyle once controlled me. Now, I’m the controller of toxicity! There's drama brewing inside the trailer . . .

What's Done in the Dark Comes to Light

Everything you do in life will bring consequences . . . either good or bad - positive or negative. Our choices determine our consequences. We each are responsible for our own choices; and we need to accept the consequences it renders. It’s been spoken, “You can run but you can’t hide.” And the same goes for those choices we make life, as well. Whatever actions you put out there just be ready to accept what comes back at ya.

A Myth or Truth

Even in its Biblical Times, the "Figs’ Derivative" was a treatment substance. Sure, its many components contain a powerful prescription for a variety of ailments, cancer included. Much of its medicinal value comes from having high levels of fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, and other nutrients. The study of this substance is widespread. One just needs to be diligent in seeking out the findings. And its end results would be amazing! So really, doesn’t eating properly make a difference? 1 Samuel 25:18 "Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs and laid . . . ."

A Life Renewed

The journeys we all must take them. Make the most of where you’ve been and how you’ve gotten there. Many valuable lessons are gained through that space we've called LIFE. When we make it through, a transformation takes place from a renewing of the mind. I’ve taken that journey ride (and may have others) the most memorable one is that day I ran on “empty.” I’ll never get over it, but I’m learning to get through it! Although I embrace those powerful vocals, memories resurface listening to the lyrics:'t+wanna+cry&v=QfG1qwl-Zho

We are all Storytellers

5.0 out of 5 stars Proud To Support Nina- Her writings are life changing! June 9, 2019 I purchased the book to be supportive of a phenomenal author. Little did I know it would offer me the support that I can harbor and share with anyone who finds themselves negatively impacted by toxic, relentless and overwhelming life challenges. My husband stated, " Nina" brings the "LIGHT" to all she encounters and it is TRUE! She is a strong woman that has shared her journey with us in order to help us keep pressing on when we are at our lowest crevices of life. Turning her pain into power to help others! - Way to go Nina! I could not put the book down until I had finished it. "Terms of Endearment ain't got nothing on "Not a BluePrint" This should be a MOVIE!! (I could feel China's presence while I was reading the book) About to curl up with your second book,"Mirror Mirror". Can't wait for the 3rd book to come out!!

Those Remembered

Surely, it’s hard to realize what to do without our loved ones – cause I’m confident we love them all so much. They were everything . . . the comings and the goings, the yesterdays and the tomorrows,and the happiness that life brings. Now, it appears this world has gone stark raging mad, turned upside down and inside out. When losing the ones we loved; seemingly, we’ll never get over their loss. We only learn to get through it. Regardless of how our #loved ones left us, their life on this earth was most precious, genuine, and beautiful. They’ve left behind a life filled with a world of memories, a mountain of tears . . . and their many gifts showered upon us. In actuality, those loved ones are our superstars, they are our heroes, and they are our soldiers, they are celebrities. Mostly importantly, they are our precious little angels who truly will be missed! Sleep on our angels, sleep on; we shall meet in the hereafter . . .

We Are Mothers

Oh Creator, yes, "Fill Me Up." As mommies, we nurture; we give birth; we recover from delivery; we endure so much pain; we learn to adapt to hormonal changes; we take care of our husbands/partners/mates; we oversee our household and all those that reside within. We (as moms) are so terrifically amazing! Sometimes we run on empty - but at the very least we run. What you don’t realize is that our shoulders are so weighted down with many, many tasks. But you wouldn’t know it; ‘cause we won’t complain! We don’t ask for much just respect who we are and all that we do and stand for. Did you know: when we’ve carried that growing life inside us, we (as a mom) . . . Grief can be an ongoing process - one may never get over the tragedy of its causes. But one can learn to get through it. Our courage and strength to fight for a comeback is awesome!

Pieces inside the Audible Book

Yup, told Y'all there’s a lot of toxicity spread about. Don’t believe it do ya? Just look around at what’s happening in society today. There so much toxicity it has crippled our environment and invaded our circle. Can’t be any different than what this scoundrel pulled inside this bubble. Black magic, voodoo spells, curses, disappearing acts, what’s next, huh? Perhaps, it makes you wonder what else is brewing inside this storybook. There’s other ways to find out about the “devil’s” work. You may prefer to just listen to its story rather than read it. And that’s possible too! Sara A. Morsey does a fabulous job with the narration. Remember, the voting on nominee RONE's Award (InD'tale Magazine) scheduled to begin 4.29th through 5.5th. Can we count on your vote?

A Message to the People

Let’s face it! With this broken and torn environment, we’ve been fighting battles for centuries. My battle fighting years occurred long before the wickedness of today’s happenings . . . in this society. As a wounded soldier, I’m a survivor! During that war, many of those soldiers and troopers I fought alongside didn’t make it. Perhaps, I was granted a return to stand-fast in my convictions. Hear me loud and clear “Engaging in toxicity is poisoning that spews out as a deadly weapon.” Attention, attention, ‘tis the calling of awareness – observe, listen, and take heed. I stand before you as a soldier who've survived! It's a war out there, is there a message you’d like to share with the people?

Toxicity Live and Kicking

As you’ve read inside this bubble, toxicity has been around for centuries. All these damaging and crippling effects didn’t just start existing . . . it’s only gotten worse. Toxicity is still live and kicking more than ever. Way back when, those toxic interactions were heavily brewing and striking hard when things went awry. There was no question, women knew what to do and was a “#force to be reckoned with.” When it came time for those emotions to erupt, that would be all she wrote. Their actions said it all! Of course, if you didn’t know about them-there-women, y’all best to ask someone . . . When #toxicity grabs you on the inside, no little time to let go of the hurt. Life seems rather simply when all you wanna do is strike out or find a way to strike back. Yes, you’ve pegged it correctly, I lost my “self-love” inside the bubble to have released so many ugly emotions and feelings. And that’s something no one should ever lose sight of . . . their self-love!

Hormones Razing

Part One of Two Beware! ‘Tis one in all women . . . Yes indeed, there’s a “B” inside us women. Since you’re aware of our other side, just ask yourself, “Do I really want to see her in action?” Be assured the end results wouldn’t be a charming picture. But it would become a most memorable moment. So watch out when toxicity strikes it ain’t nothing nice! There’s more coming stay tuned for part two . . .

Will the Real ? Step Forward

Ladies, don't let that #manly attitude fool you. He can still be toxic. Beware of what bubbles seeps out of this story. When looking closely on the outside with those eyes wide opened, you can readily see the disguised coming a ya. The inside characteristic is never what it appears to be . . . He was always attired in black, styling and profiling from head to toe. He stepped with confidence and swag, his posture straight and tall. He was gifted with those finely #tuned abs and biceps. . . .a chilled-out body language that #oozed calmness and a can-do, I’m-the-man attitude.

Can't Say You Wasn't Warned

As we are in the 25th day of this New Year, don't tell us you're still engaging in toxicity. Surely, you're aware of the dangers of those deadly interactions. Stop playing with fire you're bound to get burned. I urge you to get out of the frying pan while you can. The life you save may be your own. For you non-believers . . . Are you positive ya wanna follow this #bubble? Think about it careful . . . . ya liable to get #torched with a bottle of #toxic drama, mystery, #murder and suspense. Toxicity can be #contagious!

Time Spent Together

In the months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds ticked through time (and year 2018), there were loved ones who didn’t make it through to this New Year. Some died as a result of mass killings, some have taken their own lives, some died from toxic and deadly diseases, and some due to natural causes. Families, I fill every ounce of your pain, depth of your grief, and every level of your emotional sadness. I too have traveled the same path and down that same journey. You were everything . . . the comings and the goings, the yesterdays and the tomorrows, and the happiness that life brings. While losing the ones we loved; seemingly, we’ll never get over the loss . . . only learn to get through it. You, my loved ones, have my head spinning realizing life isn’t the same without you! Regardless of how our #loved ones left us they’ve left behind a life filled with a world of memories, a mountain of tears . . . and their many gifts showered upon us. In actuality, loved ones are our superstars, they are our heroes, and they are our celebrities. .

Writers Never Quit. Quitters Never Write.

Short stories . . . Novellas . . . Novels; whether fiction or nonfiction . . . Stories have been an essential part of our history for centuries, and scripted in various forms, e.g., on napkins, books, cave walls, inside bottle capsules, etc. Behind every tale of events, there’s a message told which leaves its reader with a trail of lessons to be learned. The essence behind this bubble: If you’ve not grasped a lesson from consumption of a story, then there’s something missing! Education is the key to awareness. As I write this bubble to share with you, somewhere out there a child just lost their life through this form of toxicity. I urge you to take time to educate our children on the interaction of bullying and save a child's life! This action has no place inside our space. If you agree, please share with others!

Season to be Jolly

Many years ago somewhere around a Christmas time, I was drowning in all the toxicity that invaded our little family circle . . . to upset our lives. It took years to overcome adjusting to holiday cheers. But time has a way of brightening the darkest of the hours. Nowadays, I give little energy when it comes to thinking of those horrifying days but the memories of the good life is always lingering. So 'tis the season to be jolly! Holiday cheers and wishes to you and your family.

Holiday Memories

With the Christmas joy upon us, it brings fond memories of those days gone by. As I sit reminiscing, I recall those days of becoming someone’s mommy. There I was with a life growing inside me. And wondering what the next Christmas would be like to hear the pitter-patter of little feet throughout the house . . . . To have a seed growing inside, it’s amazing knowing our bodies can withstand the pain of giving birth. Women you are powerful producers! Men you are powerful to have planted such a seed! This story is available in all three formats . . .

The Crowned Heart of Excellence Award

Have you heard about the breaking news? Then read on! Congratulations on the Crowned Heart of Excellence review your book received with InD'tale Magazine. What a fantastic accomplishment! It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to write a story of such caliber and you deserve this distinction. Enjoy it! Check out some of the verbiage the reviewer (Chelsea Andersen) had to say from InD’tale Magazine: Inspiration: Through a journey of love and loss, author Nina Norstrom goes through her life lessons, showing how to deal with challenges thrown in her path. Everything has the potential to develop into a toxic relationship, not just our relationships with people. . . .This is a great book for everyone who loves an inspirational true story. . . . Listen to the audible (on Amazon) to learn more from this link:

Knock, Knock . . . Treat or Treat.

This is the time of year I think heavily about mom and those good ole’ days when we’d dress up in our Halloween costumes. After going trick or treating, all six of us came back home, huddled in a circle on the floor (in our homemade costumes), poured all the candy out the bag in front of us . . . just to see who had gotten the most treats. We’d even try the sneaky scheme to grab a few extra treats from one another. Of course, that didn’t work! But before we could eat any of those treats, mom would say, “Don’t y’all kids eat any of that candy until I pray over it.” And after she’d gotten through praying, I knew that candy wouldn’t stand a chance of being contaminated, not even by the devil himself. Mom had a habit of giving out some looooooooooong powerful prayers . . . sometimes we’d even fall fast asleep waiting for her to finish. You see Mom was a praying woman, bless her sweet soul! You don’t have to flip pages to learn more about us kids. Just listen to the narrator (Sara L. Morsey) as she walks you through the journey: #Narrator #Audible #Growingup #Themtheredazes

What Just Happened?

I know he didn’t just do that! Told y'all there’s a lot of toxicity in the air . . . spreading like wildflowers. Don’t believe it do ya? Just look around at what’s happening in society today. There so much toxicity it has crippled our environment and invaded our circle. Can’t be any different than what this scoundrel pulled inside this bubbles’ storybook. Black magic, voodoo spells, curses, disappearing acts, what’s next, huh? Perhaps, it makes you wonder what else is brewing behind those pages. There’s other ways to find out about the “devil’s” work. You may prefer to just listen to its story rather than read it. And that’s possible too! Sara A. Morsey does a fabulous job in the narration of “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter” “A Journey Through Toxic Relationships.” #Narrator #Toxicity #World #Environment #Relationships #Emotions

Do You Know These Creatures

Nowadays, we just can't escape the element of #toxicity. It appears EVERYWHERE. It's even in their speech. Perhaps, that's why this character wasn't able to get out what he wanted to say without stumbling over his words. Best I can say about the creature in this bubble, "Liar, liar your pants on fire!" Don’t pretend you’ve never met any of these snakes. Surely, they’ve crawled their way inside your circle. You don’t have to flip the pages. Just listen to the voice of Sara L. Morsey as the story unfolds. #Yourtongueislikeasnake #Toxicity #Poisonous #Audibleversion

The Faces and Their Voices

Toxicity can come to us in its many disguises. We won’t recognize the face behind the mask until it is unveiled. We see those faces on a massive scale that’s seemingly a never-ending relationship. These relationships are not limited to . . . drugs, diseases, stressors, work-environments, battlefields, bullies, abusers, the list goes on. Their grip loves to befriend us where we remain in its control. And its effects of their exposure can cause a deadly outcome. We all have choices in life. The choice to remain controlled or become the controller of our own destiny. On a daily basis, these unhealthy relationships bring on lessons . . . lessons to be learned. When these lessons are exposed we need to take heed. Don’t ignore the flags that fly high as a kite. Through the years, I’ve come in contact with many people (myself and family included) who were inflicted by its power and destruction. My discovery has been some of us will hear the voices to help make it out, while others will hear the voices there’s no way out. Our storybook is even available in audible form. And you don’t have to flip the pages to embrace the journey. #Toxicityakiller #Powerfulanddeadly #Takeheed #Voicesinside


Parenthood can be such a wonderful and amazing experience. When growing up, one just doesn’t think about the task of taking on a parent ship role. #Parents are expected to be responsible and accountable, as we teach our children the many lessons life will bring. Our children are gifts from our Father above. HE even sends us these gifts without a name. So we have to name them, raise them, love and nurture them till they too find their way to adulthood. Yeah, there's joy in being a parent, whether acting as a mother or father. Life is just so full of wonders! Have you read what’s inside? Not a Blueprint: It's the Shoeprints That Matter

Step Back Toxicity . . . Heavy Load to Carry

One can carry as much weight, as they can handle. But they’ll need those big broad shoulders to drag mountains, valleys, and hills through the journey. Yet, the journey seemingly never ends  as toxic releases those ugly and unhealthy  toxicants. Did you know our story is available in audible format? You don’t have to read it. . . Just listen to the voice of Sara Morsey as she reveals all the pitfalls behind the toxic journey. It’s a journey that gives insight into an unhealthy world.   #Toxicityaworldofdarkness #Journeys

Groupie Dazes

I reckon. . . . Those were the good ole days, hanging out after work and on weekends. Gathering in the neighborhood lounge, sitting at the bar (drinking/smoking), and listening to one of your favorite hometown bands. You could readily hang out then and didn’t worry much about all that #toxicity brewing in the air. You even thought you saw Mr. Perfect’s eye, giving you that “sexy wink.” Amazing the things you’ll learn from the discoveries of another person’s journey! This storybook is even available in audible form. And you don’t have to flip the pages to embrace the journey. #Audibleversion #Toxicityjourney #Walkitnow #Groupies

Still Struggle to Avoid Toxicity?

Nowadays, we just can't escape the element of #toxicity. It appears EVERYWHERE. It's even in their speech. Perhaps, that's why this character wasn't able to get out what he wanted to say without stumbling over his words. The best I can say about the character in this bubble is "Liar, liar your pants on fire!" Really, does the toxicity in life ever cease? It just keeps growing, growing, and growing. Make you wonder huh, what's brewing inside this bubble? You don’t have to read it to enjoy it. Check out the audible version!

Someone to Love

Do these words remind you of someone you’ve grown to know, love, embrace, admire, and/or adore? Our Creator sends many beautiful people in our circle. There has been countless times I’ve found myself having flashbacks about these precious memories . . . I’m sharing. Whether it's for a moment, a season, or a lifetime, there’s a reason why their presence will be remembered. When a person comes into our life, we shouldn’t question the reason why. Just embrace it! The aftereffect (of their existence) gives a powerful meaning. Truly, I’m grateful and blessed for all who’ve embraced my life! The love you’ve given and shown will be everlasting. #Atimetorejoice #Preciousmemories

Say It Isn't So

There is no life without a relationship of some form or another. Don't believe it? Look around! To breathe brings a relationship with life. And when touched by a disease, its manifestation gives us a relationship with toxic invaders. So you think your life is the only one full of #toxicity? Think again! Toxic #relationships invade so many people. We're living in a toxic environment. A place where you can lose your self-love. You'd be amazed at the #bubbles that explode from behind these pages. Well, you don't have to read it! Just listen to it, narrated by the voice of Sara Morsey. A production of WriteLifePublishing. How sweet is that for a literary creation? #Life #Bubbles

I Tell Ya

Blieve me! Yes indeed, you heard right. Didn’t say believe me but “blieve me.” Blieve me, when I tell ya “never say never.” Those are words you’ll wind up retracting. I have lived to regret the day those words slithered from my tongue. And now, I’ve learned that one should never say never! We all must take a journey and there's no telling what path that journey will lead us down! Y'all best to keep blieving He's real and the power of His words are just as "real." #Neversaynever #Powerfulwords

Toxicity has always been a part of life. When it

Toxicity has always been a part of life. When it comes to the interactions of toxicity, we’ve inherited those sinful ways from our ancestors. And it’s not something that has just come into existence. This is apparent in the scene I’d encountered from the past. But there is a difference from then to now. The toxic interactions have become more widespread and more of the norm. So normal, it sprouts up like a blazing fire whenever it hits. Seemingly, there is no safe place to hide from its interactions. Not a day, hour, minute, or second passes without a life or lives being taken . . . as of toxic interactions. You don’t have to read it to find out what happened by the scenes . . . it’s available in audible format: #RRBC #Listentoit

My Summer Memory from the Past

Hopefully, our students are happily engaged in summer activities and the enjoyment of “No School.” Their summer break takes me back to when I couldn’t wait to get one of those “out of school” vacations. There was one summer incident in particular that comes to mind. Perhaps, I should have taken my normal out of town vacation; it may have made a huge difference (in the turning point of my life). That one summer month when I didn’t go to Chicago, is where it all began . . . a life changing experience. Truly, I’d crossed the line and entered a world of toxicity. ************** There are times we may expect our life to be written as a blueprint. But in reality, it will be the shoe prints that speak to our journey . . . where we’ve been and how we’ve gotten there! **************** As the story unfolds, it reveals one's emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual side of life. Did you know? You don’t have to read about it, you can listen to it . . . narrated by Sara Morsey. #Narrator #LifeExperiences #RRBC

A Life Worth Living

I’ve learned so many lessons along my new journey. Once having experienced an unhealthy lifestyle, I’ve changed those old ways of living. You know, one can change for the betterment of life. Being toxic doesn’t mean one has to remain inside that toxic space. Through those experiences endured, I was introduced to toxicity way back! I’ve discovered toxicity exist in many disguises not only people but drugs, illnesses, environments, battlefields, emotions, feelings, etc. But . . . Seemingly, toxicity has become a NEW wave of life. It is the effects of those interactions that have crippled today’s environment. Many innocent lives are taken senselessly by the hands and actions of those toxic people. The tragedy of it all they took a gift (i.e., our children, our husbands, our wives, our mothers, even our fathers, etc.) which was given by our Heavenly Father. Having robbed us, their thievery has left only memories of our loved ones’ presence. “Toxic people,” we curse you and all you stand for. May you find yourself begging our Heavenly Father to spare your life, while experiencing the painful hurt you’ve put us through . . . having taken a life that wasn’t yours to take! A life worth living. Your actions have tainted our world. available in audio format

Hormones on Fire

Toxicity has been around for centuries. All these damaging relationships didn’t just exist . . . it’s only gotten worst. Way back when, those toxic interactions were heavily brewing and striking hard when things went awry. There was no question, a woman knew what to do and became a “#force to be reckoned with.” When those emotions erupted, that all she wrote. Their actions said it all! If you didn’t know about ‘em there women, best to ask someone . . . Available in audiobook

Happy Father's Day . . . Near and Far

I once had a Dad. It was through his intimacy actions with Mom that brought me into existence. I looked up to my Father even though he lived an unhealthy lifestyle. He committed many toxic interactions . . . that affected my Mom. Dad, you did a lot of things that crippled our family which cause us to be dysfunctional. But that doesn’t take away the love I had for you. You were my father and I will always love you. Dad . . . Happy Father’s Day . . . wherever your resting place may be! #Father'sDay #Fathers #Dads

Childhood Dazes Brings Childhood Memories

Our #children are so precious, young and innocent. God has given us a relationship with them. They are God’s gift to us . . . parents (dads and moms). Children are the future Leaders of this universal world. As adults, we do all we can to guard and protect them. Wouldn’t it be a grand relationship to place a shield around their bodies? Relationships come in two styles: toxic and non-toxic. Toxicity is floating everywhere, even in the air we breathe! With what’s happening in the world today, we have to fight through a mass of toxic interactions. Stop and think about it . . . ‘tis was an amazing life living back in those childhood dazes.

Planting the Seed

It’s a gift to be able to reproduce a human life that grows inside another. This GOL (Gift of Life) is called Parenthood. A status that lasts for a lifetime. Think about it: The planted seed happens when one of the gentle bodily eggs we (female) have become fertilized and nurtured by our partner (male) to create a life. For the woman, the seeded, internal, developmental process growth begins. After the full procedure has ended, mom’s body muscles’ have expanded to bring to life a tiny seed. That small seed will blossom into what is known as a Newborn Baby. When that bundle arrives, mom soon forgets all the sufferance endured and lavishes at the moment . . . knowing she just delivered a precious little angel into this world, we call a “life.” Then, so shall Mom’s life change forever, recognizing another human being’s survival, existence, and/or growth is dependent upon them. Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, a nurturer, and a caregiver . . . “Mom you’re one heck of a woman.” You got to be pretty darn beautiful and powerful to do all this! Yes, dad, your contribution to this process for a life cycle makes you one popular and mighty person as well. Its conception could not have been possible without your seed donation!

The Innocence Within

Our children are so very precious. Yet, life just throws those ugly experiences in their path . . . Seemingly, toxicity has captured the lives of many innocent children for centuries. #Life #Innocence #Children

My Teacher and Educator

We can learn much from ones who take the time to teach us. With those lessons, we give back to others. It demonstrates what we’ve learned, and shows how much we care about those who taught us. This storybook is not only a path to my healing it’s a true dedication to the love of my life. #Worldwidelessons #Gifts #Learned

It's Your Day Mom

Mom, you were an amazing woman. When dad missed used and abused you, you’d put up with his deceitfulness and all the shenanigans he’d brought into our family. No doubt, he was a character and a piece of work. I must not forget, he was your husband who you adored and loved. Perhaps, that’s because you saw him through blinders. Mom, you suffered and endured so much. Now, it’s your day for us to salute you with love and plenty of hugs. . . Mom, Happy Mother’s Day! And a Happy Mothers' Day to all you loving and beautiful moms everywhere.

Saving Your Life

I learned about Christianity at a very early age. Through my journey I lost those Christian beliefs. There I was living a life of toxicity. And hiding behind all the darkness that toxicity brings. Although I gave up on Him, our Creator never gave up on me. I’ve been given so many blessings since I’ve found my way back to a life with Christ. The beauty of it all I can’t stop praising His name. If He can save me, it thrills me to say He can save your life as well. #ALifeworthsaving #HeLovesUs

The Pretenders . . . Devils in Disguise

When one has been wounded, life appears to be a mass of darkness, traveling on a lonely road. Something life is not and that is a bed of roses! Through many obstacles of challenges and struggles, life can feel like a bed of stick pins . . . spilling out disappointments and disconnections. It is that which demonstrates a testament to our strengths and weaknesses. Although we may think we’re weak, there are many occurrences that show our strength. When we’re blinded by what is real and that which is not, those emotional and traumatic relationships becomes a heavy burden to bear. So our faith is tested. Yet, we should never give up and trust our Creator. Stuck in a dark place, I’ve been down that journey of sufferance and healing. It was a huge process finding the way back to a level of living a healthy lifestyle. Now, available in audible format

Another Angel

I received news that another of our long-time friends has completed his journey here. The things he accomplished in this life have left us (all) with precious memories. There are many other beautiful angels (I’ve known) who have returned home from whence they came. I only wonder whose life this angel will save to earn his wings into those pearly gates . . . to where there’s no more suffering, no more meds, no more illness/diseases, no more killings, no more robberies, no more kidnappings, no more worries, no more hatred, and no more of those ugly things that we’ve inherited from our ancestors. ******************** My friend I salute you for all your accomplishments and the lives you've touched. May you Rest in Peace. #Angels #Wings #LifeJourney#RIP

It's a Kodak Moment

Bring out the cameras. Smile you're on candid camera! Kids say the darndest things. They are only little ones for a short while. The things our children do in their tender years embrace it and treasure it. Don't let those years pass you by!

Them There Dazes

Part Three of the Bubble from week 3/24/18 What can you #remember about the early 70s? More of the reviewer's feedback . . . Mandy was Nina's close friend (BFF) and had been separated from her husband. She was on public assistance and had two beautiful daughters. Being so close, the ladies shared a lot of their experiences about the men in their lives. Like that day when Nina's baby daddy, Craig, went out without her and how wacko she became, burning his clothes at the whim of the moment. What's sad about the ladies' relationship is that it ended tragically after Mandy was found murdered, a case of domestic violence by an estranged husband who didn't care that any of his under-age daughters would witnesses the murder. Sadly, this is the tone that runs throughout the book - one gleeful and carefree moment interspersed with a melancholic one. I was able to identify with Nina's book as it reflected a lot of the goings-on in my circle. I got to experience her frailty as a human. I felt her as she reached out and got disappointed by the men in her life. I felt for the beautiful child who would sit by the window looking out because it was her birthday and her father had promised her some gifts. . . .

The Blood of Jesus

It’s been stated that we’ve inherited a life of sin from our ancestors. There are many who have done more evil (in this lifetime) than good. And they keep repeating those ungodly sins. Has Satan blinded the minds of the unbelievers that they cannot see and recognize the precious gift Our Father has given us? Our Heavenly Father gave His only begotten son (Jesus Christ) so that we can have (eternal) everlasting life. He sent His son to pay the price for our sins; by dying on the cross. It was that blessing that we’ll live to see tomorrow. And through His giving there was a #resurrection. That alone proved to be a powerful miracle. The blood of Jesus Christ brought us so many blessings in this life. Through the journey, I’ve gain insight to those blessings. Sure, there were many, many #lessons learned along the way . . . among them was forgiveness (the most unforgettable and mentionable). Happy Easter to You All

Part Two of Previous Insight

Rated: 4 out of 4 stars! More of what the Reviewer (Quinto) had to say about the storybook . . . But rather, using an analogy of someone lost in the forest, it's imperative for the searcher to trace the lost person's shoe prints (trail) as they seek to find or help them. At times, the shoe prints may point to the searcher meaning that they are part of the problem or the cause of the problem. Anyhow, the searcher needs to have an open mind for possibilities whilst playing an active role in empathizing. Empathy is important because some of the issues at play are overwhelming for one person to handle, such as cancer, divorce, unwanted pregnancies, domestic violence and sexual promiscuity. Other themes discussed in the book are issues to do with faith, especially in a crisis, and family bonds. To elaborate further on the cliché I had earlier mentioned, it is said that we keep learning from others' experience so that we don't repeat their mistakes. The author has narrated her memoirs in a candid way. Stay tuned for more of this #reviewer's feedback in next week's bubble. Another new literary creation . . . coming soon an #activity guide releases October 1, 2018

A Reviewer's Insight

(Part One) A bit of insight one reviewer had to say about our journey . . . This review by Quinto has been published. Rating: 4 out of 4! The well known English cliché that experience is the best teacher is well exemplified in the book: Not a Blueprint: It's the Shoe Prints That Matter by Nina Norstrom. It's by far the most well-written memoir I have ever read from the point of view of the potential of a book's capacity to impact positively on its readers. This is because it's hard to read this work and not feel moved by its content. The aforementioned, are some of the fundamental questions that the book addresses. Reading her book heightened my perspective on the importance of not only giving timely advice but also offering a supportive structure to those encompassing physical, emotional, spiritual and mental turmoil. Focusing on the book title, it reflects so much on the theme of the book. It brings out the aspect of individuality towards approaching the theme and problem of toxicity in relationships. It recognizes that there is no one-size-fits-it-all kind of solution to the problem. . . . (Note: it was rather #lengthy I only shared part of it. The link will give more insight. Or just wait 'til next week.)

Nurturer or Nurturing

Caregiving is one of the biggest challenges you’ll take on in life. There are so many tasks that one must undertake and master to fulfill the position of a Caregiver. The #journey to this role can be an endless one and a heavy burden to bear. As a caregiver it is easy to forget about your own needs. Remember the saying, “Put your mask on first.” That is vitally important because how can you take care of another if you’re not taking care of self? Not everyone is capable of taking on the job of Nurturer or even knowing how to nurture. There are so many things to do and be accountable for. Can you identify some of these responsibilities? What expert advice would you say to a Caregiver? Just think about this and know . . .

It's that Time

With those Fathers/Daughters’ Dances in place, it’s a time for #festive events (dress-ups, entertainment, photo-taking, dancing, etc.). Schools everywhere will be having graduations as another way to engage in those celebratory moments. But for me, they bring back #memories from the past . . . some pleasant and some not so.

Taking Y'all Back

The #Feedback . . . By Yvonne Perkins positioned on / Format: Paperback This book was a great read it tells a story based on true life experiences, this book can easily be made into a movie that will help people realize that everyone has a journey they have to walk through in life and we are all connected. This book touch my heart, I can feel her pain you have to be a strong women to have endure so much. I highly recommend this book. *********** By Angela M. Dokos positioned on / Format: Paperback What a journey! I have cried my eyes out. I can't imagine overcoming some of the obstacles she faced. I'm afraid I could never be as strong as she is. I can only hope that I could forgive as she did. I am thankful for therapy and support groups that helped her get to where she's at today. I am most thankful for God helping her even when it didn't seem like it. This book is very touching. I'm glad she shared her Journey with us through this book. We can all learn so much from this.

Embrace those Cupids

With Valentine’s Day vastly approaching, I hope you’re embracing your #Cupid. As I think back, there once was a Cupid that walked and stood alongside me . . . through all that I was enduring. Life can bring you many ups and downs. Also, it can pick you up when you’re knocked down. And when your journey takes you on that rough and rocky road, you do need someone that has a strong shoulder to lean on. Through the tough years of sufferance, I’ve acquired many great lessons. Now, they are all tucked and stored away in my #survival kit! Mark your calendars for audio format (narrated by Sara Morsey) . . . coming 2018

The Cruel Things People Say and Do

Do we even care how the leashing of the tongue and one’s interactions affect another? It was back in time when we’d witness the effects of a few of those unhealthy habits. Seemingly, we’re living in those turbulent times and days were toxicity becomes the norm. There’s not a second, minute, hour, or day that passes where the likes of #toxicity doesn’t spew its venom. It’s everywhere now! Nowhere can we call a safe haven, not on our commute, our home, or our church. This is evidence in all the happenings . . . car-jacking; rapes; thievery from our churches; baby-snatchings; robberies from stores, banks, homes, persons-to-persons; mass killings; and the list rises daily. Are we living inside those last days our Creator once spoke of? It does make ya wonder. Come on people this is year #2018 it’s not too late to make a change! Coming soon Audio Version . . .

Memories . . . Is All of Me#2

Part Three of Two Regardless of how they left us, life on this earth was most #precious and beautiful. They've left behind a life-time of memories . . . and their many gifts. In actuality, those loved ones are our superstars, our heroes, our celebrities, they our legends. And truly are missed! Sleep on our angels; we shall meet in the hereafter . . .

Memories, Is All of Me

Part Three of One In the months, days, hours, and seconds that ticked by (from 2017), there were several loved ones who didn’t make it through to the next year. Some died as a result of mass killings, some died from those deadly diseases, and some were ja commonality of natural causes. Families, oh dear families, I fill your pain. I too traveled that journey. Hard to realize what we’ll do without our loved ones, huh? They were everything – comings and goings. All of me love you so much. We may never get over your loss, but we learn to get through it. You just have my head spinning and I realize life isn’t the same without you!

So Hard to Say Goodbye

Part Two of Three Coming from 2017 to 2018 . . . We lose the ones we love. Sure, they may be gone forever, but their #memories are embraceable! This past year, many have sat back and watched the #angels take their love ones home. Some many have been taken through the hands of toxicity and others of natural causes. As parents, it was our duty to nurture and protect. When things go awry and out of our control, we become helpless. Truly, that pain (at times) can be too much to bear. My prayers are with each and every family that has experienced this lost. Taking the journey into 2018 (without your love one), may your days be filled with peace. Yes, it is can be very hard to say goodbye!

Will Never Be Forgotten

As the year 2017 comes to a close, I think about all those sweet and beautiful #Angels that we lost to another life. Realizing they were on loan to us, I know their presence will never be forgotten. As a mother (a parent), I feel that #emptiness that lives inside, and that pain which reaps from those broken hearts. It is so very heart to let go. OMG, do I know the depth of the hardness! Surely, we break down and want to give up ourselves. Yet, I’ve discovered our Heavenly Father loves us enough that He sent them to shower us with their precious gifts. And whence He called them back home, He made sure they left behind an abundance of gifts to embrace. Our love and memories for them will be everlasting. Be assured, no one will ever rob us of that! RIP in peace all you little angels. The tears keep flowing but as the time passes they will lessen. Know your life here on earth will long be remembered. The years will come and go, but (Angels) you will still be in our thoughts and hearts. tube mariah carey I don't wanna cry


"Christmas, just ain't Christmas (without the one you love) . . ." The memories of those days are long gone but shall never be forgotten. It’s amazing the pain one endures to cling to life. The challenges we face paves our path for growth and successes. #Christmases still a time of happiness, joy, and family gatherings. Wishing you and your families a happy and joyous #holiday!

Don't Mistake the Devil for . . .

It's Sunday so beware! The devils will come to you in many forms and disguises. Don't be fooled by their . . . There’s no mistaken a devil in its flesh. You can dress toxicity up in many disguises. No matter how it appears, the toxic still remains. So when you step back and allow it to unfold, that devil is bound to be exposed. Those toxic body odors seeping from its actions are a stone dead giveaway. They’re like a magnet! But best ways to escape toxicity . . . avoid it head on and just stay away from it! #Sundays / #Devils / #Wash away

Wake Up!

As parents, we must learn to listen to our love ones' insight. Don't let our hearts speak for the mind. They're on the outside looking in while we're on the inside looking out. It took awhile. But, I had finally saw what they were seeing from the outside. Thanks for the wake up, my child. #Wake up / #Parents / #Blinded / #Self-love / #Self-worth

Alright Now!

Watch for these signs. “The Insights” are from the storybook. And great lessons learned from the journey. Yes indeed, working on my new book project. These are some of the “red” flags we’ll cover inside the guide. Does it sound like someone you know? Wait ‘till you see what’s coming down the tube. You may find yourself inside the guide. Coming soon . . . #Awareness #Activity #Self-love

Journeys Equate to Lessons

Truly, love can be blind. And with one lesson there’s always another . . . “Not everything that glitters is gold.” #Journeys we all must take them. When you walk that path, they’ll remain a part of the past and educate you in so many ways. Through one of those encountered experiences, I’ve learned to listen to my mind and not the heart! What lessons have you’ve learned through your journey? No need to share, just embrace it! The awareness of #self-love and toxicity: in audio and activity guide. Coming soon!!!!

The Biggest Part of Me

As you‘ve read, today’s bubble is just a one-liner. But it has such a powerful tone in all its ugliness. Since those days, I’ve come to realize that our past DOES NOT define our future. Through it all, I’ve grown mentally and spiritually. The biggest part of me . . . Yes, I’ve asked for “forgiveness.” And that was a huge part of the healing process. So many of us have a lot to learn through this #space we call #LIFE - as we learn, we grow. So keep growing! Coming soon #audio format and a workbook.

The Ugly Side of Life . . .

You think this world isn't toxic? Think again 'cause it has a label now. Nothing these people do amazes me. I’ve lived in the midst of that lifestyle for a many years . . . seeing the ugly side of how toxicity plays out. And when that venom spews your way, it can swallow you up with all its poison. If you think it's not real . . . just keep indulging yourself! It's #Raw, It's Real and It's #Ugly.

House Cleaning

True, my dad was a pistol to handle with his toxic behavior. Before, he left us; it was there he begged for “forgiveness” for his #tainted actions. Really, one just can't continuously do the same thing over and over and over and over. Their level of “forgiveness” diminishes greatly. N O W . . . . How does that old saying go, “Every Dog has their day?” One can only do so much damage to another before their number is chosen. It has never easy to get up and air one’s #dirty laundry. But when we keep our house clean, there’s nothing to hide under the carpet before company arrives.

Give a Gift for Life

Here's a reminder . . . With the battles we face warding off toxicity, there is an array of "Awareness Ribbons" to represent their causes. In the coming month, you may want to kick “Cancer” in its behind. There’s a walk to fight against it! So come aboard and join the cause to win the battle. Give a gift for life! Check out the ACS website to learn more about joining the team. #Battle /#Fight /#Journey

Gifts From Above

Parenthood can be such a wonderful and amazing experience. When growing up, one just doesn’t think about the task of taking on a parent ship role. #Parents are expected to be responsible and accountable, as we teach our children the many lessons life will bring. Our children are gifts from our Father above. HE even sends us these gifts without a name. So we have to name them, raise them, love and nurture them till . . . they too find their way to adulthood. Yeah, there are all kinds of joy in being a parent . . . whether acting as a mother or father. Life is just so full of wonders! Have your read what’s inside the rest of the story? #Parenthood #Gifts #Bundle of Joy

Toxicity . . . Ain't No Joke!

Toxicity has been around for centuries. All these damaging interactions didn’t just exist . . . it has only gotten worst. Way back when, those toxic interactions were heavily brewing and striking hard when things went awry. There was no question, women knew what to do and was a “#force to be reckoned with.” When it came time for those emotions to erupt, that would be all she wrote. Their actions said it all! Of course, if you didn’t know about them, there women, better ask someone . . . #No #Joke #A Force Reckoned With

Growing up and Taking Snapshots

Children are God’s gift to all parents. They are just life little #miracles and provide us (parents) with a world-wind of memories as they develop through life . . . from #baby to child all the way to adulthood. Thus book taps into the cycle of toxicity. And the many disguised relationships that are encountered. As we know, relationships are built on: people, animals, drugs, alcohol, diseases, work environments, emotions, life, religions, and battlefields. So the message reveals that life brings challenges and with each challenge there are lessons learned. The story itself, it’s about the shoe prints, those symbols of life journey that are left by our experiences. In these times, we are living in a toxic society . . . Seemingly, it's a world of toxins. Would you agree? #Society / #Relationships / #A World of Toxins

It's Your Life . . .

OMG! Are you too still clinging to that Toxic person of YOURS? Did you know you have choices? You don’t have to be in their presence, but that’s your life! You must be enjoying that toxic lifestyle he/she brings. So they’re always making promises, huh? Promises like . . . never hit ya again, no more name calling, or cheating on ya, ever again, and much more. Well, just keep hanging in there . . . ‘till you’ve had enough! And you’re wondering why your friends and family have isolated themselves from you. You need not wonder . . . it's crystal clear! #Love makes you do #crazy things.

Mother . . . A Praying Women

Yes, it’s Sunday again. Oh how, I miss those growing up days . . . recalling when we were a praying family. She taught us well. And . . . I still haven’t forgotten how to pray. With the toxicity happening in this world, I hope we ALL are sending out a little prayer. Seemingly, I’m praying more now, than ever. Lord, knows we need it! I call on HIM every day. How about you? #Prayers / #Sundays /#Toxicity

Ya Better Watch Out

When that #toxicity grabs you on the inside, there’s little time to let go of the hurt. The mindset is ready for a good fight or flight role. And life seems rather simple when all you want to do is strike out or find a way to strike back. There isn’t anything thing nice you can say about toxicity. Only that toxicity can be a cruel animal. So when it attacks, you best step away before it spew those #venoms in your direction.

His Vows . . . His Promises

Whatever happened to those #vows? I thought it would be everlasting, no one could’ve told me it wouldn’t! Engaging in any commitment takes plenty of #energy and work. And when you lack that effort, you get out what you put in. There are so many lessons we learn through life. And this was one of them. Can you recall your many lessons? Even so, we all may encounter broken vows and promises.

What's Going On?

What the heck are we doing? In this society, we just can't escape the elements of #toxicity. It appears EVERYWHERE. See it for what it's worth. Ask yourself: “Will the toxicity in life ever cease?” I’ll leave that question up to your judgment. Here’s my thought on that, “It just keeps growing, growing, and growing? I’ll leave you with that thought to ponder over!

Shoo, Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me

How many of us can actually remember those “Craig guys” . . . from back in the day? You see them now; you’ll wanna say, “They are the ones . . . .” Nope, I’m not going to tell you what I really want to reveal about them. I’ll leave you to fill in the blanks. It’s amazing, the lessons you can learn just from being in the “ole school” era. #Ole school / #Back in the day #Guys/#Slick/#Smooth Moves

Christian Values . . . It was preached and practic

Growing up, our parents were those old fashion churchgoers. Religion was one thing that was preached and practiced a lot throughout my #childhood environment. As children, we had to go to church. There were no second choices . . . no “ifs, ands, or buts.” In Mom’s house, Sundays meant church day and off we went to serve Him. By having a deep religious background, how could I’ve ever given up on HIM? Today, to think anyone could make that choice is in itself amazing! #Audio format coming soon!

Toxicity Shows Many Faces

Toxicity takes on many #disguises and appears in all forms and shapes. Remember, it’s never a friend. Toxicity will one day become the death of ya. It’s not just the actions of toxic people that can get the best of one another; toxicity can manifest in other styles to break ya down and cause ya #death. So whatever toxic activity you choose to engage in find the courage to walk away . . . ‘cause do you really want to become a statistic? Now, if you don’t care, stay and pay the consequences! As you see, toxicity is taking on all types of form inside this bubble. Stop! Don’t burst that bubble there’s more brewing . . . check it out in the next bubble!

'Tis Father's Day

Okay, this may be a repeated bubble from way back when. But I had to blow it up again . . . ‘cause it’s his day. And some of you may be familiar with this type of “Papa”. Dad you did it all, huh? That was your way and mom accepted it. Now, it’s your day for us to salute you . . . so to that I send you (my Papa) a “Happy Father’s Day Wish.” And wishing a . . . Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful dads . . . out there! #Daddy’s Day /#Father’s Day/ #Special Day / #Joyous Day

In Living Color

Oh really, he went there! It only takes those few words (or a sentence) to realize you’re dealing with someone extremely toxic. Believe them when they show you who they really are. Stay tuned . . . coming soon in Audio format/Spanish version and Book trailer. #black magic/#toxicity/#true colors

Enraging and Blazing Hormones

Beware! Yep, we (women) all have those . . . . Indeed, there’s a “B” inside us women. And Tyler Perry proved that in one of his past scenes. If you've not seen it, go back and check it out. Now, since you’re aware of our other side, just ask yourself, “Do I really want to see my woman in action?” Be assured the end results wouldn’t be a charming picture. But it would become a most memorable and #unforgettable moment. So watch out when #toxicity strikes ‘tis ain’t nothing pretty. Liar, liar your pants on fire! Stay tuned . . . coming soon an Audio Version and a Book trailer!

Embrace the Memory

Imagine all the work that goes into building a friendship then only to lose them to the hands of #toxicity . . . Life has a way of bringing people inside your circle . . . . I believe they are placed there for a reason even if just for a season. Although it has been many years, I still think of my best friend (Mandy) and the good times we shared. At least, I have her memories to embrace. I hope and pray her (now) adult children are faring well after having lost their mom at such a young age. The experience of losing a #friend is never easy to digest.

Do Miracles Happen????

I won’t forget what HE’s done for me. Where I came from or even how I’d gotten there. So I’m still preaching, shouting, NO praising about his glory to this day. How HE brought me from the darkness into the light. I no longer live in a world of darkness nor do I waddle in that tainted world of #toxicity. Wonder no more . . . #miracles do happen!

HE rose, He rose, He rose from the Dead

They #crucified my Savior and nailed HIM to the cross. But none is greater than THEE My Lord . . . “On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright,the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.” Then they remembered his words. HE has done so much for us. And this is how we show our gratitude and forgiveness for our sins . . . through a war of #toxicity . . .?

Talk about Toxic . . .

Ladies, don't let those #manly attitudes fool you. He can still be toxic. Not only will you recognize the “red flags,” the scent of their poison is a dead giveaway. When that toxicity starts spewing out it’s venoms,the smell alone is great enough to drive you away. #Drama/#Lies/#Murder/#Cheaters/#Relationships Lair, Liar, your pants on fire . . . Look for the book trailer coming soon!!!! . . .

Praises and Shout Outs

Going to church on Sundays were a big part of family gatherings . . . in our tender years, as siblings. There would always be one service after another. I can recall the words of Our Father. HE said, “If you follow me, I’ll walk with you all the way.” So when my shoe prints took that journey and lost my faith, I felt very alone. But a lesson I learned was that HE actually never left me. ‘Cause I discovered that one set of prints which I had seen it was HIS . . . HE carried me (us) through the journey. So, Mommy and Daddy, thank you for introducing me to this person . . . “Our Father.” And for that I shout out HIS name! miller foot prints in the sand

A Deep Emotional Feeling

To all those who’ve loved and loss . . . We can love so deeply. But when the ones we love leave us, it becomes difficult to say our #goodbyes#farewells. Yet, this poem pours it out in such beautiful #words . . . spread across those pages. Loving a husband, son, daughter or any family member can bring on a feeling of broken heartedness. Do you agree? If so, share and share . . . tweet it, face book it, or email it. Sharing is caring and caring is sharing!

Reflection Of . . .

Life is so full of #journeys and the many lessons we learn along the way. Some of us take those journeys but never to return. Perhaps, we get stuck over there and just can’t find our way home. Truly, when we make it through, that’s a blessing and the work of our Maker. HE alone will find ways that make us feel nurtured. Then, we can sit back and reflect on the many things life has afforded us to experience. Reflecting back . . . At that low period in my life, it was Minnie’s VOCALs that took me to a place of nurturing. Hearing her hit those octave notes was a breath of freshness. #reflection/#journeys/#life riperton memory lane

A Piece of the Past

So glad I don't do drama no more. I had my fair share. But this was a scene from my past . . The start of the Stevie Wonder song “Ribbon in the Sky” was my cue to come out of the bedroom. As the music played, I gracefully walked to meet my husband-to-be. Yes indeed, those were pieces of our marriage vows. But, are you positive ya wanna follow this particular #bubble? Think about that carefully . . . . ya liable to get #torched with a bottle of #matrimonial drama, #toxic poison, mystery, #murder and suspense. Now, if you decide to hang in there and see it coming your way, you’ll wanna say: “Toxicity, stay away from me. You’re #contagious! A pale of drama all played out inside an upcoming book trailer. Okay, not this one but one close to it. Stay tuned!

I Once Did That

Wow! I’m presenting this bubble because . . . When I saw the release of my book trailer (yesterday/2.25.17), this was one of the scenes exhibited. There I was in my sexy red/black mini dress when Marcus decided he wanted to rip it to shreds. He just didn’t know and realize . . . I am my daddy’s child! Those raw emotions that ran through my body wasn’t a pretty sight! Oh well, that was the past. This is now and I’m done with them there toxic ways. All I can say is: “Stay away from me #toxicity, you’re contagious! #drama/#emotions/#relationships/#book trailer

Lessons Learned

There is nothing beautiful about #toxicity. When engaging in toxic relationships, take off the blinders. And see it in full color! So from Chapter 6, embrace a bit of insight . . .

Fight or Flight?

With all the unhealthy interactions going on, we are truly living in a toxic environment. I’ve been there and done that . . . way before experiencing the raft of today’s society. Yup, told ya’ll there’s a lot of toxicity spreading around. You don’t believe me, huh? Just look around at what’s happening inside and outside of your circle. Can’t be any different than what I encountered back in the day. Have you read about what this scoundrel pulled inside my bubble? #Black magic, voodoo spells, witchcraft, what’s next, huh? Perhaps, it makes you wonder what else is brewing inside my storybook. Don’t be amazed at what you’ll see coming on you-tube with the book trailer (soon to be launched). There was so much drama going on back then. I was always putting out one fire after another. Shucks, there were those who’d say that I was always starting them there fires. Just can’t tell reveal it all now. . . guess you’ll have to wait and see how it all unfolds.

Wake Up and Recognize . . .It's Here to Stay

Life is all about learning lessons. Every experience we take brings on a new lesson. Life has taught me so many new and rewarding lessons. And I humble myself to these new experiences. The journey I walk now is all about sharing that which I’ve learned. ’Cause when we can share with one another, it shows we care. Today’s environment is so full of toxicity. You may not want to recognize it for what it is. Just look around . . . . Do you see the reality in that which you’re viewing? It's real and it's #contagious! I’ve walked that path of toxicity many, many years ago. Little did I know that you and all others inside this tainted and unhealthy world would experience a journey I once took. And when I walked, I thought I was all alone. But it was HIS footprints I saw in the sand. miller footprints in the sand

The Effects of the Poison

When toxicity is spewing in the household, our children grow up in that tainted environment. You think it can’t affect them? W R ON G!!!! The effects it has can be very damaging and critical in so many ways. The toxicity seems to #poison their fragile child-like minds and even creeps into their lifestyle . . . in those adult years, infesting all the way to their adulthood. You shouldn’t be amazed when they do what they do. Step back and look at what they were taught as a child! Remember, you heard it here. But, they were taught in their family environment. Don’t worry why our children travel down the wrong path. Seemingly, It’s the environment they’re in! Give it up and show them a better way . . .#poison#environment#children

Damaged Goods (Corrected)

(A continuation of last week’s bubble 1.15, and with more excerpts included) . . . You may not wanna hear or face the fact "toxicity" is here to stay. Just because it’s got that ugly word “toxic” attached. There's way too many people whose lives are being taken senselessly (by the likes of toxicity). So don’t clench up your body. It’s not the word that comes at you. It’s those interactions you should be afraid of. You may think it’s the people who are only ones full of toxicity. . . W R O N G, wrong as two left shoes. Toxicity wears many mask . . . go back to work and look at that environment, go to the doctor and let them tell you, “you have a disease,” go get checked into an abuse center for alcohol or drugs, go get checked into a mental illness center, and let your mate keep kicking your behind up and down Central Park. . Trailer coming soon!

Damaged Goods3

(A continuation of last week’s bubble 1.15, and with more excerpts included) . . . You may not wanna hear or face the fact "toxicity" is here to stay. Just because it’s got that ugly word “toxic” attached. There's way too many people whose lives are being taken senselessly (by the likes of toxicity). So don’t clench up your body. It’s not the word that comes at you. It’s those interactions you should be afraid of. You may think it’s the people who are only ones full of toxicity. . . W R O N G, wrong as two left shoes. Toxicity wears many mask . . . go back to work and look at that environment, go to the doctor and let them tell you, “you have a disease,” go get checked into an abuse center for alcohol or drugs, go get checked into a mental illness center, and let your mate keep kicking your behind up and down Central Park.

Chapter One

Part 2 of (today's bubble) Okay, don’t take this bubble seriously; you can dismiss it if you wanna, sleep on it, pass it by or whatever your choice. But when you get zapped up, remember you heard it first-hand. You may not wanna hear or face the fact "toxicity" is here to stay. You can't say that I didn’t warn you! Now, you may have some “damaged goods” in your circle. Have you checked that out lately? If you want to be a hero, spread the word. . A companion (guide) to this story soon, a work-in-progress for 2017 Keep looking for the book trailer . . . coming your way! #danger/#damaging/#destroy/#wipeout/#toxic/#poison

"Damaged Goods"

It shouldn’t amaze anyone why Chapter One was given the titled: “Damaged Goods. Shucks, toxicity has been a family curse for years. I’m still wondering how come Dad’s middle name wasn’t “Toxic” . . . he wore that title well. By golly, he was a “pro” when it came to waddling in it. Many of you are just now becoming introduced and exposed to the likes of toxicity . . . even its crippling effects. What a shame! I know how it can break ya down . . . been witnessing it for years. Through the grace of Our Maker, I found my way out. Don’t think that you’re exempt from it reaching your circle. By the time this world finishes crumbling, we all will become affected by its poisonous venom. You can run but you can hide. Just be armed with protective gear when it comes your way . . . A companion (guide) to this story soon, a work-in-progress for 2017 Keep your eyes out for the book trailer . . . coming your way! #danger/#damaging/#destroy/#wipeout/#toxic/#poison

Lasting Effects

I can only imagine the emotional trauma and devastation this could have caused a child in those tender years . . .finding her mother murdered! So young, so fragile, and so likely to develop emotional issues (anxiety, mood swings, substance misuse, etc.). To this day, I still wonder how Cindy is coping with such an early childhood experience. Shucks, the memories surface in my mind from time-to-time. Somethings are not so easy to wash away in a lifetime. This too can be a long life effect. How would you cope with this happening inside your circle? Surely, it's not taken lightly! #murder#toxic#childhood Coming soon . . . a companion to the story.

God has a way of making us all humble . . .

When a mate is submissive in relating with their partner, don’t let their passiveness blindsight you. ‘Cause when they’re feed up with your drama and toxicity crap, you best to back it up and watch out! Anything is bound to take front and center stage. You’d be amazed at what might drop from above to bring ya down to your knees. Be careful what you ask for . . . you just might . . . Truly, #God has making us humble under to Him! Coming soon . . . a companion guide for this story!!!!!!!

On this Christmas Day . . .

I gift this poem to all the Little Angels we’ve loss (for the many years) due to the likes of @toxicity. Your presence in our life (here on Earth) will greatly be missed. And your memories will be everlasting! May God bless and keep US safe as your beauty lives on. To know we’ve lost you thorough such tragedy, our lives will never be the same. But, on this Christmas Day, we send you plenty of Hugs and Kisses! Just know we had so much more to give . . .

We May Walk in Blindness But We Must Live in Faith

“Life has a way of making us regret our choices.” I for one can witness that statement. Thinking about my bitter ways in doubting our Father and all He has done for us, that was nothing but the #toxic side of life. When I speak to Him now, I’ll find myself asking for His forgiveness. And with all the unhealthy actions happening in our world today, I can only pray that He forgives us all!

Holiday Blitz . . . When Life Repeats Itself

It’s that time of the year again! Those darn holidays can be joyous for many, but then for some ‘tis not quite as joyless. Holidays, birthdays, weddings, graduations, and celebrations . . . ‘tis time of the year we tend to miss our loved ones. I think about my sister and her loss, my loss, and all the other parents whose precious loved one has gone home to get their wings. Looking back through the stages of life . . . I can remember when our house was filled with that holiday #blitz of giving, giving, giving, laughter and cheers. You’d think one has gotten use to living without. Nope, no matter how long of a gap exist there’s still that piece inside that longs for their presence. They are so precious . . . our little #angels who touched our lives with their special gifts. Their presence shall NEVER BE FORGOTTEN and forever will be a part of our memories. Still it's a time to rejoice . . . this ole world is so seeded with toxicity. Knowing they're in a better place than you or I brings peace..

It's More than One Day

Giving thanks is not just ONE day it's everyday . . . Truly, we have so much to be thankful for. And just need to bow down and tell HIM how #grateful we are. This shouldn't just be for Thanksgiving Day. It needs to be a daily prayer. Just count your blessings! I know I can't count mine . .. I don't have enough fingers or toes to count on!

What The . . .?

Are you positive ya wanna follow today's #bubble? I suggest that you thoroughly think about it carefully . . . ya liable to get #torched with a bottle of #toxic drama, mystery, #murder and suspense. Okay, there are lessons that can be learned as you travel through it all. But, when it's all said and done, you may elect to stay away 'cause we all know what's behind those doors . . . TOXICITY IS #CONTAGIOUS! Coming soon . . . Workbook Activity Guide

Mom . . . the Superwoman

It’s a gift to be able to reproduce a human life that grows inside another. And this GOL (Gift of Life) is called #Parenthood. It’s a status that lasts for a lifetime. There’s no greater joy, no greater moment, no greater event, and no greater gift. But when that precious gift comes your way, it can be one of the joyous journeys a mom will ever experience . . .via walk, hike or take. Just think about how it is that: a Mom’s body muscles’ can expand to bring into life a tiny little seed that has blossom into that of a newborn baby. When that bundle arrives, mom soon forgets all the sufferance endured and ravishes in the moment . . . knowing she just delivered a precious little angel into this world, we call a “life.” Then, so shall Mom’s life change forever, recognizing another human being’s survival, existence, and/or growth is dependent upon them. Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, a nurturer, and a caregiver . . . “Mom you’re one heck of a woman.” You got to be pretty darn beautiful and powerful to do all this! Mom, you give Superwoman a new meaning . . .

Down Memory Lane

When I sit back and think about my life and the journey I’ve walked, I can recall that moment as if it was yesterday. Thinking when I accepted that ring, it would be for a lifetime. Now, I wonder: Is there anything in this world that last a lifetime? If so, how long is that lifetime . . . a minute, a second, an hour, a day, a month, a year, a decade, a century, or #forever.? I know a lifetime can mean from birth to death. Then I ask, does Forever really mean forever?

Walk With Me

The shoe prints says it all . . . I spoke about these deep TOXIC #emotions yesterday at my book event, Saturday, 10.22.16. I was amazed to discover I wasn’t the only person in attendance who once harbored such hazardous, raw, crippling, dangerous, poisonous, ugly, evil, dark, demonic, fiery damaging, dangerous, hateful, ______________. Well, that one word carries so many negative adjectives there’s no doubt of what is being described here. Guess, you’ve just had to have been there and walked the journey to embrace the moment.

It's a Boy NO It's a Girl!

More Love, More Joy, More Happiness . . . We all have journeys where life will take us. No one will remain journey-free! While our #children are inside that circle, life can seem so meaningful, joyous, happy, and #precious. Today, another angel was born. So another life was created. And I say to that Mom and Dad “Embrace the love you three will share and know life can bring much joy and happiness.” Journeys will come and go. But may those memories last forever.

Living Inside the Topic

Yes, that's the cover page and title of my book. But have you realized we’re living inside the topic, every day? Surely, you’ve seen how our world is so contaminated (infected) with #toxic interactions. Seemingly, each awakening day, we’re on the battlefield fighting a war. Where there’s good against evil, fathers against sons, mothers against daughters, drugs against diseases, nations against nations, and the list goes on and on. Life is just so full of relationships. And #unhealthy ones at best! So, there’s no better way to say it than “Our world is on fire!” But isn’t that how our last days are to be . . . first the flood and then the fire? Think it about! I’m trying my best to get it right this time around. Are you? Self-love can mean so much . . . BTW, there will be a workbook activity guide coming soon!

Journaling . . . A Path to Therapeutic Work

The hurt the pain . . . the raw emotions . . . Journaling is an art with a facet of terms . . . journal writing, journaling, expressive writing, therapy writing, and dairy keepsake. Often times, we are not aware there’s beauty in #journaling? But when we take on that process we’re reaching into an emotional and physical pipeline to wellness. From another approach, we can look at journaling as a vehicle used to express emotions and step into the past, present, and future. While going through my journey, there was so much #raw emotions buried inside . . . even the medical drugs couldn’t break the barriers to relieve the pain. Through it all, I’ve discovered a wonderful and beautified prescription . . . and that’s Journaling. The healing that I gained (from it all) was most rewarding . . . Truly, I can say I’ve reached emotional wellness. Henceforth, it’s all about nurturing my thoughts, feelings, and behavior - to become aware of my own emotions. And these emotional feelings are healthy ones. So healthy that I’m able to embrace satisfying relationships while achieving positive self-esteem and enjoying life despite its many outright challenges.

A Devastating Moment In Time

This was one day I'll never forget . . . Going to the doctor has it many disappointing #moments. And this just happened to be of those unforgettable scenes. What a day it turned out to be . . .one heck of a pill to #swallow! There are many pills our doctor prescribes to us when we come in for a visit/an illness. But this "one" pill became bigger than the #stomach could dissolve . . . To this day, I'm still trying to swallow it down.

Ain't nobody I know. . . or is it?

Have you’ve ever experienced that raging moment of #toxicity? Hope you’ve never gotten there. Life is way too short to give anyone that much of one's energy. Yet, life goes on for them while you're drowning in those raw #emotions . . . of hate and anger. When you’ve faced the realization of it all, many wasted years have passed you by. Moving from the past to the present . . . When the healing has taken over, you can talk about it . . .

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly . . . that’s life!

Life is so full of lessons, wouldn’t you say? Seemingly, we just haven’t lived without taking a journey . . . at least once in life. I’ve learned a many lessons while traveling through my journey. And what a powerful learning experience that has been! I would have never imagined my life in such turmoil (and so unhealthy) . . . had I not taken that walk. Truly, so many of us will take that journey. Yet, many may never return; perhaps, they'll just get stuck inside their #journey. For those who come back and recognize the lessons put forth them that'll speak to volume! If you’ve ever been on the other side, you’ll know life brings out the good, the bad, and the ugly. But isn’t that what life is all about? Sharing is caring! . . . Care to take that #dare?

An Unspoken Journey

Many of us have taken that unspoken journey . . . Yet, we’ll dare not expose where we’ve come from or where we’ve been. Understandably so, no one wants to admit that their #tainted and damaging lifestyle had gotten the best of them. One thing for sure there is love in sharing . . . sharing is caring. It can be so beautiful when we care about others as we do ourselves, enough to want to break through that wall of silence, trapping us inside that darken world. Believe me when I walked that trail, it was so dark all I’d seen was darkness. Not even a smidgen of daylight passed through my narrow path. There was a time I can remember drowning my sorrows in a bottle of booze and wanting to wash away all the hurt and tragedy that life had bestowed upon my family. Drifting back to those memories it was there . . . where I often sat back to embrace the words of Mariah’s beautiful melody, “I Don’t Wanna Cry.” don't wanna cry youtube

From Whence I Came

So much has happened through my journey and returning from whence I came. There are times now when I’ll just sit back and easily relive those precious and endearing moments. Yes, there were lots of heartaches traveling that journey. But there is never nothing refreshing about living amongst unhealthy relationships. But isn’t that what makes up this space we call a “life?” We’re living inside this topic . . . “Not a Blueprint It’s the Shoe Prints that Matter,” “A Journey Through Toxic Relationships.” Seemingly, every day, each and every day, we awaken there’s a loved one or some precious little angel whose life has been taken senselessly and selfishly. The interactions of toxicity appear to be invading our circle and crippling our surrounds. For me, this here life is like reliving inside those unhealthy relationships, all over again. But the beauty of (this time around) is that I’m in a much better place, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. HE has brought me from the darkness to the light. Most importantly, I’ve regained my faith and belief in our Maker and our Protector. That has helped tremendously! So when I feel an urge, I’ll just tune in and embrace the lyrics of her sweet melody. for minnie riperton down memory lane

That Epiphany Moment

(Continuation of 8.14.16) "Life's a journey; it’s not just a destination." I speak to this statement from experience, gaining the knowledge that everyday life brings on new lessons. Take that joy and embrace your walk through the journey. ********* Through my journey, I’ve discovered that trust, honest, and compassion brings out the #beauty in relationships. Returning from the darkness into the light, I see the beauty in life . . . readily recognizing when #relationships are healthy or unhealthy. ‘Cause Lords knows HE's shown me my share of the toxic side of life.

A Piece of the Beginning

Part One of Two This is a two-part topic . . . Yes, that piece of a life was only the beginning leading toward a world of toxicity. And there’s nothing sweet about its lifestyle. Living a life of #toxic relationships can only be a road to disappointments and so many other unhealthy . . . . It's readily easy to embrace if one has walked the journey. With the #beauty of these relationships, there are lessons learned. And journeys we all must take them! I don't know anyone who will be exempt . . . journey-free. Do you? Stay tuned for the conclusion of this excerpt . . . Coming Soon!

Men . . .Whatcha Gonna Do With 'Em?

#Men, are they really creatures of habit? Or is it that their activities are just habitual? We can’t live with them. And, seemingly, we can’t live without ‘em. So you tell me, “What the heck is a woman to do?” But I'm certain . . . . Back in the day, our #Papa wasn't the only "Rolling Stone" of a father figure.

Looking for "Mr. Right"

Was there no such thing as “Finding #Mr. Right?” Perhaps, I was on one of my impossible missions . . . I never found him! Surely, there is only one I know of who holds the role of perfection. Unfortunately, HE is taken by many. You may know HIM as Our Maker, Our Creator. So, does Mr. Right really exist? ‘And it isn’t the one on earth.

Ole' School . . . Back in the Day

Ole school popping and rocking in the house, shucks I was all on the scene. You didn’t know I was a groupie back in the day, huh? Well, that’s what I was labeled. And those were the days . . . then music was popping and rocking. From the ole school music, a lot of lovers found their mate and got their groove on. Listening to those sweet and gentle lyrics, you couldn’t help but make a love connection. The 70’s was oh so sweet and loving. To this day, I still embrace those ole school tunes. How about you? But I must confess: I’m no longer considered a groupie. Plus, it’s way too toxic to hang out at those bars. Times have surely changed. Don't you think, so? There's lots more behind those pages. Don't believe me, check it out!

Them There Teen Years

The teen years are those tender years. They bring out much of the past that affects our future. So in the adulthood don’t look to go back and erase the pass . . . it is what it is. ‘Cause once #filtered into the environment, there it remains.

Living Inside Toxicity

Yes, Dad was “Damaged Goods” during his existence in this life. And I'm sure he was not the only male species. Nor did his actions cripple the love I had for him. In his world, being toxic was a way of LIFE. Perhaps, that's why I named Chapter One, "Damaged Goods." It was a good fit. But I still miss him so. Does that seem crazy or what? Apparently, some of his traits (the #toxic side) found its way into my circle. 'Cause during my years of romancing, it was the only type of men I seem to attract. So you see, life is not always that bed of roses, you dream of!

Deception of Vows

"Life is a journey, not a destination." Even in our youth, there are events from our #past we step into that can change our lives forever. Truly, this was one of those moments. Any #regrets, huh?. Well, there’s been some I must admit! You may want to check out the story to see where it all lands . . . ‘Cause we all will take a journey in lifetime and this was mine, part of it anyway!

Papa a Rolling Stone!

Dad you did it all, huh? That was your way and mom accepted it. Now, it’s your day for us to salute you . . . so to that I send you my wish, “Happy #Father’s Day to You” It's never too late to salute you . .

Forgiveness. . .

The things they do to us. Unhealthy actions can spew from either side. The things we women tend to endure in a relationship (regardless of what type it is). We put up with so much from our #men. Sometimes it makes you wonder is it worth it all! ‘Cause really we can do bad all by ourselves. We don’t need any help with that!


As authors, we tend to give #tribute to those who have found a special place in our hearts. And during the writing of this piece so it was! And so shall that love live on . . .

A Killer in Our Midst

Sorry: You had to read the excerpt broken in pieces. It just wouldn’t copy properly to the site. Anyway, it’s readable. Now, for the insight . . . I did a #horrible thing by not telling all I knew. Yep, there was guilt lagging over my shoulders, afterwards. Now, I look back and can see the error in my actions. Of course, it’s always best to #FESS UP!

A Dangerous Place

Does one toxic action deserve a reaction? The place I’m in now . . . I don’t think so. Had that question been presented in my toxic lifestyle, its answer would be a lot different. Really, who are we to give a punishment? We just don’t have that kind of power. Leave it in HIS hands, those who do wrong must answer to our #Marker. Can YOU say the same for those toxic elements that crept into your circle? I would hope so. In a flash, you must move away from it. No RUN 'cause it can be very damaging! Tainted elements (in any form) are poisonous. They bring you to the point where one can hardly breathe . . . making inhaling difficult. You know!


"You took me there Mariah where I didn't want to go. Yet, through your lyrics and vocals, I found comfort as you eased the pain." I was in that world where everything appeared so doomed! A place that was shadowed by a mass of toxicity. Reliving the #memories . . . it's a world where I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to travel. Life is so full of #stuff (the good, the bad, and the ugly). But isn't that what life throws at us: obstacles, struggles, challenges? It all boils down to taking that J O U R N E Y. And mine was a journey full of tainted relationships. Through it all, there was this shining light and I found my way home.

Taking on . . . Parenting

Parenthood can be such a wonderful and amazing experience. When growing up, one just doesn’t think about the task of taking on a parent ship role. #Parents are expected to be responsible and accountable, as we teach our children the many lessons life will bring. Our children are gifts from our Father above. HE even sends us these gifts without a name. So we have to name them, raise them, love and nurture them till they too find their way to adulthood. Yeah, there are all kinds of joy in being a parent . . . whether acting as a mother or father. Life is just so full of wonders! Have your read what’s inside the rest of the story? It’s been released and available to enjoy the #read!

Out the Frying Pan into Skillet

Yep, you can leave one bad relationship. Only to #bound into another. Now what sense does that make? So, when you’ve been there, and #done that . . . time to move on. Does that sound like something you've done? Or someone you may know? They're out there for the knowing!

An Emotional Experience

With all the #damaging relationships, life brings our way, death can be a painful and emotional experience . . . when losing a loved one. Regardless of how toxic they were themselves. Dad took the stage when it came to tainted #relationships! You'd have to read it to know . . .

What Goes On

What goes on in the household stays in the household. Anyhow, it’s what we were taught. And he called himself a #Christian. Yep, we were reared with Christian values. But the actions of his violent ways spoke differently. The #dysfunction of it all can be too much to harbor. Releases Tuesday, April 5th

Line of Fire

Growing up in a Christian environment . . . Had he really practiced what he preached? There was so much friction going on inside. It’s a wonder we survived our #childhood.

Daylight turns to Darkness

Coming at you in all directions . . . When you’re sucked in by one level of tainted emotions, it’s so easy to become swallowed up by another degree of damaging relationships. #Toxicity has a way of turning your life inside out and upside down. At that point, it seems impossible to escape. So you tend to find an “out” inside the bottle. When that happens, the cycle only continues, and #daylight turns to darkness. There's more coming April 5th

Glory Day

Religion, it was preached and it was practiced . . . Growing up, our parents were those old fashion churchgoers. Religion was one thing that was preached and practiced a lot throughout my #childhood environment. As children, we had to go to church. There were no second choices . . . no “ifs, ands, or buts.” In Mom’s house, Sundays meant church day and off we went to serve Him. By having a deep religious background, how could I’ve ever given up on HIM? Today, to think anyone could make that choice is in itself amazing!

The Power of . . .

The power of prayer. Amazing! With all the #toxicity experienced, I found the time to give thanks to my "Father," for being us through each day. You think He doesn't hear ya. But He hears and sees all you do. Releases April 5, 2016

Who is . . . Mr. Right?

Mr. Right, is there even such a person? Looking for Mr. Right you're bound to wind up finding Mr. Wrong. Seemingly, all that #glitters is not gold. Not only back then (but nowadays) #toxicity is stirring up everywhere. And it's something that can be stated for marriage. Coming April 5, 2016

His Fight Lives On

Martin Luther King strived to achieve #equality in relationships and to wipe out the toxicity. There are two styles of #relationships: toxic and nontoxic. See what’s brewing inside this bubble as both styles unfold Coming April 5, 2016 . . .

Who Are They Really?

Yep, beware! Men are they really #creatures of habit? Or are they just . . . . Thinking they can crawl their way in and out of relationships. Nope, not really being a man #basher ‘tis just making a discovery. Coming . . . April 5, 2016

God Works in Mysterious Ways

"Ask And Ye Shall Receive" Yep, there are women who become submissive in their marital relationships. But don’t let their passiveness fool you. ‘Cause when they’ve had enough of the #toxicity crap, anything is bound to happen. Watch out! There’s no tellin’ what might fall from above to bring a mate down to their knees. To be released April 5, 2016

Toxicity Long Gone

Well, this is the last day of a year end. In few minutes, 2015 will be a thing of the past. As the New Year vastly approaches and I was granted a wish, I would wish that toxicity stays in 2015. For the New Year, may we all live with #Peace, Joy, #Love and #Happiness. More coming April 5, 2016.

Precious Memories

Holidays, birthdays, weddings, graduations, and celebrations . . . those are the times of year we tend to miss our loved ones, deeply. They are so precious . . . our little #angels who touched our lives with their special gifts. Their presence will forever be a part of our memories. Yet, as we embraced their presence, it's hard to accept they're only on #loan to us. Coming April 5, 2016 Pre-orders available

I Know You Didn't!

I know he didn’t try that one! What the heck? Did he just try to #punch my lights out? Really, that’s how all the #toxicity gets spewing, through the air. Guys, you can’t treat a woman like that and thinks she’s gonna sit back and allow. Perhaps, there are some that do. Be aware, some won't! Do you really know what kind of environment a person comes from? Toxicity was deep in the family, so counteracting the #attack was bound to release those toxic emotions that we all possess inside. Pre-orders available . . .release date: April 5, 2106

Damaged Goods

Growing up brings back so many childhood #memories. Does it for you? Gee, talk about toxic! It all was happening behind those doors. Seems #toxicity has existed for centuries. It didn’t just surface. Beware it’ll gobble you up! That chapter one wasn’t anything nice. Toxicity kept wooing out! It was just as hot as those pipes . . .lika burning furnace. Coming April 5, 2016!

Serene . . .Water Waves

To this day, I still love to take those long strolls down the #lakefront or soak up an ocean view. And I’m particularly fond of watching the sun as it rises. The sound of those water waves rolling off can be so stimulating and soothing to the soul. Reaching back to write this scene, it definitely harbored some memories; and still does. The #toxicity just seems to disappear anytime one listens to those water waves.

ICONS . . .Trailblazers

OMG, watching TV One (Unsung Marathon) really took me back. It took me to ‘em days while on the scene with those wonderful icons and vocalists “The Emotions.” Talk about #trailblazers! Glad to know they are still at it. They’re coming back . . . with nieces and nephews. Truly, they’re a great musical family. Back then wasn’t anything #toxic about those days. If only we could turn back the hands of times . . .

Toxicity . . . Heavy Load

One can carry as much weight, as they can handle. But they’ll need those big broad shoulders to #drag mountains, valleys, and hills through the journey. Yet, the journey seemingly never ends . . as #toxicity releases its toxicants. Releases April 5, 2016.

Which Way Is Out?

Toxicity coming at you in all directions . . . When you’re sucked in by one level of toxic emotions, it’s so easy to become swallowed up by another degree of toxicants. #Toxicity has a way of turning your life inside out and upside down. At that point, it seems impossible to escape. So you may tend to find an “out” inside the bottle. When that happens, the #cycle of toxicity only continues. Coming April 5, 2016


Everyone’s a #storyteller . . . there’s a story inside us all that desires to unfold. Whether life like or made up (fiction or nonfiction), it will find its place alongside the genre: memoir, fantasy, poetry, romance, science fiction, spiritual, etc. There is magic behind writing . . . writing can be the power of #healing. Creating a story out of a messy experience can be so therapeutic. Therapeutically it's about writing expressively, which settles those sawed off emotions. The pen, paper, energy, effort, organization, and creativity (in some cases, depending on story), is all that’s required. But when the “Writer’s Block” creeps in, just know that’s part of the process and keep moving forward. The best part when writing, YOU’RE in control! Coming April 5, 2016

It's a Miracle

When you think it’s all over, miracles can happen. And it does right before your very eyes. There is so much more unfolding behind these #miracles. It’s totally an eye-opener! Coming Spring 2016.

Childhood Dazes Without Toxicity

Life hasn’t always been a #toxic environment. ‘Em old #dazes were the good ole dazes. As children, we all probably can remember the toys that were stuffed inside our toy chest. My favorite was the Easy Bake oven. I even enjoyed playing with my little imaginary friends? Can you remember your favorite?

Toxicity in Fight or Flight Mode

When that #toxicity grabs you on the inside, there’s little time to let go of the hurt. The mindset is ready for a fight or flight role. And life seems rather simple when all you want to do is strike out or find a way to strike back. #Toxicity does all it can to take us to a level we have less desire to be at. Sometimes, it's not easy but we must learn to shake it off. Coming Spring 2016.

Reaching Back to our Miracles

Children are God’s gift to all parents. They are just life #miracles and provide us (parents) with a whirlwind of experiences and memories, as they develop through life . . . staging from #baby to child all the way to adulthood. Stay tuned . . . coming Spring 2016.

Toxicity . . . Hormones Arising

Toxicity has been around for centuries. It ain’t nothing that just existed . . . it’s only gotten worst. Way back when, those toxic emotions were heavily brewing and striking hard when things went awry. There was no question, women knew what to do and was a “#force to be reckoned with.” When it came time for those emotions to erupt, that would be all she wrote. Their actions said it all! Of course, if you didn’t know about ‘em there women, better ask someone . . .

It Is What It Is

Diseased and it's toxic. . . Toxicity, there ain't nothing nice about it. This can be real ugly . . . the way it takes control to destroy your whole being. When you got this level of #toxicity manifesting inside, a diseased relationship is one no person should have to endure. And will make ya bring out all those confessions. Coming soon Spring 2016 . . .stay tuned.

Rocking . .. Popping

Those neighborhood clubs . . . Were the best place for hanging out. Seems, couldn’t wait for Friday and Saturday nights to get ya groove on. You could pop in and find some good ol’ music for the soul? Back then nothing toxic in the air. All you’d hear was good ole #rocking, popping, jumping, stomping music for the ears. Remember ‘em days? But how much #toxic will you find inside this story? Coming spring 2016 – no tellin’!

Those Values

Oh what a # toxic world we now live in! What happened to our values? Does anyone remember? 'Cause back in the day, #Christianity once meant so much to a family. Where has it all gone???

Busted, Huh?

Why is it we women seem to take relationships more meaningful? Is it that we #love deeper, harder and faster? With any sour relationship, one can spend many years holding onto “anger.” In order to be free, one must find forgiveness within . . . Let go of the anger, bitterness, and other toxic emotions harbored. #Relationships take plenty of work and energy. It’s not an easy task to conquer. So often they want to be in when it’s convenient for them. Seems when the going gets tough the tough will get going. Better yet, they'll R U N and RUN FAST !!!!!

Calgonate (Inside Kiddyland)

Calgon, #calgon take me back to those tender young years, when life was but a dream. May not have had many of ‘em there #toys to play with . . . as most kids would. But it was sho’nuff fun being one of those kids and living in a kiddy body, exposing a kiddy mind, and having a kiddy spirit. Life then was oh so grand. Gee, I almost forgot what childhood was like but remembering now . . . as kids we had . . . There's more to be exposed - coming spring 2016.

Tying Titles into Books or Chapters

Writing maybe the easy part, but when it comes to . . . choosing that right title it can be a #killer of a task. With a lot of brainstorming, the selection of a title should be most appropriate . . . crafting that right fit for the story. Whether it’s the book or chapter titles, just let those brain juices flow. Think of them as being creative, catchy, or unique. Before the #writer/author is satisfied with using a particular one, titles may change many times and take on different forms: one-word titles; a character’s name; action words; names of places; play on names; a form of expression; in question form; or a quote. Really, there are all types of angles a writer can approach in developing its title. Everyone has a story inside them. You own it . . . so tell it! Now just what is yours?

On Fire

Here’s another sneak peek at one of those good ol' dazes swinging on the #music scene. With a blend of rock, soul, and funk, their music was steaming hot; the beat was funky; and the fans were jumpin', jumpin', jumpin'. Sho’Nuff . . . ain’t nothin’ toxic about its music. There was so much going on than music was on fire, real hot and #funky. Stay tuned - coming 2016.

The Golden Era of Music

Ol’ skool music artists . . . there ain’t nothing like ‘em. Think back . . . can you remember those #high school days? And all the house parties attended (held in the basement with lights dimmed low) that came with an entry cost of a “waistline.” Wouldn't doubt if you met your first love there. The lyrics might have been short but music was on fire and oh so hot. There wasn't anything #toxic about that era; those were the good ole dazes. Just ask your neighbor!

Emotions running wild . . .

Physical connections can bring about deep #attractions. But are you in the heat of lust or the warmth of love. They both are felt-emotional experiences, and intertwined (at that). So don't be fooled when those emotions start kicking up, you may think you've found love. Yet, could it be factual that those emotions (stirred inside) are just merely lust? What you think you’re feeling, may not always be REAL. Relationships can be tricky like that - for sure. There's more brewing for Spring 2016.

Action! Roll ‘em!

Lights, Action, #Camera, Roll ‘em . . . Wow! You actually believe this life you're in is merely a dress rehearsal? Don't even try to rewind. Wake up, that’s only in the #movies! Truly, there are no second takes. In real life, it boils down to . . . one life – one time – one shot – one chance – one moment – one you. Suggest while walking your journey, avoid toxicity at all cost. And embrace living a non-toxic lifestyle. ‘Cause toxicity can be contagious. So dump those toxic people/elements inside your circle! It's all coming your way: Spring 2016. Tip: You may want to wear a mask as not to inhale the fumes.

Devil in Disguise

Don't let that personality fool ya. He was still a #devil in disguise. For sure, they appear in all forms, shapes and fashions. #Toxicity has no shame. You think you've found quality in a person; but wind up with the devil himself. No matter how they tend to dress themselves up in character or religion; some things never change. Stay tuned there’s more to be exposed . . . Coming Spring 2016.

Behavior Brings on Consequences

Believe it or not . . . Everything you do in life has #consequences . . . either good or bad; whether positive or negative. Our choices determine our consequences. We each are responsible for our own #choices; and we need to accept the consequences it renders. It’s been spoken, “You can run but you can't hide.” And the same goes for those choices we make in life. So whatever actions we put out there just be ready to accept what comes back.. Apparently thou, this character could care less about consequences. He had his own agenda.

Good Ol' Days

Growing up had such fond memories. Wouldn't it be oh so nice to turn back the hands of #time to those wonder years? There were times you'd work for your keep . . . but had fun doing it. Siblings learned how to work together; play together; even fight together and stay together. Nothing seemed out of place not even appliances, music, clothing or culture. You'd just love ‘em all: oil burning furnaces, steam heating, cooper lines, microwave ovens, home VCRs, disco music, maxi dresses, kaftans, fizzy hair, chokers, hippy look, mood rings, swag lamps, bean bag chairs, golden years of rock and roll, and much more. Back then, everything wasn't so outright #toxic. And, there was much love going on amongst the families, neighbors, and friends. So why do we have to live so toxic now???? Coming Spring 2016 . . .

Oh So Precious

Here's another sneak preview . . . coming spring 2016: Wouldn't, life be so amazing if we could all drift back into our #childhood dazes????? But with what’s happening in the world today we'd have to fight through the toxicity. Toxicity is floating everywhere . . . it’s even in the air we breathe. As adults, we do all we can to protect our children from those toxin elements. Our children are so precious, young, and innocent. If we'd stop to think about it, their childhood playtime can even bring out our own childhood #memories. And those were the dazes . . . when life was free of toxic.

Toxicity - On Fire

Here’s this week’s sneak preview. I tell ya’ll those toxic #emotions are clowning something awful . . . Watch out now! The character(s) inside this bubble is sho’nuff in one of their toxic moods. You think yo man got troubles. Not as much as the character in this story . . . bet ya! But don’t be afraid to drop back over thou, just to see what else is brewing and on #fire. Stay tuned . . . toxicity is fired up everywhere! Coming soon spring 2016.


There’s so much #toxicity going on inside this here bubble of a story. You'll gonna need a fire hose to put out the #burning flames . . . once the read starts. Ya'll come back now ya hear! But don't forget to bring along a mask – inhaling too much toxicity ain't a healthy thing. It can be #DEADLY! This character can tell ya all about that 'cause he’s running to save his life. Coming spring 2016 . . .


Toxicity, black #magic, or the devil, they can be one in the same . . . There’s no mistaken a #devil in its flesh. You can dress toxicity up in many disguises. No matter how it appears, the toxic still remains. So when you step back and allow it to unfold, that devil is bound to be exposed. Those toxic body #odors seeping from its actions are a stone dead giveaway. They're like a magnet! But best ways to escape toxicity . . . avoid it head on and just stay away from it!

The Strength of a Woman

It’s a gift to be able to give birth. #Parenthood lasts for a lifetime. There’s no greater joy. . . . And it’s one of the joyous journeys a mother will ever experience. Once a #Mom’s body muscles’ have expanded to bring into life a baby, she soon forgets all the sufferance endured and ravishes in the moment . . . knowing she just delivered a child into this world. Then, so shall Mom’s life change forever, recognizing another human being’s #survival is dependent upon her. Pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, and menopause . . . When a woman can endure such level of pain, she has got to be one pretty darn powerful #WOMAN!

Mr. Toxic

Yuck! Still hangin with Mr. Toxic, huh? Well, it’s your life. And must be enjoying that toxic #lifestyle he brings. Mr. #Toxic always making those promises . . . he'll stop hitting ya, no more name calling your way, or cheating on ya, ever again. Just keep hanging in there . . . you’ll get enough! But don't consider yourself #small potatoes, 'cause you'll wanna drop him like a hot potato. Every second counts. So start counting down 1. 2 . 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. . .

'Tis Ole School

How many of us can say WE still remember that good ole Murray’s Hair Dressing #Pomade? This here is one vintage product that’s still working its thick magic, packaged inside that #orange tin can. And really does the trick . . . while keeping a clean neat look, great style, and shine. Well back in the day, this was one character that used it to tame and accentuate his waves.

Writers never quit. Quitters never write.

Short stories . . . Novellas . . . Novels; whether fiction or non-fiction . . . #Stories have been an essential part of our #history, and scripted in various forms, e.g., on napkins, books, cave walls, inside bottle capsules, etc. Behind every tale of events, there’s a message told which leaves its reader with a trail of lessons to be learned. The essence behind this bubble: If you've not grasped a lesson from #consumption of a story, then there’s something missing!

Toxins In The Air

Warning! Toxicity can be #contagious; and full of toxins . . . way too full. Drugs, Riots, Killers, Diseases, Emotions, and Gang-Bangers. These are just a small slice of how toxicity appears. Today, here's a one-sentence sneak preview. Why is that you’ve asked? Well, there’s way too much toxicity in the #atmosphere. Any more that explodes could contaminate our non-toxic people. And we can't have that! I'll just place a seal on this here bubble capsule – “not to release toxic elements ‘til spring 2016.” So, if you're determined to absorb #toxicity, read at your own risk. Stay tuned . . . Helpful Tip: Bring back a mask! You wouldn't want to inhale too many of those toxins floating about.

Toxicity has no Shame

Toxicity takes on many disguises and appears in all forms and shapes. Remember, it’s never a friend. Toxicity will one day become the death of ya. It’s not just the actions of #toxic people that can get the best of one another; toxicity can manifest in other styles to break ya down and cause ya death. So whatever toxic activity you choose to engage in find the courage to walk away . . . ‘cause do you really want to become a #statistic? Now, if you don’t care, stay and pay the consequences! As you see, toxicity is taking on all types of form inside this #bubble. Stop! Don't burst that bubble there’s more brewing . . . coming Spring #2016!

What the Heck?

No doubt this character has got to be out of his freakn' mind . . . Yup, told ya'll there’s a lot of #toxicity spread about. Don’t believe it do ya? Just look around at what’s happening in today’s society. Can’t be any different than what this scoundrel pulled inside this story. Black magic, voodoo #spells, what’s next, huh? Perhaps, it makes you wonder what else is brewing inside this bubble. Oops, just can’t tell it now . . . guess you'll have to wait and see how it all unfolds. Coming soon. . . Spring 2016.

Driving Forces - Gone Wacko

It’s all about toxicity. Shucks, has the whole #world gone wacko? Just when you thought you've read it all. You haven't seen it all ‘till you've expanded your mind to see what’s stirring up inside this #toxic bubble. Coming soon . . .Keep checking back ‘cause toxicity is brewing and brewing . . . . it’s gone #wacko!

Toxic Voice

Nowadays, we just can't escape the element of #toxicity. It appears EVERY- WHERE. It's even in their speech. Perhaps, that's why this character wasn't able to get out what he wanted to say without stumbling over his words. Best I can say about the character in this bubble, "Liar, liar your pants on fire!" Really, will the toxicity in life ever cease? It just keeps growing, growing, and growing. Makes one wonder huh, what's brewing inside this bubble? Stay tuned . . . coming soon!

Insight Time

There is nothing beautiful about toxicity. When engaging in toxic relationships, take off the blinders. And see it in full color! So from one of the chapters, here is a bit of insight... In a toxic marital relationship, see it for what it’s worth: • Don’t become codependent. Be willing to leave a toxic relationship. • Don’t be blinded by feelings. Recognize they cripple a pure marriage. • Avoid unsafe environments. Self-esteem is decreased and energy becomes drained.

Raging Hormones

Beware! ‘Tis one in all women . . . Yes indeed, there’s a “B” inside us women. Since you’re aware of our other side, just ask yourself, “Do I really want to see her in action?” Be assured the end results wouldn’t be a charming picture. But it would become a most memorable moment. So watch out when toxicity strikes it ain’t nothing nice! There’s more coming stay tuned . . .

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Where Does My Self-Love Fall


Mirror, Mirrors tell me NO lies . . . “Are you really craving for self-love? You should be starving to satisfy that hunger.” When you don’t love yourself, how can you expect another to love you?” And it’s no lie! So, tastefully gratifying! That is the fulfillment you’ll savor once enriched with those self-discoveries. We each seek to define our own self-love. How does “self-love” actually appear in your life? Don’t let a mirror dictate your destiny. Come, take the journey and discover those self-dimensions. This essential vehicle teaches the meaning of self-love and its self-awareness about toxicity. Readers will find it is a self-empowerment tool for an awakening to toxicity and their discovery to self-worth; self-esteem; self-acceptance; self-confidence; self-reflection; self-love; and those many other discoveries that enrich one’s path . . . through the journey called “life.” It’s all part of building a bridge that opens the gateway to finding self-love and bringing to light the ugliness in toxic relationships. The activities introduce and beautify an array of materials that are insightful, educational, enlightening, fulfilling, enriching, and rewarding. Think of it as a detailed script created to help readers redefine their SELF-DISCOVERIES. After all, success starts with you!

Book Bubbles from Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Where Does My Self-Love Fall

Checking In With Self

When was the last time you took a look at the relationship you have with yourself? Do you even know what it takes to love yourself? You can’t look for something when you don’t know what to look for? Have you forgotten? All the money in the world can’t buy self-love. You can take a shovel and dig a hole in the ground all day, but you will never find the thing called self-love. It’s something you must possess within yourself. Keep mistreating self and see how long it will take care of you. When was the last time you’ve done something (anything) for self? Can you answer?

Recognizing Violence and Abuse

Toxicity wears many masks when rearing its ugly head. There has been numerous actions of violence not only in our homes, but schools as well. Up there with the alarming shootings, bullying is still a major concern. This form of toxic behavior is demonstrated in a variety of ways (including the new forms of virtual interaction and cyberbullying). If adults fear bullying from their partner, just imagine the level of degree a child or teenager fears from its attack. For sure,, the attack experienced is severe and forever embedded in their brain.

No Excuse For Abuse

Recently, I asked myself, "Did I abuse “self” when I had all my hair chopped off." My response from the little voices inside my head was, "I don’t think so." Anyway, I had all my long hair cut off. Yes, it was stripped-down to the scalp. That beautiful hair that once followed me around everywhere I went is a thing of the past . . . . Gone, gone, gone, and gone. Through the process, I have come to realize that hair does not define who I am as an individual. Don’t you dare slap me nor try to defend me in anyway! What really matters is the person that I am on the inside. Yes, I’m still that loving, caring, adorable, and sweet person that you've grown to know. So, I’m loving who I am with this new look! And, you should too . . .

What Does Toxic Emotions Look Like

With those recent blasts on social media about Will Smith and Chris Rock, I thought this would be an appropriate bubble to share. It’s true the power of “raw emotions” can overwhelm you. But, wherever those emotions take you, never give the “onus” to another. Let’s face it, these last two years have been devastating for us all! When one becomes broken, it’s up to “self” to heal the heart ─ robbed by raw emotions. Remember, TOXICITY has no place in our circle. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons the inside pages won an award, Literary Titan Silver Book Award.”

That Little Person Inside

You must know the self in order to love “self.” Do you really know that little boy or little girl that lives inside you? Are you the shy baby, the punching bag, the cry baby, the whiner, etc. You may still be trying to figure it out. Just, don’t wait too long . . . There are no promises for tomorrow. Start working on yourself, today!.

Young Adults Dating-N-Violence

Young adults seem to drive in the fast lane, skipping the benefits of their stage of life in their rush to become full-fledged adults. Life has so much to offer them in their tender years. There’s a lot to learn and know before transitioning into the full-fledged adult stage.

Taking the Challenge

It’s a sad, sad, sad, world we live in. With all the hate, stealing, and violence, is there no justice for the hurt ones. Life as we’ve known it (now) lives in a new structure. It wears the face of brokenness. Inside this new norm, we’re faced with daily challenges. No doubt, we have been introduced to one of the worst epidemics. And it has put a face on what deadly relationships looks like. Not only in our romantic interactions, but all relationships in general. It is so important to be the protector of our own well-being. COVID-19 has taught us a lot about toxic . . . with social distancing in place, the measurements of washing our hands and how long to wash them; and wearing a mask to protect others and yourself, as well.

The Message Inside

How many of you have recognized we’re living in a broken and crippled society? With knowing that fact, you must give the “self” more attention. That little boy/little girl that lives inside you has been your guardian throughout the years. Now more than ever, it is time for you to take control. Yes, you, that big boy or that big girl, who has become all grown up. Time to step up to the plate, and give “self” the love it so deserves. Are you doing those self-talks daily? Are you making sure the heart is well protected? Are you mentally and spiritually safeguarding the self? Are you protecting those emotions from being hijacked? There’s a lot of work to be done on self. Get busy and start working! Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today. There may be no tomorrows; even though self will always be a work-in-progress. Yes, Mr. President and Mrs. Vice-President (both) are diligently working to put our nation in some form of operational structure, but it’s just like working on self. It may take a lifetime. Don’t you know, this guide didn’t win those many awards because of???? It was that message inside!

Emotional Wellness Versus Toxic Emotions

Taking charge of our self-worth builds a personal, emotional wellness toward the journey of transformation. When we can nurture on our self-systems (the self-love/self-care/self- determination/and self-preservation). All those self-dimensions are pieces of our personal wellness, our growth, the tendency to transform, and live life to the fullest. This guide won its latest award in 2021 FireBird Book Awards; Winner, Category for Adult Coloring Book.

Let Yourself Be Free

Since our lockdown, the outbreak of COVID-19 has played a major role (particularly) in the partner-to-partner relationships. For many, it has become a stomping ground for domestic violence and/or physical abuse to rear its ugly face in the midst of humanity. Although one may be faced with the challenge of dealing with violence, one does not have to remain in the presence of being violated. Violators, remember, a person is a living human being and not a play toy to be disposed of. True, the abuser can forcefully strip its victim of their emotional and mental energy. At this point, the victim becomes incapable of protecting the self. He/She becomes trapped and caged in their own environment. Don’t become a victim! YOU are somebody; the time to take back your self-esteem and self-worth is long overdue. There are places you can go and people you can seek out for help! Getting away from the abuser is like a bird being released from its cage. Fly away, bird, fly away!

The Royalty Treatment

People, who are killing people, they can’t possibly love themselves. With their actions, it’s not hard to believe they lack an ability to love themselves or to find that loving feeling from others. In any relationship (even with the self), we all deserve a form of royalty treatment. Don’t be envious nor jealous of Her Majesty the Queen (i.e., Elizabeth II) and her Heirs, we all can be appreciated, desired, respected, needed, understood, honored, and loved. The UK is not the only nation that has a gamut of important figureheads. As kings and queens within our own relationships, the treatment we get from one another should be nothing less than the pampering of Royalty Treatment. Wear your crown and become that VIP - you deserve it!. Wonder no more, there is much to be unveiled behind those pages.

Through My Own Eyes

Bon voyage – travel and explore those self-discoveries! Take the journey to redefine those self-discoveries! Stop looking in the wrong places and just love yourself! When you don’t love yourself, don’t expect another to love you! Self-love should come naturally, but for many of us, it doesn't. Whether it stems from childhood abuses or toxic relationships along the journey of life, self-love can often be one of our greatest challenges.

Closing Out

As we close out the month of February, loving on self should never be a forgotten task. We must continue the work on self. The journey of self-love is an ongoing process which takes time, energy, and hard work. Creating an art of self-expression helps to transform our lives. When we examine the discovery of self-love, we see all its raving beauty unfolding while . . . • Nurturing yourself where you give unconditional spilling love to “the self.” • There’s an appreciation for “the self.” • Not allowing anyone to abuse or misuse the self. • A respect for the inner-self. • Embracing a space filled with deep inner peace. • Treating self like royalty (the Kings and Queens that we are). Remember, we don’t accept ourselves, we’re not able to see the beauty in ourselves. It is there the challenge begins!

Self-Love Month

By now, you’ve spent some time with Cupid. Hopefully, you both had one of those enjoyable moments. Now, that Valentine’s Day has come and gone, have you started back taking care of self? We’re still in the month of February. Need I remind you this is Self-Love Month? When it comes to taking care of self, we should spend quality time nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. Performing this framework helps one to achieve a level of wellness. And there are many ways one can nurture the self to massage all three vessels. Just to name a few, doing meditation, eating healthy food choices, playing can good for our health, going out and enjoy nature, writing love letters or just writing period. When we have done these things (by nurturing the mind, body, and soul), we’ve elevated our experience to one of self-caring.

The Crumbling Pieces of Society

This past week has been built on drama and trauma. Summing it up, it's been a full week of toxic interactions. Toxic behavior is placed in a class all by itself. Do I need to remind you about the ugly faces it represents? Think back . . . The violent insurrection that took place on Capitol Hill; the defiance of an ousted President Trump to effectively lead our nation . . . as he lives in La-La Land with a belief that votes were stolen from him (or was he having flash backs how he told votes from his prior running mate – H. Clinton); our present cabinet members jumping ship before it sinks; the gall of a president taking a stance to provoke a riot and to sanction it; those wannabe patriots (who were nothing less than hoodlums, rioters, and thugs) in a staged attempt to sabotage the results of a presidential election; suspects of in-house security facing a security breach; the stability of our democracy as it relates to computer tampering, and the list goes on and on. You may not agree from my standpoint,but we are living inside a broken and crippled society.

I Know That Person

I'm not one to entertain toxicity. Perhaps, that's 'cause I lived it for so long. So, it has become rather easy to identify when someone shows their "Red Flag." Their flag flies higher than a kite. And did you know????? Toxicity has a certain walk, smell, and talk. It even gives off a certain hue. I'm having flashbacks every time 1) I listen to and hear the voice of ______________; and 2) see the toxic face color of _________________. Now, whose name will you fill the blank in with? Don't hold back!

Praises for Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . .

It’s a crazy world out there. Would you agree? It’s the reason I love to read about topics that are centered on caring and nurturing “self.” If that love could be bottled, this world would be a richer, safer, and better place. “The Self-Compassion Skills Workbook” rallies around healthy relationships. This particular book title was written by Author Tim Desmond. Have you read it? I’m confident you’ll love reading mine as well. Praise for Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . “Self-love is the basis of all emotional healing. In this book, Nina Norstrom guides readers through an engaging and life-affirming journey.” —Tim Desmond, author of The Self-Compassion Skills Workbook

Through Your Own Eyes

When it comes to the insight of this bubble, its latest award speaks loud and clear. There is much to celebrate what lies behind these pages. Let it roll . . . Drum Roll, please! According to “Living Now Book Awards, the winner in category #4 is . . . Journal/Activity/Coloring book GOLD Award Mirror, Mirror on the Wall... Where Does My Self-Love Fall by Nina Norstrom (WriteLife Publishing) ***************************** So, my advice to you . . . . “Don’t take their word, get your copy and judge for yourself!”

Crazy Mind Games

COVID-19 has done little to build healthy relationships. One thing for sure, it left an impact on whether those relationships are worth surviving. 'The proof was in the pudding.' While being confined, the flame and romance (they all) fizzled out during the quarantine . . . Causing many to question their togetherness as a couple. From their initial courting phrase, Love may have been in the air — but if it was, the COVID-19 pandemic’s Cupid arrow that put the flames out. For each other, there were no more emotions or feelings. All it left behind was six feet of separation and a play on those crazy mind games.

The Art of Journaling

Life is so full of stuff, the good, the bad and the toxic - COVID19 has taught us a lot about toxic . . . with social distancing in place, conducting routine hand washing, and the protection of wearing the masks. It’s that stuff which teaches us fresh experiences. When we take on the journey of journaling, we are striving to stroke our emotional wellness. Living a wellness lifestyle is a new and improved vision of self and a lifetime personalized process.

With Liberty and Justice for All

In the wake of equality and justice for all, there’s a lack of self-caring and self-love (seemingly). Police brutality has become a major issue around the nation. When this occurs, there’s something about that little person inside not being loved – could it be their body; whom they’ve grown to become; an overall personal issue; or anything else that creates a lack of caring for self and others. This is not indicative of them all, but there’s far too many whose guilty of this ugliness. When we can’t see the good in ourselves, how can it be seen through others? Don’t expect police officials to love and protect others if they don’t love themselves? Loving self is an ongoing process and takes a lot of work! One must be ready to do the work! Are you?

Letting Go

Are you a forgiver? Clinging to damaging relationships halts our growth process, holding on to past events keeps us in that hurt space, and does nothing to heal old wounds. Remember: Forgiveness is not an acceptance of one’s actions. It’s a release of the prisoner. And recognizing you are that prisoner. Forgiveness is not a weakness, but its pathway to wellness.

I Dare You

COVID19 - Even after spewing its venom, toxicity is still alive and active. And a topic that everyone speaks about. I’m getting sick and tired of this crippled society, not wanting to fix the brokenness. Don’t mind the social distancing ‘cause it’s a way to protect self from the unknown . . . those carriers of the toxins. Toxicity comes to us in all forms and disguises. To unmask, one will have to break it down letter-by-letter, smell-by-smell, or shape-by-shape. It’s up to self to unveil what or who is behind that mask. I dare you to rebut you’re invincible from contracting the disease.Say no more, “Take the “Challenge!”

How Deadly is Deadly?

No doubt these past months have crippled our environment while battling against COVID19. Sadly, this battle has taken the lives of loved ones through its deadly interactions. Seemingly, there appears to be no safe escape route; not even for those partner-to-partner relationships. With domestic violence on the horizon, Nina’s literary creation brings awareness to the forefront.. Continuous engagements are like an outburst of a pandemic disease - deadly as COVID19. Living safely is not only a matter of protecting yourself from outside elements awareness is the key! Those red signs existed long before the partnership. Put a lid on that toxic interaction, and slice that mold right out of your circle.

COVID-19 Destruction at Its Best – To Fear is

COVID-19 the toxic deadly disease is real and live! Wake up, people, we are being held hostage in our own circle. It has us trapped − inside a toxic relationship. Having a toxic partner is no better than being affected by COVID-19. This pandemic may be new to you; it was a way of life for me – over four decades. .You have accessible all the reading tools to safeguard this deadly interaction; plaguing our nation. Take heed to those red flag symptoms – deadly and poisonous! We even find them in an unhealthy partner(s). While their toxic behavior infects our lives, continuous engagement brings out crippling effects of its interaction. The end result is as dangerous as taking one’s life. Don’t allow this Stay-at-Home order to become another level of toxic engagement – by accepting the abuse and misconduct of one’s partner. Become your own advocate. Learn all you can – without using protection from a mask and a pair of gloves. Since this stay-order, there’s a rise in the number of victims enduring domestic violence. Avoid becoming a statistic ‘cause the life you save may be your own. You've been forewarned -don't take it for granted.. Get your copy and rediscover the depths of self-love.

Stop the Craziness

Stop the craziness you’re driving me to drink. Seemingly, drinking has taken a front row seat in many homes lately. Perhaps, the Coronavirus19 can be a contributing factor in its rise to fame. Since an outbreak of this disease, the excesses for home consumption of alcohol hasn’t crippled the spending market – but increased its sales. The Shelter-N-Place order was designed to streamline the pandemic spread. In reality, when living with an abuser nowhere is safe for an intimate partner –not even their little ones. While partners are confined to spending more time together, the rise in domestic violence has hit a soaring all time high. Was it a result of their emotions running high, all-day- confinement (isolation), or just plain fear of contracting the disease? There are all types of excuses that can be surmised. Regardless, of its factor the numbers of domestic perpetrators (abusers) have risen. Escaping the violence takes precedence. Most importantly, families’ safety should always be a concern. When experiencing violence, don’t allow yourself to be locked down and trapped by the abuser (male or female). Call the hotline and find shelter elsewhere! Love "Self" and not the abuser. The mind you save my be your own. Moreover, the life you save will be yours!

Give Yourself a Me Day

I don’t proclaim to be an adviser or healer! But, I know there is a prescription for healing. Through the self-discovery processes, I’ve come to realize those huge doses of self-love takes care of me. So, how can I not want to be gentle, nurturing, and caring to self? It is what dictates my ability to love others. The real work of learning to love self is in knowing the “self” - and accepting it all. People, the best self-love advice I can give is that “we must learn to love.” There’s no better way than to start with loving the “self.” If you don’t know how to love self, this guide introduces some practical ways. ************* Reconnected Love One - Proud Follower 5.0 out of 5 stars Take the time to be educated . . . Nina has done it again! Carefully guiding us to look in the mirror and then discover your true self. Do you express love because you were shown love? Or, Did you have to learn how to love yourself and then express love? Either way, taking the time to educate yourself thru this journey of self love and discovery is worth every minute.. . . .

Teen Dating Violence

This is a piece from my activity guide creation, “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . Where Does My Self-Love Fall.” There is a reason why I selected to share this covered article. February is “Teen Dating Violence Awareness” Month.” Did you know that? And on Friday, February 14, 2020, I will be among the many vendors attending the “Women In Action Forum.” Which will be at the River Club in Suwanee, GA, sponsored by the leadership for “Partnership Against Dating Violence.” Seemingly, my product will fit right in! (Quoted by the website of One of the most exciting features of the Women In Action Forum is its marketplace comprised of a wide range of vendors, such as jewelry, purse and essential oil retailers. Vendors showcase their products and services to over a hundred guests in attendance Need more info on this event, visit their website.

A New Decade

There were many people this season reaching out to obtain my literary creation on self-love – apparently it made a great stocking huger. Perhaps, you know someone that can use this guide to reinforce the importance of self-love. Here are a few remarks . . . Toni Reed 5.0 out of 5 stars Self-love January 4, 2020 Self-love has been the hardest lesson of life to master. Thankfully I know what self-love is now and this book has been instrumental in my journey. A must-read for sure! JAZZEEZ.... 5.0 out of 5 stars THE COUNT DOWN TO A NEW YOU December 31, 2019 This author takes you on a journey to how, what and when you may have lost hope and love of yourself. This book takes you through inter active exercises that makes you become self reflective and move you to action. What makes this book different than other self help book is its ability to connect personal stories and the unhealthy behaviors that may still have you stuck in that place by your current thoughts and actions. The book allowed me to realize that I too was still broken in areas that I did not realize. Great read and great gift for those that may be going through a tough time in life.

Bon voyage – Take a Journey, and Explore

This holiday season I received calls from readers who know me requesting to purchase my activity guide as a gift. This was an awesome blessing for me to know others found use of this activity guide. There are no surprises in discovering so many do not know about the beauty of finding self-love. Cause . . . "When you don't love yourself, how can you expect another to love you?" Stop looking in the wrong places and just love yourself! This guide is stacked with an array of information and fun-filled activities. Once the dust settles, we each deserve a degree of self-love and that from our connected relationships. Whether it’s in mating, work-related or problematic issues, think of it as a detailed script created to redefine one’s SELF-DISCOVERIES. It's a simple question with a very complicated answer. Self-love should come naturally, but for many of us, it doesn't. Whether it stems from childhood abuses or toxic relationships along the journey of life, self-love can often be one of our greatest challenges. Take the journey to redefine those self-discoveries!

Healthy Lifestyle

Did you know? The new wave of life is about healthy living. Are you taking care of self – emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, and spiritually? If not, why not? A great time was had by all . . . We had a great workshop session yesterday (at Clayton County Transitional Center). The attendees had lots to share on our topic - as we focused on what it meant to love and take care of “self,” (among other interesting discussions).

The Real Talk

One doesn’t have to enlist to become a solider of war ‘cause we’re living inside the zone, daily. Just look around, it’s a warzone out there in this big crazy space, called “Life.” It’s a battlefield for sure! And our Reporters can’t stop talking and printing about all the messy stuff that keeps us in the loop. The abuse and violence has spread like wildflower. There are several layers of abusive behavior – with their own effects; and not to be minimized. Naming a few: Control/Physical-Emotional-Verbal-Economic-Privilege Abuses/Threats/and Blame, etc. When we hear what some Leaders are doing; seemingly, they’re the main ones abusing not only the system but the “trust” of oath and office. Their lying tongues carry must of their blame for the distrust. It’s been spoken that domestic violence is a common problem with its deadly effects. The abusers can be just as deadly. Is this crazy or what?

And the Award Goes To?

We all have a story to tell. To get started, consider keeping a journal. There’s no better way to start your storytelling adventure than expressive words scrolled across journal pages. Journals can be your best friend and are great secret keepers. Your story is a powerful one – that’s ‘cause no one can express it better than Y O U! The universe is made up of storytellers. Wow, us with your creation!

Living Safe Within My Circle

Are you living safe within your circle? If so, you gotta love yourself in other to respect yourself? I've heard so many falsehoods lately, I can't figure out what's real or fake. Do you know a falsehood when you hear one?

Stop With the Excuses

Don't blame it on video games. You just loss pieces of self . . . There are way too many killings happening in our society. Seemingly, mass shootings have become the norm these days. The ones committing those crimes are not just a looser but lack pieces of the “self” in part. Loving self does take lots and lots of work. The work spent on plotting the killings should be geared toward working on self. Let’s get busy with polishing those self-concepts. There’s no excuse when saying . . . “I don’t know where my self-love lie.” Use this guide as a vehicle to look inside "the self" and find your self-love.

So It Was Said

Kudos to the reader who purchased the activity guide, this is their feedback. And so it was said that . . . Most people, in my opinion, do not think they are living with toxicity. Therefore, they would not see the benefit in purchasing this book. However, I would like to encourage anyone reading this review, especially if you are one of those persons who have a perfect life that you are indeed fooling yourself. No one has a flawless life! For the record, I did not realize how much toxicity was lurking around me. It may come in the form of co-workers, the foods we eat, our health (physical and mental), and most of all our family, friends, and so much more. This book provides nourishment and healing for those lacking in self-love and low self-esteem. It also, offers examples of destructive, life episodes that one may not have thought of as being toxic. One will find solace and support as you allow yourself to embrace this guide as you take a journey to self-discovery and in breaking free of toxic situations. . . . Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Where Does My Self-Love Fall would make an excellent gift for yourself, friends, and family!

Speak it into Existence

The mind is a powerful thing! Value what you preach about self ‘cause you are who you think you are . . . How you think of yourself; eventually, you’ll believe it! The “self” has a long line of attachments . . . self-love; self-determination; self-assurance; self-esteem; self-awareness; self-motivated; self-depreciation; self-confidence; self-gratification; self- respect; self-reliance; self-observant; self-regard; and the list goes on. Speaking it into existence doesn’t just apply to life dreams but the “self” as well. What do you actually know about self that others don't know about you? Will you be able to discover the "self" inside this activity guide?

Run, Run, as Fast as You Can

Do you recall the Sci-Fi-fiction movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers?” Well, they’re back, alive, and active! They are still at–large; robbing and stealing! Don’t allow those thieves to rip off pieces of yourself-dimensions. Take charge of all worthy possessions, and hold onto your self-love. Do you even know where that self-love lies? What have you done to work on maintaining “self?” Once they have taken over your being, do not, I repeat do not, say you weren’t ever warned. There is danger in turning a deaf-ear. Okay now, I can only shelter you for so long. Awareness is the key to wellness!

Bestest of Friends

I wouldn’t be here now on these social sites if I’d not started my writing journey way back when. To this day, we are still the bestest of friends. I’m a firm believer in what Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey has stated, “writing can be cathartic.” They both knew what it took to maneuver through the “healing process.” Could you say that you have a friend as great as my writing journal? I can find my reasons why this can be beneficial . . .

Don't get it Twisted

Are you confusing love with abuse? Do you really know what it means to engage in a toxic relationship? I’ll give you two strong representations. 1) It’s a connected interaction that is detrimental to one’s life existence. 2) Anything that is poisonous and capable of causing death or sickness. Does any of it sound familiar? Yes, it can be confusing. Sometimes abuse can be disfigured as or confused with . . . love. Pay attention to their actions, theirs words, and how they conduct themselves around you. No, one has the right to hurt you – control you – or abuse you. The value placed on your life is a decision only you can make.

Get Your Passport Ready!

Bon voyage – take a journey, and explore those self-discoveries! Take the journey and travel through these pages where you’ll redefine those self-discoveries! Stop, stop it! Stop looking in the wrong places and just love yourself! When you don’t love yourself, don’t expect another to love you!

Red Flags Flying High

In a world turned upside down, one cannot survive a healthy lifestyle clinging to those toxic relationships. Hold on to whatever faith (you believe in) and let that toxic energy go! It’s a smelly form that creates a negative lifestyle. Understand, I don’t proclaim to be a doctor expert on the topic. However, having lived a life filled with toxicity and its poisonous outcomes, for over a decade, I know the crippling and debilitating effects left behind. In retrospect, experience could be a testimony for knowledge as opposed to book theory. So recognize and become aware of the many signs toxicity brings. Stay clear of those 'Red Flags" comin' at ya! See where your knowledge lies behind those pages.

A Healing Vehicle

It’s a fact, writing can be cathartic! What better source to give credence to its statement than Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry. I started journaling eons ago. There were several reason that why I nurtured that method of healing. Just to share a few: to ease that emotional pain, nurture those wounds, and help find a safe haven for that dark place I was in, I used a pen and paper to look inside my joys, sorrows, above all to escape that toxic space. It was there I sparked a love for writing . . . through journaling. Journal writing was the vehicle used to unchain the pain, the brokenness, and to break through those barriers. Listening to you Oprah and Tyler o fo’ sho’ . . . y’all right!’

It's a Mad World

This nation is overpowered with the poison of toxicity in a crippled society. As a result, we’re battling inside a warzone to mend many broken and unhealthy relationships. I can’t do it alone. I need you to wedge behind me and wave the flag for peace. Let’s ban together for peace and stomp out the ugliness. To win the battle, you must recognize that . . . Relationships are masked in all shapes, sizes, disguises, and forms. Sure, we’d love to feel safe, secure, and happy in a relationship; regardless, of its make-up! To extricate one from a toxic relationship, there’s so much stuff to unmask. Life is so full of stuff . . . the good, the bad, and the ugly. Each wakening day we’re on a battlefield fighting a war where there’s good against evil; sons against fathers; daughters against mothers; nations against nations; drugs against diseases; the sanities against the insanities; and the list goes on. Not a day passes that a life isn’t taken. When the red flag is flying, it’s time to go! But often, we’ve ignored those flags. To win this war, you’ll need to unmask those unhealthy relationships. Can you identify how they will appear inside your circle?

Wake Up Everybody

No matter how I try to educate you, there’s always a deaf ear. But hear this loud and clear . . . We’re living in a world that is upside down. So, don’t give a hoot about what others think of you. What is most important in life is how you feel about yourself. Never allow those crazies to embody you. If so, you’ll be one of them. And the recovery may take a lifetime! I can only hope the waking will arrive before the breaking! Don’t stay stuck in the back era and no more sleepin’ in bed. You heard it from Harold Melvin. And I’ve shared the message inside this guide. Time to wakeup everybody! No matter how much you're educated, there’s always a deaf ear. But hear this loud and clear . . . We’re living in a world that is upside down. So, don’t give a hoot about what others think of you. What is most important in life is how you feel about yourself. Never allow those crazies to embody you. If so, you’ll be one of them. The recovery process may take a lifetime! It won't get no better that's for sure. I can only hope the waking will arrive before the breaking! up Everybody Song

The Clock is Ticking

With our society broken and crippled, when was the last time you’ve taken an in-depth view of your relationships? Time is running out . . . crush out that brokenness. I’ve come to realize it takes work to manage a pure relationship. There’s a lot of time and energy needed to maintain those burning flames. Don’t look at it like a job task but a fun and healthy exercise. There's "purity" in healthiness. The key is to live healthy, think healthy, and be healthy. Take the time to gauge your relationships’. Have some fun ─ there’s plenty inside this guide!

I Know You . . . You Wear the Face!

Don’t you know relationships can be healthy or unhealthy? These relationships I speak of are not just people related . . . . You’ll find them in many places. When I’m speaking about the effects toxicity brings, its head hangs high and takes center stage. I can only speak on what I know, not what someone has told me. I deliver my messages from experiences not theories. Perhaps, that’s because I once was the toxic person you’re familiar with. As I’ve mentioned in my “Managing Toxicity” workshops, “Toxicity comes in all shapes, sizes, and disguises. You won’t recognize it until you’ve unmasked it.” Toxicity wears many ugly faces. You may see it as a face of rage, hurt, emotions, diseases, greed, jealousy, etc. Now, when we elect to describe it as a synonym, it can be classified as a key term for being tainted, damaging, crippling, deadly, and the list goes one . . . .

Wake Up All You Sinners

Trying to Live Safe in an Unsafe Environment, are you? . . . Too much is happening in this toxic world today. Wouldn’t you agree? Lives are being destroyed senselessly. We find ourselves struggling to survive, struggling to live safe and healthy in an unhealthy environment. There was a time one would never think of harming/killing a baby or robbing a church of its holy possessions. Nowadays, even the four seasons have gone awry . . . tornadoes increasing in outbreaks; sinkholes existing more often than ever before; extreme rain events happening more often than use to be; sex trafficking overly widespread. When seeing the big picture of it all, the sky’s the limit! Face it; things are totally out of control with the extension of its massive killings, robberies, murders, and abuses, etc. People, y’all must don’t love yourself to be doing some of the stuff that you’re doing. Don’t make your issue someone else’s. If you don’t think we’re in our last days, better speak to Our Creator. You’ve put HIM second (in your life) and not first. Y’all best to get it right and take off those blinders . .. “God Is Trying To Tell You Somethin’” trying to tell you somethin'

The Devil Inside

Journeys can take you many places and teach you many lessons. Think of our experiences as our teachers. That deep and dark world I lived in for “many years” was a result of self-infliction. It took over two decades for me to transition the mind and heart to wanna make a change. For decades, I held on to that ugly side of living (i.e., toxicity). In my world, it was a way of life. And the devil inside me had me believing that. Being struck and not able to move forward can be a horrible space. I just couldn’t let go . . . forgiveness was a hard nut to crack. First and foremost, I had to open my eyes, heart, and mind to many of those lessons life teaches you. The key to letting go is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Royalty Treatment

Your Majesty . . . If you aren’t nurturing yourselves like the kings and queens that you are, why would you expect others to grace you with such royalty? “Sire” and “Ma’am” your titles are so deserving of greatness. Allow no one to strip you of that crown. And that little prince and princess you’ve birth (as one) require their respectful titles of “Your Grace.”

Toxicity in the Raw

Are you ready to take the challenge? Toxicity is running buck wild through the nation. Even those leaders sitting and working at the big house (i.e., The White House) appear to have great difficulty straightening out the disaster that has crippled and destroyed our universe. Could it be they don’t recognize toxicity when it spews out its venom? For sure, it has me wondering? We can’t avoid relationships since they come in many forms . . . business, personal, working, friendship, and just living gives us a relationship with life. Yet, we should know the unhealthy ones when they show up and show out. Their easily recognizable when in the raw. That's ‘cause it’s in the walk, in the talk, and in their smell. Are you able to detect the toxicity when you see it? So, think you’re ready for the challenge? Remember, you gotta wanna do the work! You may have some others of your own that could be identified. If so, list them and go for the challenge!

Identifying the Faces

Now, is the time to make a change . . . It’s the start of a new year and the new beginning for a fresh clean lifestyle in 2019. Time to wipe out all those unhealthy relationships you were clinging to in 2018. You can readily identify the faces of these relationships, fairly easy. You’ll just have to key in on the negative energy that creeps inside your circle. Be aware of its masked face. It is a mask that appears in a variety of shapes, sizes, and disguises . . . all creating conflict and damage. When the conflict erupts, you’ll see the unhealthiness clearly. Don’t short change yourself, you deserve the best! Take heed to rid yourself of those ugly and stale dated relationships. Time to embrace the essence of purity and join the wellness circle!

Healthy is the New Wave for 2019

As we are in the holiday season (of giving), you’ll probably thinking of a great gift to wrap for someone special. Certainly, there’s some self-reflection that one can always perform on “self.” The development of this guide is a way to start that process. No matter what the occasion is (birthday or whatever), there’s a specialty page created just for gifting where you can even write your own unique message (see below). Doing self is always an ongoing process. So start the New Year in a positive perspective and show them you care. There's plenty of love inside this guide! From: _____________ This guide is presented to ______________________ On this day,_______________________ My special message:

Are you Aware?

With the mound of toxicity that is crippling our universe and invading our circle, maintaining our self-love helps to ward of those unhealthy critters. They are like dirty, filthy sponges. Do you want to improve your life and rid yourself of those poisonous effects? Getting rid of unhealthy people and negative energy is a start! It takes a lot of self-love to maintain that positive energy. The magic of self-love is creating a dynamic level of positive energy and the purity of awareness. Not everyone has acquired “self-love” to ward off the toxins. This review was added to the book page on NetGalley . . . I Recommend This Book Strongly Rating: 5 out of 5 stars Full Text: "The formula for self-esteem equates to successes measured by failures." Self-love is a difficult thing to obtain by yourself. This book is a great start to getting rid of the negatives and gaining positives about yourself. As you read the chapters, there are spaces you can write in what self-love means to you. Once you start this book, you will be on an amazing journey to learning how to start "Living Healthy, Thinking Healthy, Being Healthy.” #MirrorMirrorOnTheWallWhere DoesMySelfLoveFall#NetGalley #Toxicityawarness #Selflove

Take the Challenge

Do you know where yourself love lies? That was the question presented to the audience at release event day for “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . Where Does My Self-Love Fall?” One must know what they are looking for in order to find the thingy that is missing. Well, the person who answered that question knew actually how the face of “self-love” appears. There's no doubt when working this guide they will know exactly what to look for when it comes to loving self . . . while realizing it’s a continuous work in process. There are so many of us still longing to be loved or looking for that love. Do you know how the face of self-love should appear in your life? Could you even color the face of self-love? ************** Do you know someone that is struggling with achieving those self-concepts? #Connectingwithselfconcepts #Thatthingcalledselflove

Let the Festivities Begin

Unleash your creative side and celebrate the birth and life of “Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall . . . Where Does My Self-Love Fall?” Thursday, 11/15/18, (6p.m. to 8p.m.), come and mingle at RobertKent Galleries (Marietta, GA). ********* Don’t just buy for reading. Do the work! To validate its worth, the voice of a customer . . . Jackie Madden Haugh Self- love is the key to any healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it is so hard to find, especially in a world that is toxic. Nina Norstrom has come up with exercises to help keep us focused and probe into our thoughts and emotions so we can rise above any problematic situation . . . .

In the Seventh Day of Birth

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (an activity guide) was released on the first of October. Baby is seven days old today. Already on FaceBook, I’ve discovery there’s talk about “Baby’s” content (dtd 10.2.18). Here’s what one buyer had to say . . . . . . I love love, Mirror, Mirror, . . . got it yesterday in mail from Amazon at office and brought it home and read through entire thing...I love it, Nina Norstrom...plan to recommend it to people! I do journal myself everyday and highly recommend that to others all the time . . . love the “Me-Day” terminology . . . like the exercises proposed. Since I read straight thru; needless to say, I didn’t do any of the exercises. But I was doing a once read through to see if it was for recommending, and it is great for many people I see and know!! A read! As always you are amazing, Nina Norstrom #Talkingaboutyou #Takingtimeforself #Selflove

It's Celebratory Time

I'm so overjoyed today baby has arrived. Let's toast to its arrival! Congratulations to baby and all the people who'll find their success behind those pages. Cheers to you all! Don't ask your mirror if you're the "fairest of them all." You should know! Take a peek at the "Look Inside" Feature . . . #Releasedate #Helpfightoxicity

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