Nationally awarded gold medallion from Reader Views and Nautilus Book Awards. Organizations are always developing and so are leaders. When leaders invest in the simultaneous development of their character and their competence it enhances their leadership capacity. Capacity is the ability and readiness to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity.
Leadership character is reflected in the ethical crossroads of organizational life. There is power in advanced decision making. Answer the seven questions before you find yourself in the crossroads between right and wrong, good and best, and sometimes between the lesser of two evils.
My new book, Leadership Core, makes the case for character-based leadership alongside competence-based leadership to impact one's leadership capacity. Capacity is that ability and readiness to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. Character is demonstrated in every interpersonal interaction and every business decision. Competence may get you the sale, but character will get you the returning customer.
Most leadership development initiatives focus on competency models. Assessments and 360 degree feedback to identify focus areas for leadership coaching. Competency is half of the agenda for leadership sustainability. Those who lead for the long haul also work on qualities of positive character.
The power of advanced decision making in chapter six addresses the integrity of the leader as a component of one's character. How you work through ethical crossroads in the toughest of leadership seasons is at the core of your character. Read this excerpt at the beginning of the chapter. Interested in more? Go to your favorite online bookstore to order your hardcover, Audible, or Kindle version of this nationally awarded resource from the Leadership Development Group. Dr. Dick Daniels
The thesis of Leadership Core is that a leader needs to work on character and competence simultaneously to impact their capacity to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. If you only work on character, people like you but don't eventually respect you. If you only work on competence, then people respect you but eventually will not like you. So, let's consider half of the formula of leadership core...character!
The following quote introduces the entire book. Leaders don't determine organizational culture. The cultural theme needed in the organization to reach strategic goals requires leadership agility and adaptability in the competency mix needed just now. Read on. I'd love your review on Amazon or your favorite online bookstore!
Organizational culture is the context in which leadership occurs. The challenge of leadership is understanding where the organization is in its development and being agile in applying the appropriate competencies that will contribute to further organizational maturity that will touch leaders at every level in any organization. Dr. Dick Daniels The Leadership Development Group
The sequence of the organizational blueprint provides the context of developing leaders at every level in any organization. Join the readership of the nationally awarded volume from The Leadership Development Group. Gold Medallion for the business/economics category from Reader Views - Reviewers Choice Award. Leadership Core: Character, Competence, Capacity by Dr. Dick Daniels
When leaders develop leadership character alongside developing leadership competence, it enhances their overall leadership capacity. Character reflects the consistency of who you are when everyone is looking and when no one is looking. Competence addresses the effectiveness and efficiency in using the skills required for your job. Capacity speaks to your ability and readiness to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. Leadership Core is written for the leader who is committed to enhance, increase, and expand their capacity as a leader. The scope and purpose of this book is to provide a framework of understanding that demystifies the ways in which organizations deepen their leadership resources going forward.
Leadership Briefs received the 2016 First Place Gold Medallion for the Business Category by the Midwest Independent Publisher's Association (MIPA). Earlier this year it also received the Readers' Favorite 2015 International Finalist Book Award for Excellence in Writing. It is a continual reference for leadership practitioners who want to: (1) shape a leadership development culture, (2) stretch their own leadership capacity, and (3) accelerate the leadership development of those who follow.
Trust is the core leadership competency for Anyone committed to a high performing team. Trust is built over time in the consistency of daily attitudes, words, and behaviors. It can be lost in a careless moment and often never regained. Here are five trust multipliers to evaluate your trust quotient. Trust never happens by chance only by choice. Dick Daniels President The Leadership Development group
Two questions every team member asks of their leader: (1) Do I like you, and (2) Can I trust you. The questions address character and competence. The Five Trust Multipliers are included in the full volume of Leadership Briefs which is available in hardcover, audio, or ebook at your favorite online bookstore.
Capacity is the ability and readiness to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. What are your capacity limits? Read the first part of this chapter in Leadership Briefs. Then get a copy and read on. The toughest question...can you expand or enhance your capacity?
This chapter represents two sides of the same coin. Individuals considering a new role in a new organization must wrestle with the question of fit: Is the organizational culture the kind of place where i will thrive? It's the same question for the hiring team. Does this person fit our culture. That does assume not a lack of diversity in all of its dimensions. Read the excerpt from one of the chapters in the nationally awarded, Leadership Briefs: Shaping Organizational Culture to Stretch Leadership Capacity.
Delegation is the leader's best tool to develop team members and move from operational leadership to strategic leadership. What are you still doing that should be carefully delegated to a team member? Learning and Leading With You, Dick Daniels
It's all about responsibility and authority. The timing of each will determine delegation effectiveness. Dick Daniels
Leaders learn the art of asking powerful to hold team members accountable. When is the last time you asked? Dick Daniels
Consider the cost before committing to the cause. The personal price of leading has a storyline that non-leaders may not fully understand. Dr. Dick Daniels
Leadership for the long haul results from the daily habitual ways of thinking and acting. These two characteristics of sustainable leadership are developed by asking five non-negotiable questions. Ask them often and extend your leadership effectiveness and efficiency. Dick Daniels The Leadership Development Group
Leaders to often make the short-sighted mistake of saying, "I can do it faster and I don't have time to train anyone to do it." The long-term benefit of learning how, when, and to whom to delegate is an investment in the future. It requires a long-term perspective. Fail to make the investment and you become the bottle neck to organizational growth and team member development. Dick Daniels
Collaboration is co-laboring together. There are times to work alone for efficiency and focus. There are also times for co-laboring to create buy-in, ownership, and the generation of innovative solutions. It's all about chipping in. Dick Daniels
Your opportunity is not just to lead but to develop emerging leaders. Is that part of your leadership communication plan? If not, here is a way to begin to open that door. Dick Daniels
Your opportunity is not just to lead but to develop emerging leaders. Is that part of your leadership communication plan? If not, here is a way to begin to open that door. Dick Daniels
Strategy is the plan on paper. Strategic is the action being implemented. So how do you lead strategically in light of your planned strategy?
Capacity defined: how far up the ladder can you go in leading at higher levels of organizational complexity. Here are six factors that influence capacity and the six capacity questions for every driven leader.
This chapter in Leadership Briefs was one of the most challenging for me personally. The introduction included in this post leads to three different actions the leader can consider: (1) Standing With - the leader's willingness just to be present, (2) Standing Up - the leader's willingness to speak up on behalf of a team member, and (3) Standing Alone - the leader's willingness to offer a second chance. Yes, leadership does move beyond the professional to the personal. I requires a discernment of who, when, where, why, and how. Learning and Leading With You! Dick Daniels
Strategy has been defined as the intelligent allocation of limited resources (Strategic Thinking Institute). How can your organization start the journey moving team members from your talent pool to a leadership pipeline? Read the excerpt from Leadership Briefs. I am doing this in healthcare just now as presenting our best practice model at the ATD Regional Conference in Charlotte, NC this month. Let me know your questions and insights from your best practices. Dick Dr. Dick Daniels
When you lead it is not unusual that you become the Bull's Eye on someone's target. For a variety of reasons others will criticize, compete, or undermine your leadership. This excerpt from Leadership Briefs was written to keep leaders from being blindsided when it happens. I would enjoy your insights in this discussion for leadership practitioners. Dick Daniels
Leaders recognize, reward, and celebrate the contribution of their team and individual team members. Part of leadership includes taking the blame and sharing the praise. How consistently do you do this?
Strategy is only the starting point. Executing to outcomes is the finish line. Never settle for a great strategy or you'll never get anything done.
I recently heard of the concept of "cultural humility." I think it is a great way to talk about the attitude toward those who are different from us in any number of ways: gender, socio-economically, religion, political views, racial and ethnic backgrounds, work styles, personalities, etc. etc. One of the serendipities in today's workplace is the opportunity for cross-functional colaboration. It all starts with cultural humility! Dick Daniels, The Leadership Development Group
Character is the internal development of a leader. Overlook it and everything suffers as a result. Get it right and it puts the leader on the pathway to sustainability. Dick Daniels
Culture is shaped by senior leaders in order to tie everything it represents to strategic outcomes. So how is culture built?
Sustaining leaders (those who survive for the long haul) are aware of the price they will pay for leading. There is an emotional, personal, professional price that accompanies the role. So what does it take to sustain? Read on and add your insights. Dick Daniels
Capacity is one's ability to lead at higher levels of organizational complexity. Capacity can vary from one part of the organization to another and from one season in organizational development to another. Here is the first factor for your consideration. Dick Daniels P.S. Follow our Linkedin group: The Leadership Development Group
Have you done the leadership work to hold team members accountable for their work? Dick Daniels The Leadership Development Group
Valentine's Day is an opportunity to consider the "L" word. There is an appropriate way to demonstrate love as a leader. It is one of four declarations every leader must make in this current chapter of Leadership Briefs: Shaping Organizational Culture to Stretch Leadership Capacity. Dick Daniels
Balancing the fuzzy line between the personal and professional in leadership is a case by case determination. How do you make these choices that can be a transformational investment in your emerging leaders?
When teams or team members collaborate cross-functionally...everyone wins.
Conflict is the pathway to innovation and creativity. But there are necessary groundrules to effectively value conflict among competing ideas.
We have proposed a five-step plan. It is one approach. Do you have a plan? If not, consider this strategy or build your own template from it. Dick Daniels The Leadership Development Group
If you have not given substantive feedback to your direct reports for the past 11.5 months you may be a little too late to retain the over-performer or educate the under-performer. 2016 could be a different year if you follow the simple formula: Recognition Reward Celebration = Engagement and Productivity.
A strategic plan does not imply action or outcomes. Too often more time is put into strategic planning than into strategic execution.
A culture of gratitude is rare in some organizations. The paycheck is the company's way of saying "Thank You." Perhaps the answer is simple in this day of concern for employee engagement. Could a genuine "Thank You" be more important than money?
Are you laying an appropriate foundation in order to hold team members accountable? Ask yourself these question and then lead your team accordingly.
Disengagement is the result of personal baggage of the employee or dysfunction of the organization and its leadership. In either case there is a predictable sequence of emotions that transition team members from engagement to disenggement.
Strategically working together rather than independently working alone. Collaboration is an investment in greater outcomes for a greater good.
Teams of random individuals who find themselves around a collaborative table are not automatically high performing teams. When dysfunction is evident, what is the role of leadership?
There are many explanations of what happens when a group of disconnected people find themselves in the same room with an agenda and a prescriptive outcome. The example given in this chapter only raises the greater question: What do great leaders do when teams aren't working.
What is the gap between your organizational culture and the daily climate for every team member? Identify the gap. Fix it. The ROI is talent attraction, engagement, productivity, and retention.
Execution is the name of the game at the end of the day, week, month, quarter, or year. Read the Bubble which is a part of the introduction to this chapter in Leadership Briefs. If you want to buy a copy, it is available in: ...Hard Cover ...Ebook ...Audio Book. For a discounted price on the hard cover go to the Leadership Development Group website: Thanks for reading as I am learning and leading with you!
Leader's have the unique opportunity to step through the professional to the personal. It is a selective assignment. It's knowing enough to make a critical decision about which of three leadership movements is appropriate: Standing With, Standing Up, or Standing Alone on behalf of a team member whose back is against the wall. It's a choice. It's a risk. It can have an ROI that is priceless.
An organization that says it values the development of emerging leaders creates: ...a pathway that offers clarity for any team member of how to move into leadership. assessment process that objectively identifies competency gaps that emerging leaders must address. ...individual development plans to address specific competency gaps. ...coaching opportunities to manage, monitor, and measure progress toward competency benchmarks.
Many delegation mistakes are made everyday. For some it's delegating too soon. For many, it's not delegating soon enough. It is a process, and the readiness factor is part of the develop responsibility for leaders who invest in their emerging leaders.
Trust is not given. Trust is earned. It deepens with the consistency of one's attitudes, words, and action. It is built over time and destroyed in one careless moment.
Trust is built slowly over time with the consistency of one's words and one's actions. Trust can be lost in the reckless word or action of a stressful moment in time. Then it might take a lifetime to regain that trust from those closest to you. Even in the face of those failures let your life speak (Parker Palmer) in a way that who you are then becoming will overshadow the mistaken word or action of the past. Live for the long haul rather than cave in to the shortcomings of a moment. Some may never understand and never trust you again. Others will offer the grace that they may one day need as well.
Leadership takes something out of the life of the leader that casual observers never fully understand. What has leading cost you personally? Yes, there is a positive ROI for leaders but there is also a price to be paid that followers will not experience. Has that price strengthened you in some ways? Are you a smarter or more strategic leader as a result. How have you reflected? Regretted? Re-engaged differently?
Rather than just depend on the formal reviews and periodic check-in meetings...consider the serendipity of hallway conversations throughout the day. Don't waste them. Reinforce the positive and address the negative.
In this chapter of Leadership Briefs you will find formulas for succession planning that describe each step in the process. Once the selection has been made for a leadership role and the initial onboarding is complete...then what is needed to insure candidate success?
Which of these four sets of words do you say most often? Least often? Learn to say all four to stretch your leadership capacity!
After all the reading and discussion about how to develop emerging leaders it comes down to strategy. This is when you move from the "what" to the "how." The attached excerpt is only an example of one framework to move vision to reality. Regardless of who you work with to initiate a leadership development need a pathway. Keep learning and keep leading! Dick Daniels The Leadership Development Group
The criteria listed for great hires include character and competence. One item often overlooked is team chemistry. It applies to the fit of a new hire with the existing team as well as the chemistry between the team leader and the new team member. The question is how to assess chemistry in the typical interview process with final candidates.
Of all the competencies needed for effective leadership none is more important than communication. Do it well and you will listen more than you talk. Do it poorly and you frustrate and disengage your best people.
Leaders often make the mistake of thinking that they must always have something to say. The leadership competency of effective communication has more to do with listening than it does with speaking. The communication competency implies that leaders learn to ask thought provoking questions.
The hot topic in all HR circles is the topic of employee engagement. Another perspective is the pathway to disengagement. Why does it happen? How does it happen? How can leaders influence the organizational culture and climate that either engages or disengages?
Strategic planning is not the equivalent of strategic execution. Once the planning is done effective leaders know the first step, the last step, and every step in between to achieve shared outcomes.
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