“The Sand Pounder is one of those rare historical novels with a charm that appeals to both young and old readers.” Vincent Dublado for Readers’ Favorite “M.J. Evans does an excellent job of winding the era's history and the lesser-known job of the Sand Pounders into a realistic story of a mature teen's determination to make a difference in her world.” Diane Donovan for Midwest Book Review: “A gripping YA historical novel packed full of twists, turns and memorable characters. Highly recommended!” The Wishing Shelf Book Review(UK) Fearing an invasion by German and Japanese forces during World War II, the U.S. Coast Guard enlisted horsemen to patrol the beaches along the east and west coasts. The unit was called "The Sand Pounders" and they rode their horses up and down the beaches from 1942 to 1944. In Tillamook, Oregon, a young equestrian decided to join them. There was only one problem...they were only accepting men. That didn't slow her down. "The Sand Pounder" is a Young Adult historical fiction set during World War II.
Book Bubbles from The Sand Pounder
It is not uncommon for women to disguise themselves as men, especially in wartime. This was done both for protection and to give them opportunities to join in battle. Take Joan of Arc as an example. During the civil war, many women disguised themselves as men to stay with their husbands. So, when Jane learned that the Sand Pounders in the U.S. Coast Guard were only taking men, she and her horse reported to the Coast Guard station on the Oregon Coast as man and horse!
I have watched the last two years as people have been manipulated by fear. Sometimes fear can be a good thing by keeping us out of danger. But often it leads us to behave in an irrational fashion. This was the case during World War 2 when people feared their neighbors of Japanese descent. The Japanese families, even those who had been born in the U.S., lost their homes and businesses and were put in "internment" camps for several years. We must learn from the mistakes of the past. I have chosen not to let my life be run by fear. Life is too short!
We all have dreams of the perfect Christmas filled with sparkling lights, brightly wrapped packages, delicious food, and family gatherings. Many of our Christmas's are like that...but, sadly, some aren't. The absence of loved ones leaves not just an empty chair at the table but a hole in our hearts as well. Jane is facing a Christmas that portends to be the beginning of a very sad year as her brother and many others go off to war. World War II, like every war, is a very sad time. Throughout the book, I tried to capture the heart ache that the families of the soldiers felt. Please enjoy "The Sand Pounder" and give me a gift...post a review on Amazon and Goodreads! I would so appreciate it.
The world listened to their radios on December 8th, 1941, as President Roosevelt made his short, seven-minute speech that signaled our entry into World War 2. I hadn't been born yet so I don't have a personal memory of his speech. But I do have some very powerful memories of world events. My first was the assassination of President Kennedy. I was in seventh grade and sitting in my music class at Lake Oswego Junior High School when the principal's voice came over the intercom and announced the event. That was on November 22, 1963. I also remember my boyfriend, Tom, (now my husband,) picking me up and rushing from my house to his on empty roads to watch the moon walk on his family's television. That was on July 20th, 1969. Of course, we can all picture where we were and what we were doing on September 11, 2001...twenty years ago. I hope that "The Sand Pounder" brings the events of WWII, as the people experienced it in Oregon, to life for my readers. Oh...and it just won first place in both Historical Fiction and Young Adult Fiction in the Royal Dragonfly Awards! (That is a memorable event for me!)
Jane is not the first woman to disguise herself as a man in order to go to war. Ever heard of Joan of Arc? Also, during the civil war, several women disguised themselves as men in order to be with their soldier-husbands. And, of course, everyone loves Mulan even if she, like Jane, is fictional. Much in the book is factual but, as an author writing historical fiction, I have the freedom to create the story the way I want it. But to make it believable, I had to keep true to the time period and the roll of the Sand Pounders as they patrolled the beaches to keep our country safe during WWII. I hope you will read the book. If you do, please post a review on amazon and goodreads!
I grew up in Oregon and my father, who served briefly in WWII, often took us to Fort Stevens on the coast. That was the site that was shelled by the Japanese during the war. He told me about the war but he never mentioned the Sand Pounders. Perhaps if he had been a horseman, he would have. Not-so-fast-forward fifty years and I stumbled across them purely by accident when searching for unusual horse stories. I was fortunate to be able to acquire a recently declassified report that the Coast Guard had filed so many, many years before. I think you'll find the information in my historical fiction very interesting!
“With a wicked witch, magic, and a mystery, children from the ages of eight and up will love this enchanting book.” — Susan Sewell for Readers’ Favorite “Mr. Figgletoes’ Toy Emporium is very highly recommended for young readers looking for a tale of magic that evolves into something even more delightful, advocating for a kinder world.” — Diane Donovan, Editor, Midwest Book Reviews “Evans’ plot is imaginative and thrilling.” — Jack Magnus for Readers’ Favorite Why are children vanishing from their beds in the middle of the night? And what does the local toymaker have to do with their disappearances? Find out in the exciting children's fantasy, Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium. The story begins on East Sherman Avenue in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where an exclusive and delightful toy store is located. Owned by Mr. Figgletoes, the enchanting shop contains a vast selection of unique toys. Recently, a scary witch with evil plans for the children of Coeur d'Alene has infiltrated Mr. Figgletoes' Emporium. Now, after making a purchase at Mr. Figgletoes' shop, select customers, along with their new toys, disappear during the night. What is the mean old witch going to do with her captives? Can Mr. Figgletoes be trusted?
Book Bubbles from Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium
Mr. Figgletoes is on a quest to save all the children from the evil witch, Miss Twizzle. He must find one kind child to prove children are worth saving. Miss Twizzle is sure he will fail...
People always ask me where I get my ideas for my books. I respond that my ideas often come at the most unexpected times. Take "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" for example. We were at a family reunion in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. My family and I were walking down Sherman Avenue on a beautiful summer day. We passed by a toy store named "Figpickles Toy Emporium." I loved the name and immediately the ideas started pouring into by brain about a middle-grade book. "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" was the result! If you want a fun book for 8 to 12 year olds, especially those who are a bit intimidated to try a chapter book, consider gifting them a copy of "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium."
This is the opening to "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium." A toy store is the stuff of which dreams (and in this case - stories) are made of! I remember when I was a child, my grandmother would take me to a wonderful toy store when I went to Salem, Oregon to visit her. She didn't drive, so we rode the bus. I always picked out a statue of a horse! The Christmas-time highlight was when the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue arrived. My sister and brother and I would spend hours pouring over the colorful pictures of new toys. Something about the toy section at Walmart is just not the same as a bona-fide toy store! As you pick gifts for your children and grandchildren, don't forget the books! Mr. Figgletoes is great for 8 to 12 year - olds.
Every child needs a special new "Summer Reading Book." "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is perfect. People always ask me where I get my ideas for my books. This one was unique. We gathered with our kids and grandkids for a family reunion in Coeur d'Alene, ID a couple of summers back. We were walking down the cute streets and I saw a store called "Figpickles Toy Emporium." That's all it took for the entire idea of the story about Mr. Figgletoes to fill my head and I couldn't wait to start writing! It has been the winner of numerous literary awards and is written for 8 to 12 year-olds.
Everyone has a soft spot in their heart for Santa Claus. So, it is only fitting that when I created Mr. Figgletoes, I thought of Santa! When I was a child, a neighbor dressed up like Santa on Christmas Eve. My parents would have previously hidden a bag of gifts outside for him to bring with him. He knocked on the door, came in the house, and personally delivered the gifts to us. So, obviously, Santa was real! My husband's parents actually put fireplace ashes in footprint shapes from the fireplace to the tree. He knew Santa was real because his mom would never have allowed that! As a writer of fantasy, you know I love using my imagination. All the childhood fantasies make life fun. Keep them going! Oh...and read "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" to a child.
When I am at a book signing I always sign "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" with the words: Be the Kind One. That is the message I hope everyone who reads this book will take into their hearts. Kindness never fails...even when it's hard! BE THE KIND ONE!
Gift giving is my husband's love language. He loves to shop, but never for himself. He is always on a treasure hunt to find something for someone else, usually me. Two weeks ago I was in Oregon with my daughter's family. I called home to talk to Tom. I asked him what he was doing. "I'm on 'Dreamhorse.com' looking for a horse for you! I just laughed because he really has no idea what I would look for when picking a horse. But the love and kindness was the message that came through loud and clear. Parker in "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is the kind child that saves all the children in Coeur D'Alene. You'll have to read the book to find out how he does so. Fun for summer reading!
Some of my favorite books and T.V. shows are about Private Investigators. I love all the Sherlock Holmes Mysteries and still reread them today. I also loved the old Columbo T.V. show...do any of you remember that one? When creating "M" and "J" Mimic from the Mimic Investigation Agency, I drew upon the almost cartoon-like images of the quintessential private eye. It was really fun to give them their personalities.
I'm excited to tell you that "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is the 2021 Gold Medal Winner of the Feathered Quill Book Awards. This honor is my reward for working so hard on my writing. As a result of the award, numerous people sent me the kindest notes. These notes warmed my heart. Compare that to the notes poor Miss Twizzle recorded in her diary about the mean things that happened to her at school. I hope that my book will convince kids to be kind to one another.
Magic can be useful when you are raising children! As a former teacher of teenagers and a mother of five, there were times I wished I had Miss Twizzle's talents. Just kidding...I never wanted to turn my children or students into fish! However, when it came to cleaning rooms or getting chores done, a magic wand would come in very handy, don't you think?
I have always enjoyed reading mysteries. Since fantasy is my favorite genre, stirring in a little mystery in the pot makes fantasy even better! The great thing about mystery is that it keeps you guessing. That's fun! As you read "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" you will wonder if the old toymaker is good or bad. You have to keep reading to find out! "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is a book for middle-grade (8-12 year-olds) readers. I wrote it in hopes that kids will learn to love reading.
I did not get everything I wanted as a child, nor do I as an adult. But I learned to appreciate and take care of what I do have. Three of the four children in "Mr. Figgletoes" are victims of over-indulgent or weak parents. They become insufferable as a result. While parenting isn't the message of the book, it clearly could be!
With the exception of politicians and the media, I trust people. In my mind, people start out good and I naturally like and trust them. They have to do something pretty awful to destroy that trust. Poor Miss Twizzle has had such a hard life, and has been hurt so many times, she has lost all trust in others. In this excerpt, the reader can see how miserable she is inside. As you read "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium," you'll learn the solution to helping this unhappy witch become happy.
Witches are green! I don't mean just their skin color. They leave a very small carbon footprint! Just look at how they can get around. Miss Twizzle can teleport wherever she wants to go without polluting the environment. We all need such skills, don't you think? My green transportation method of choice is horseback riding...and my mode of transportation actually fertilizes the ground!
Miss Twizzle is the quintessential witch except that she likes her pink polka-dotted dress! She has learned that her powers can be very helpful, especially when you want your way. I have always loved Halloween. I don't take it seriously...to me it is just a fun holiday to dress up and give away candy! So, my witch in "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" should not be taken seriously either. It is just a fantasy with a good message!
I may be old, but I remember what it was like to be in elementary school and junior high. I was never one of the mean girls and was fortunate to never be the target of bullies. However, I saw them in action and am happy to say that I stood up for the victims on more than one occasion. The theme of "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is the damaging effect that bullying has on children. I hope children ages 8 to 12 will not only love reading the book but will take the message to heart and "Be the Kind One."
Being a mom of five and a teacher before that, I've been around a lot of kids. Fortunately, my own five children were never like Brinnli, the stereotypical self-centered, mean girl. But it wasn't hard to create her character in "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium." Unfortunately, I've seen enough of them around. While too often a child's bad behavior is a result of poor parenting, that isn't the message of the book. This book is about the damage on a person as the result of bullying. I think you'll like the way it turns out.
The release of a new book is always so exciting for me as an author. I spend nearly a year working on a book and when it is finally released, it is cause for celebration. "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium" is a middle-grade fantasy. It deals with the damage created by bullying. Midwest Book Reviews said: "Mr. Figgletoes' Toy Emporium is very highly recommended for young readers looking for a tale of magic that evolves into something even more delightful, advocating for a kinder world." I is available now on all sites.
Winner of the Book Excellence Award for Middle-Grade Fiction. “A forgotten piece of Americana brought to vivid life.”— Kirkus Reviews In 1912, four men, calling themselves the “Overland Westerners,” decided fame and fortune awaited if they embarked on the longest horseback ride in history. Their goal was to visit all forty-eight state capitals over the course of three years and complete their journey at the San Francisco World’s Fair on June 1, 1915. Facing rugged roads, raging rivers, thieves and near starvation, the men went through seventeen horses. Only one horse completed the entire journey… Pinto, a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country! This is Pinto’s account of his arduous adventure.
Book Bubbles from PINTO! Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History
I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. So, I am familiar with rain. In fact, it wasn't until I moved to Colorado when I was 45 that I learned about sun! Well, I might be exaggerating just a bit, but I really did learn to do everything in the rain. When I rode my horse, I used a heavy rain poncho that covered me and the horse! If I didn't ride in the rain, I didn't ride. So, I decided to start PINTO! by poking a little fun at the weather, and I let Pinto do it for me. PINTO!, the story of the longest horseback ride in history, has won numerous literary wards and is perfect for middle-grade and up.
Yes, dogs really are our best friends. That may sound odd coming from an author who focuses her writing on horses, but I have always loved dogs as well. About a month ago, we lost our precious standard poodle, Hannah. It was sudden and unexpected since she was only four. The vets still do not understand what happened. Our hearts are broken. The only thing that could fill the gaping whole in our hearts was a new standard poodle puppy. Enter Lacey! Lacey is just ten weeks old and we have had her for two weeks. Dogs, especially poodles!, are a gift from God to bring joy to our lives!
The Overland Westerners zig-zagged across the country, heading south to find warmer weather and north to cool off. I love the summer months. I love being warm. Perhaps that is why I start each day with a cup of hot chocolate topped with whipping cream! My summer schedule is to get up early, feed the horses and scoop manure while it is cooler, then go back inside and work on my book for an hour. After I have given the horses enough time to eat some of their breakfast, I go back out and teach a riding lesson and ride one of my horses. By noon, I'm back at the computer working on my books. During the winter, I reverse that. I write in the morning and ride in the afternoon. In the spring, summer and fall, my schedule changes on Fridays...that's my trail riding day. That's the day I load up my horse and go to the mountains!
Some people just love to negotiate deals. I'm not one of them. Oh sure, I like to get a good deal...I just hate haggling. I want to make an offer and have the seller say "Sure." The Overland Westerners did quite a bit of haggling on their three-year journey, whether it was over the sale or trade of a horse as in this excerpt, or boarding for the horses, or food for themselves. I would have starved to death on a lame horse if I had had to do that!
I have always loved camping...for a few nights! I can't imagine camping for over three years. When I camp, I prefer those nice campgrounds with bathrooms and showers, picnic tables and firepits. Some of you would say: "That's not really camping!" True. So if you read "PINTO!" you'll know what real camping is like and it doesn't sound very fun. In fact, their entire 3-year, 20,000 mile journey doesn't sound very fun! So, when you go camping this summer, take along a copy of "PINTO!" and you'll appreciate what luxury is like.
My father was orphaned at the age of twelve. As a result, he was sent to live with a kind aunt and uncle in Laurel, Mississippi. Soon, the family moved to Central Oregon, the state where my dad lived for the rest of his life. Separated from his brothers and sisters at a time when travel was uncommon, he didn't see the rest of his siblings for a quarter of a century. When I was twelve, we traveled to Louisiana to meet our cousins. I remember well the wonderful Southern Hospitality we received. We attended numerous afternoon watermelon and lemonade parties hosted by friends and neighbors. As I read the journals kept by two of the Overland Westerners, I realized I was reading about a time long past and probably never to be repeated. While there were times the men and horses met rude people, there were more times when they met kind and generous people who gladly shared what they had with them. I yearn for that hospitality in our society.
I always feel a little empty and lost if I don't have a book to read. I supposed I could just tell myself to clean the garage or something! But it doesn't work that way with me...I would much rather read or write a book! If you are like me, may I recommend "PINTO!" for your next read. This is a historical fiction based upon the true story of the longest horseback ride in history. As the winner of 10 literary awards, I'm confident you will love it.
When I was a child, I dreamed of having a horse. Then my dreams got bigger and I dreamed of riding in the Olympics! Then I met my future husband and my dreams changed to having a wonderful marriage and family, but I still dreamed of having a horse again! Dreams take work if you really want them to happen. I have learned that sitting around dreaming doesn't make any dream come true. Pinto and the Overland Westerners dreamt of fame and fortune. Even though they worked hard to get it, it didn't happen the way they thought it would. However, they had a great adventure along the way. That's what life can be...a great adventure along the way! So, dream big and go for it!
It is supposed to snow at my house tonight. But, no problem. I'll be snuggled into my warm bed with the fireplace on, reading a book. My life is pretty wonderful...especially when I compare it to what the Overland Westerners went through for three years. I enjoy a couple of nights of camping, under the best of weather conditions, but I would never have been successful doing what Pinto and his rider did! We really are soft and spoiled now days!
We have all been living through a memorable year of ups and downs...mainly downs! The Overland Westerners and Pinto knew all about ups and downs. To Pinto, all was fine if he had a place to sleep at night and plenty of hay and grain. To the men, it wasn't that simple. Not only was the journey arduous, they rarely experienced the success and recognition they expected. It is a rather sad story unless you take the lesson of perseverance and commitment to heart and learn from how they, especially George Beck, faced their challenges. We all have ups and downs in our lives. Let's find strength and joy in the ups so we can get through the downs.
From smiling all the way through a dressage test, to greeting people with a smile, or smiling at complete strangers, I am a big believer in brightening everyone's day with a smile. Smiles and handshakes helped the Overland Westerners get around the country with very little money. In the excerpt you will see one example. Remember, this is a historical fiction based upon all the events and adventures I read about in their journals.
A couple of weeks ago, my horse, Amara, and I were on a trail ride. I was leading but looking back to talk to my friends. Without warning, my horse stopped, which caused me to look forward. About 6 feet in front of us, a huge rattlesnake was crossing the dirt trail. I watched it stop and turn its head to look at us as it raised it's rattles and began shaking them. Many horses in this situation would bolt or whirl. But, instead, my smart little mare slowly backed up and the snake slithered into the brush. It took a while for my heart rate to slow down, and Amara got lots of pats and praise. The results of Molly's snake bite as recounted in "PINTO!" came right from my vet who told me just what would happen. So, BEWARE OF RATTLESNAKES!
It is said that timing is everything! The four men, calling themselves the Overland Westerners, expected fame and fortune by riding to every state capitol and completing their journey at the World's Fair. Their journey took from May 1,1912 to June 1,1915. They completed their difficult travels right on schedule but their accomplishment was not celebrated. In fact, it was ignored. Perhaps it just wasn't the right time. Now, over one hundred years later, I am doing my best to give them the recognition they deserve. Last night, "PINTO!" received its TENTH literary award! The Chanticleer International book awards gave it first place for best in category in the Gertrude Warner Middle Grade Book awards!
I stay off the toll roads around Denver because the tolls are so expensive. This is especially true if I am pulling my horse trailer. As I was reading the journals kept by two of the Overland Westerners, I read an entry in which they recounted discovering tolls across the roads in Tennessee. I chuckled and shook my head. "Well, the tolls are way more than a nickle now days!" I said to myself. But for the Overland Westerners, a nickle was often more than they had.
"PINTO!" is a historical fiction but it is based upon the true story of the journey undertaken by the Overland Westerners. They left Washington State in May of 1912 and visited every state capital over the next three years...all on horseback! I learned about their journey by reading the journals that two of the four men kept along the way. The journals gave me a feel for what life was like from 1912 to 1915. Wild West Shows were quite popular and Pinto often appeared in them when a show was in the town they were visiting. They were the precursors to traveling shows like "Disney on Ice" without the ice!
I love studying artists and their artwork. When my children were in elementary school, I volunteered to teach the "Great Artist" program. Charles Russell was one of the many artists that I researched and presented to the kids. I love going to art museums. The Met in NYC is one of my favorite! I always go with a list of artists that I would like to see. I never miss the Rembrandts! While I was reading the journals written by the Overland Westerners, I came across this account by George regarding seeing some paintings by Charles Russell whom he calls "Cowboy Russell." I loved it, so it had to go in the book! "PINTO!" not only won the Book Excellence Award, it is a finalist for the Chanticleer Book Awards for middle-grade historical.
This 20,000 mile journey was filled with difficulty and seriously lacking in the fun department. As I read the journals kept by two of the men, I found it to be a record of one challenge after another. This event, as told by Pinto, really happened. It was one that touched me, as I have long had nightmares about drowning. I enjoy swimming and even snorkeling in the the ocean, but I do have a fear of drowning. Poor Pinto nearly lost his life when the pack pulled him over. I shiver to think of it.
If given the choice of reading a good horse story or a history book, I'd choose the horse story any day! But with PINTO!, I have combined the two. I read all the old journals, still in existence, that the Overland Westerners kept as they rode around the country. It was so fun to learn about the US in the time period 1912 to 1915. There were many interesting things going on at that time, especially the development of the combustion engine which led to the availability of "horseless carriages," and the beginning of World War I. Reading PINTO! will be a fun way to learn about our country during that time.
Staying at home and keeping "social distance" is hard for an extrovert who likes to hug. That describes me! In fact, that is the hardest thing about being an author. I'm alone a lot of the time. School visits are a great break from the solitude! Now, everything I had on my calendar for March and April has been cancelled. That is enough to drive me crazy! In this excerpt, I have described how horses relate to one another. Like families, they form "Bands." This is for protection as well as socialization. If you ever see horses in a field, they are always in close proximity to each other. Usually they aren't following "social distancing" rules as they stand side by side and rub each other's withers. I'm a lot like a horse! This isolation has been really hard for me.
Most of the story I included in "PINTO!" came directly from the journals that George Beck and Raymond Ray had kept. They were fascinating to read! However, I also got some information from old newspaper articles. One of the articles mentioned that two horses died on the journey. I could not find any reference to this in the journals that are still in existence. So I made up the story of Dolly dying of colic and Molly dying of a rattlesnake bite. I called my vet and asked him how a horse would die of a rattlesnake bite. He told me it was always from a bite on the nose. So this description is an accurate depiction of what would happen. .
Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. Studies have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity. Unfortunately, however, many people don't get enough laughter in their lives. In fact, one study suggests that healthy children may laugh as much as 400 times per day, but adults tend to laugh only 15 times per day. As I was reading the men's journals while researching PINTO!, I realized that many of their days were not only hard but just plain boring for both man and beast. Fat really did liven up the party with his singing and kept the men laughing. So, I had Pinto tell the reader about this from his point of view! Horses probably do think laughter is weird.
I can't count the number of miles I have covered riding on the beautiful trails in the Colorado Mountains. My trusty thoroughbred Kit carried me over mountain streams, bridges, up rocky ledges, over fallen logs...he was the best. He took me wherever I asked him to go with those long legs of his. However, on the rare occasion when he hesitated, I let him look around and figure out what was bothering him. On one occasion, a deer bound out from a clump of scrub oak. Other times, I wouldn't see anything and eventually, Kit lowered his head and moved on. Animals are smart and we need to listen to them. In this excerpt, Pinto nearly lost his life because the Overland Westerners ignored what he was trying to tell them.
There are several ways to conclude your book. If you are writing a series, end with a cliff hanger. Another great way to finish a book is to end up back at the beginning. For PINTO! I ended the book with the moral of the story. PINTO! isn't a happy story. The Overland Westerners struggled to complete their journey and it didn't bring them the fame and fortune they expected. But such is life. We all go through disappointments. We all set goals that we either don't complete or that do not turn out the way we planned. But we can learn from our failures and become stronger because of them.
Whenever I take a cross-country journey in my heated and air-conditioned car, listening to music or stories on tape, I compare my life to that of the pioneers who crossed the plains in wagons or on foot. Life is pretty easy for us. Not so for them. And not for the Overland Westerners. Travel conditions were much different in the years between 1912 and 1915. This excerpt is taken from their journals written in May of 1912 as they attempted to cross the Cascade Mountains in Oregon on their way to Idaho. Where was the snowplow!
Each year I set goals based upon the scripture found in Luke 2:52: "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and Man." Intellectual, physical, spiritual and social goals are all covered in this scripture. It took me two years of setting completion of "PINTO!" as my intellectual goal to actually get it done. But I kept working at it until it was finally complete. All our goals seem to be like that. They take longer than we expect! The Overland Westerners completed their journey right on time...but they didn't ever complete their goal to become rich and famous. Now, over one hundred years later, I'm trying to help them with the famous part!
I loved getting books for Christmas. Books are a gift you can open again and again. Of course, when I say "Books," I mean horse stories! I loved all the books by Marguerite Henry. Of course, I loved the classic book: "Black Beauty." So when it came time to tell the story of Pinto and the Overland Westerners, I knew I had to tell it in Pinto's voice...the way Black Beauty tells his story. It was really fun letting Pinto be the narrator for this new book! The difference between "Pinto!" and "Black Beauty" is that Pinto is based upon a true story. I think you'll love it.
Last weekend, I attended the Equus Film and Arts Festival in Lexington, Kentucky. I continue in my efforts to bring notoriety to Pinto and the Overland Westeners...a hundred years late! Pinto and I were successful! PINTO! won the award for best historical novel. In the excerpt you will read an account of their first trip to Kentucky, not counting passing through part of the state during their first winter on the trail.
Have any of you ever ignored sound advice, thinking you knew better? Admit it! We all have. The Overland Westerners were no different. In this excerpt, the men refuse to be deterred by the warnings of others...others who were older and wiser. They got into a heap of trouble as a result. I try to learn from the mistakes of others and not get in the same mess myself. When I haven't done so, I've always regretted it!
Every day should be Thanksgiving! No, I don't mean the feast or all the dirty dishes. I mean the feeling in our hearts. Feeling and expressing gratitude is the best way to be happy. In this excerpt, Pinto recounts a time when George and the other Overland Westerners express their gratitude for something as simple as getting closer to home. Take a moment to look around you at all the blessings you have been given. It will make you happy!
Many people have spent their lives seeking fame and fortune and come up empty handed. Perhaps the Overland Westerners didn't spend their entire lives on this quest, but they spent over three years in the saddle! As I read the journals kept by two of the men, journals that are still in existence and in the care of the Bainbridge Island, Washington History Museum, my heart went out to them. George Beck, the leader, tried to keep a positive attitude throughout the journey. His attitude frequently meant the difference between success and failure. Attitude is everything! I have a sticky note on my computer where I write my books. It says: Stay Positive Work Hard Make it happen!
It was really fun writing PINTO! from the horse's point of view and in first person. Each day when I sat down to write, I tried to turn my brain into a horse's brain, my eyes into a horses eye. I have loved horses all of my life and bought my own horse when I was thirteen after five years of taking lessons. Because of my life-long infatuation with horses and my experience training, riding and showing, I was able to put myself in the horse's mindset. I think you will learn a lot, not just about the Overland Westerners, but also about horses in general, as you read PINTO!
Writing Historical Fiction was made so much easier because I had the actual journals that George and Fat wrote. I read every journal, that is still in existence, during my research. As a result, I was able to capture the flavor of the times. In one journal I read their name for, and description of, golf. I love the name "Pasture Pool" that they used to describe it. I'm sure the grounds keepers at golf courses would not appreciate the name, however!
When I drive across country in my heated/air conditioned car, listening to music, I often think of the pioneers and what they went through to reach their goal. I'm grateful I live when I do...I'm not as strong as they were. Pinto and the Overland Westerners had many very difficult days during their 20,000 mile - three year journey. This is just one description of what they encountered. This is in the Cascade mountains in Oregon early on in their travels.
We all worry about crime in our society. Sadly, criminals have been with us since man was created. The Overland Westerners ran into their share of bad people on their journey. As I read the journals written by two of the four men on the ride, I came across this event where a thief crept into their camp and stole a saddle and bridle. Losing tack was not something that the men could afford and this proved to be a big set-back for them. PINTO! has now been released and you can read all about the adventures the men encountered on the longest horseback ride in history as told by the only horse to complete the entire journey...PINTO!
For three years and one month, the Overland Westerners rode around the country, visiting every state capital, trying to become famous. This journey was hard on both the men and the horses. I know that I stay bundled up in my warm house and my horses stay blanketed and cozy in their stalls when the wind and cold come our way. Through it all, the Overland Westerners just kept going! PINTO! will be released on Oct. 15th but is available NOW for pre-order.
It may have taken over one hundred years, but Pinto and the four men who called themselves the "Overland Westerners," are finally getting the book deal they wanted! On Oct. 15th, "PINTO!" will be released. This amazing story of a 20,300 mile/ 3 year horseback ride is told from the point of view of the only horse to make it the entire way. If you loved "Black Beauty," this is the book for you!
If you love historical fiction, you will love "PINTO!" It is based upon the true story of the longest horseback ride in history...20,300 miles over the course of three years! For the last two years, I have been researching this lost bit of Americana by reading one hundred- year-old journals and articles, and studying old photographs. Only one horse made it the entire way...Pinto-a little horse with a heart as big as the whole country.
"This is good guys versus bad guys at its finest." Readers' Favorite, "Action-packed, riveting, and steeped in the atmosphere so carefully built in prior books in the series." Midwest Book Reviews, "An impeccable YA fantasy read." Readers' Favorite. "The Stone of Wisdom" is the final book of "The Centaur Chronicles, the epic saga that will captivate YA and adults who love Tolkien-like settings and characters. Carling, the half Fairy/half Human teenager who is to inherit the throne of Crystonia, must complete the Silver Breastplate to be worthy to be the queen. But an evil Wizard named Xanbar has returned to claim the throne for himself and is amassing a vicious army of Centaurs, Ogres and Cyclops to help him do it.
Book Bubbles from The Stone of Wisdom
In this excerpt, I write about the Cyclops army as it agrees to join the evil centaurs in fighting to prevent Carling from obtaining the throne and leadership of Crystonia. It is a clear description of the affect peer pressure has on people as they are coerced into following a course of action that isn't a good one for anyone involved. As a child I fell for this type of pressure...though nothing as serious as this. As I became more confident, more sure of myself, I learned to think for my self and act independently. We need more of that now days!
Have you ever been to one of those "Get Out Rooms" with friends or family? I have and I think they are really fun. However, last weekend we flew to Utah to be with our son's family for a few days. We played a "Get Out" game from a box. It was IMPOSSIBLE! and we played the "easy" version! I had no clue what we were supposed to do or how to solve the problem. Oh well. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Life is sometimes like that. It often seems like a puzzle that needs to be solved. And we don't always solve it because we get on the wrong track and have a hard time getting back where we should be. The key to solving the puzzle is to keep your eyes looking forward to where you want to end up. Make good choices and travel safely readers!
There are a few great leaders that have appeared throughout history. We read about some in the scriptures and others in the history books. One quality of a great leader is selflessness. Carling's entire life changed when she was given the Silver Breastplate. Now she must think of her people before herself. You see in this excerpt that she is becoming selfless.Her thoughts and concerns are for her people, not herself. As she gather's each stone, she develops the quality the stone imparts: Mercy, Courage, Integrity and, now, Wisdom. All of these make her the great leader the creatures in the land of Crystonia need her to be.
People often stumble across one of my books that is a 2nd, 3rd, or, in this case, 4th book in a series. Perhaps they found it at the library or borrowed it from a friend. As an author, I am aware that this will happen. As a result, I always provide a little bit of back story in each new book so the reader that is entering the series late, will be able to quickly figure out what is going on. It is a delicate balance between providing enough information and being repetitious. If the book gets too repetitious, loyal readers get bored..."I've already read this," or "I already knew that." In the excerpt, I included some old information but combined it with a new setting to keep the old readers interested.
One of the best things inherent in writing fantasy is world building. I love imagining a fantasy world and picking the words that will best describe the picture I have in my head. It is easy to get inspired just by looking at the world around me. I love to ride my horse in the mountains, listening to the wind whisper through the evergreen boughs, breathing in the fresh scent of pine and moss, feeling the sun on my skin. There is also beauty right in our own homes: the smooth lines of the furniture, the flicker of the fire in the fireplace, the texture and color of an area rug. So, if you want to write fiction, open your eyes and observe the world around you. Paint pictures with words!
The quote in the front of each book in this series comes from Ephesians 6:14: "Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness." My daily scripture reading influences my writing in many ways. This excerpt is an example. I didn't serve in the military so the battle strategies that are included in this series come from things I read in the scriptures. This is proof it isn't just the Gospel that you can learn from reading them!
With all the cancellations of author events, Book Signings, Book Store readings, School Visits, Award Ceremonies, Author Talks to groups, all being cancelled, I have a lot more free time on my hands! Besides riding my horse, I have also been enjoying watching the buds appearing on the trees and the tulips breaking through the soil. Spring has not been cancelled so get out and enjoy it! In addition to time outside, spend time READING. You will enjoy this Award-winning final book of "The Centaur Chronicles." Midwest book reviews said: "Action packed, riveting, and steeped in the atmosphere so carefully built in prior books in the series." Diane Donovan, Editor
It is fun creating the bad guy in a story. It's actually easier than creating the good guy because their behaviors and personalities are so strong. When it came to creating Zarius, I only needed to look at political and military leaders from the past and present. You will see in this excerpt how Zarius used the power of words to manipulate and motivate his followers.
I have a college degree. Does that make me wise?The answer is a resounding "NO!" Wisdom and Knowledge are two different things. I've observed many people who are well educated by the world's standards but are not wise. Carling learns that wisdom is the application of knowledge to accomplish good and make righteous choices. In this excerpt, Carling is becoming a wise leader by motivating her followers and working with them to prepare for battle.
When I visit schools, I tell the students that I am an artist with words. Yes, that is what an author is! We paint pictures with words. It is so fun picking words that will best describe the images I have in my head. The thesaurus is my best friend. I use it to find both interesting synonyms as well as antonyms to avoid over using the same words.
Have you ever been to a "Get Out Room?" Our family went to one. We divided into two teams and went into two identical rooms and tried to beat the other team out. The puzzles that we had to solve were difficult and each one proved to be a new challenge. It was hard but fun! If you ever have a chance to go to one...DO IT! The experience in the "Get Out Room" was my inspiration for Carling's riddles that she needs to solve in her quest to find the white Stone of Wisdom.
After writing four books in a series, you don't want the last book to be a let-down for your readers. But, all good things must come to an end sometime! So, in the last chapter I summarized the meaning of each of the four books in "The Centaur Chronicles" series. I used Vidente to review the importance of each of the stones and the virtues they empowered Carling with. A summary is another good way to conclude a story.
A four-book-series represents a thousand pages and hundreds of thousands of words for a reader to remember. By the fourth book, I found it necessary to insert subtle reminders of past events. It is important to not bore the reader with too much repetition so I tried to find unique ways to do this. In this excerpt, you will see one way I did it...mix some review in with some new material.
I am excited to tell you I was just notified that "The Stone of Wisdom" received the silver Medal for Middle Grade Fiction and the Bronze Medal for Fantasy from the Feathered Quill Book Awards. Now I want to tell you about an unusual source of inspiration. My large family divided into two teams and raced each other trying to get out of one of those "Get Out Rooms." It was so much fun! But while I was in the room trying to solve the clues, I kept thinking about Carling trying to find the Stone of Wisdom. I got my ideas for some of the puzzles I used while she was searching for the stone in the Cliffs of Confusion from the Get Out Room we went to. When I am so wrapped up in writing my book, I can get ideas in the most unusual places!
I am so excited to tell you that "The Stone of Wisdom," released in December, was awarded the Silver Medal for Middle-grade Fiction AND the Bronze Medal for Fantasy by the Feathered Quill Book Awards! I am very honored to have my work recognized. The excerpt I am sharing today is from the very beginning of the book. Creating tension right from the onset is a great way to capture your reader's attention. Conflict, even though I added a touch of humor, is a great way to create tension. Here the reader is also reminded what a bad guy Zarius is!
You should recognize the title from the new movie: Mary Poppins Returns. That was my favorite song! Designing a cover for a book is a hard process. While working with a graphic artist is fun, you feel a lot of pressure to pick a cover that will interest the reader enough to get them to want to open the book and take a look! All four covers of "The Centaur Chronicles" are the same except for the stone. That ties each book together while defining the difference. You'll notice the picture of Carling riding Tibbals. The cover makes riding a centaur look easy but if you open the book and take a look, you will find that it isn't always as it seems!
HOORAY! "The Stone of Wisdom" is out, completing "The Centaur Chronicles." I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As I mentioned in a bubble for "The Stone of Integrity," when writing a series, the author must include some backstory to remind the readers about the plot and characters that were revealed in previous books. Because Zarius plays a big role, I decided to start the fourth book with him. You will notice that I reminded the reader of his appearance as well as his personality on the very first page of the book. Enjoy!
"Be it known throughout the land that the rightful heir to the throne of Crystonia will be the wearer of the Silver Breastplate with its four Stones of Light: The Stone of Mercy, The Stone of Courage, The Stone of Integrity and The Stone of Wisdom." By tradition, the ruler of Crystonia will be the one in possession of the Silver Breastplate. Yet the rightful heir has not appeared and the throne that sits atop Mount Heilodius has stood empty for a century and a half. The kingdom is being torn apart as the biggest and strongest races battle for control. Even the herd of peace-loving Centaurs has splintered into two factions, one awaiting the promised bearer of the breastplate, the other seeking power and control over the land. Unbeknownst to all but a very few, the Silver Breastplate has been created. In due course, it is presented to a sixteen-year-old Duende girl named Carling, one of the tiny descendants of the fairies that once filled the land. But the silver breastplate is not complete. In order for its wearer to have the skills to rule the land righteously, the young Duende needs to find the four stones of light that are needed to finish this magical source of power and authority. This is the riveting story of Carling's quest. She, along with her friends, must risk their lives to save their land and fulfill the assignment given to them to complete the silver breastplate.
Book Bubbles from The Stone of Mercy
As I ponder the governmental leaders around the world, it appears it is the strongest that rise to the top. (Or those that have strength behind them.) Yet, it seems to me that we would be better off with the wisest as our leaders. As a parent, I am more effective when I teach my children wisely rather than rule them with strength. As an equestrian, I am much more effective working with a thousand pound animal if I use wisdom as I certainly can't over-power a horse with strength. This excerpt is foreshadowing of the final book and the conclusion of the Centaur Chronicles in "The Stone of Wisdom."
I chose a Duende to be the star of "The Centaur Chronicles" series. Most people have never heard of this mythical creature. In the folklore of Spain, Portugal, Latin America, and the Philippines, a Duende is a supernatural being or spirit resembling a pixie or imp. It is fun to pull out the little known creatures to compliment the well-known Centaurs in the book. Now you know!!!
In this excerpt, the Wizard is trying to secure help for Carling as she begins her quest to gather the four stones of light. He realizes how much help she will need. She cannot do it alone. While driving in the car yesterday, the Beatles song "Help" came on the radio. I still remember every word and sang at the top of my lungs as we traveled down the road. After the song was over, I kept humming the tune and thinking about the words. "When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now those days are gone and I'm not so self assured. Now I find, I've changed my mind, and opened up the door." It reminded me how much we really do need help from others...or, perhaps, there is someone who needs help from me or you. Keep your eyes open for someone you can help, even it is just to alleviate fear and loneliness.
Carling is destined to become the Queen but only after she learns several important lessons and develops several qualities that will enable her to rule righteously. Here is an excerpt that illustrates that she has already learned the importance of kindness and loyalty as she seeks to protect her companions who have been imprisoned with her. I hope that readers, young and old, will see and internalize the values illustrated through my stories. "The Centaur Chronicles" have been compared by critics to C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia." I like to think this is because of the values they teach.
In this excerpt, Saleen, the protagonist's mother, is given the Silver Breastplate that will entitle Carling to become the queen of Crystonia. You will sense the protective instincts Saleen already feels for her unborn child. As a mother of five, I know very well the desire to protect my children. Yet, we can't protect them from everything. We had our share of cuts and broken bones, of tears and disappointments. Much as we would like, we can't force them to grow up in a bubble if we want them to become strong and independent adults. They will have to fail and learn to get back up. They will have to get hurt and learn to heal. Without pain, there can be no joy.
As a child, I imagined growing up to become an Olympic Rider...that didn't happen as I left my horse behind to go to college and get married. But I'm glad I have the life I have been given. Nothing is more important to me than having an Eternal Family. Carling is facing extreme changes in her life and you see that in this brief excerpt. Her life has moved in a direction she never imagined. That happens to many of us. Perhaps we aren't asked to become a Queen, but life has twists and turns that we can't anticipate.
I have a wonderful life, great family, beautiful home with horses in the back yard, faith in God...awesome life! But I have had challenges to overcome as well. Everyone does. What if we quit each time we stumble? What if Walt Disney believed the people who said he couldn't draw? What if Marie Curie quit when she was told women couldn't study science? What if Ronald Reagan followed in his alcoholic father's footsteps? Carling, the star of "The Centaur Chronicles," becomes a great leader and unifies her kingdom by applying the qualities of Mercy, Courage, Integrity and Wisdom. She doesn't let bitterness overwhelm her, as hard as it is to lose her parents.
I have been using "The Stone of Mercy" to share some of my favorite writing tips. Earlier, I shared how important it is to use the five senses in your descriptive narrative. It is especially fun to do when writing fantasy. I have noticed that smell is the one sense that writers tend to forget. Here is an example where smell is the central sense used to set this scene. Hopefully it will give you some ideas for your own writing.
Dialogue is an important part of any fiction story. The words that your characters speak reveal much about their personality. A few tips: Keep dialogue brief, don't go on for pages and pages. Be consistent - Is it believable that a character would say what you are writing? Don't give away the whole story, rather create suspense with the dialogue. And, my last tip: after you write it, read it out loud. See what it sounds like!
Unless you love Shakespeare and Tom Sawyer, you'll understand what I mean by the title of this author insight. Sometimes, the use of unusual speech patterns or dialect by a character or characters can get irritating and distracting. I sprinkled in just a little dialect in the voice of the Faun to add variety to the dialogue. but, I chose to just use it with the Fauns. They are not main characters but do appear off an on throughout the four-book series. This adds a little color without driving the reader crazy.
"It was a dark and stormy night." Several books, including "A Wrinkle in Time," start with that line. It is a line that is now a joke in the writing community, however. Current writing instructors tell us..."Never start with the weather and if you must, make it bad weather that affects the main character in an adverse way." (Think...Wizard of Oz.) I really like Victorian novels but they move too slowly for most of today's readers who want something to happen quickly. So, when you start your novel, start with something happening. This is the first page of "The Stone of Mercy-Book 1 of the Centaur Chronicles." I jump right in by introducing the reader to the character who will create the Silver Breastplate and the Wizard of Crystonia who orders it.
When I was thinking about this story, I picked four qualities of leadership that I felt every leader should posses. I think a lot about balancing justice and mercy...a result of raising five children, I suppose! A dictator is only concerned about justice, a true leader possesses mercy. Once Carling finds the Stone of Mercy, it begins to change her immediately. Here is the first example of when she displays mercy to those who have wronged her. She has many more opportunities in this book and the additional books in the series.
In each of the four books in "The Centaur Chronicles" series, Carling, the rightful heir to the throne of Crystonia, finds the sought-after stones in the middle of each book. The reader then sees how the stones change her character. In literature, as in life, external events often cause an internal change in a character. Such is the case here. In "The Stone of Mercy-Book 1 of the Centaur Chronicles, Carling is filled with anger and the desire for revenge when the Heilodious Centaurs kill both her parents. But the Stone of Mercy changes her and she becomes merciful. In this excerpt, you read about the occasion where she is given the stone by the eagle, Baskus. The Wizard of Crystonia had entrusted the eagle with the care of the stone until the rightful heir should come seeking it.
In each of the four books of "The Centaur Chronicles," Carling finds the stone, for which she and her friends are searching, in the middle of the book. As the story continues, the reader sees how the stone changes Carling. In "The Stone of Mercy," Carling is initially filled with bitter anger at the loss of her parents at the hands of the Heilodius Centaurs. In this excerpt, you see how she is now willing to not only forgive, but to risk her life to rescue one of those same Centaurs. Mercy is a powerful virtue that will serve her well as the future queen of Crystonia.
I loved creating Tibbals. She is a beautiful female Centaur who is all girl: brave, strong, confident, but loves bubble baths and pretty clothes. She is always concerned about her appearance and worries about how Carling looks as well. Throughout the four book series, (the fourth book, "The Stone of Wisdom," will be released on December 1st,) it is fun Tibbals who tries to get Carling to look like the queen she is becoming. Yet she is right beside her, sword in hand, when strength is needed. Tibbals is awesome!
My last bubble for this book was about creating characters that are likable. One aspect of character development that adds to their likability is the display of emotion. Emotion is displayed not only by what the character says or thinks, but also through their body language and actions. If you are showing emotion through the character whose point of view you are using to tell the story, you can use all of those avenues. If, however, you want to show emotion in a character whose point of view you are not using, you are more limited. Obviously, feelings will have to be displayed through actions or words and not through thoughts. In this excerpt, I am using Higson's actions to illustrate the terrible, overwhelming feelings of sorrow that he is feeling as a result of the death of his parents.
A well created character is either loved or detested by the reader. In most cases, the protagonist is the one you want your readers to love. However, there are other characters in your book that can and should be likable as well. This is true of the Wizard of Crystonia who I named Vidente. He pops in and out of the story, initially to send her on missions to gather the Stones of Light but also when Carling needs some back up as in this scene. When you write dialogue intended to make the characters likable, read it out loud to your self or a friend. That will give you a much better idea how it will come across.
Anthropomorphism means to give human characteristics to an animal. Since Centaurs are half horse, half human, it seems only obvious that I should use this technique when creating my Centaur characters. Tibbals is the Centaur on the cover of each of the four "Centaur Chronicles." She was a fun character to create as she is very much a girly girl who dreams of "hoof polish" and bubble baths. Yet she is also strong and loyal. In this excerpt, you see Tibbals displaying both her horse traits and her human traits.
Every mother knows how hard it is to see her child suffer from his own bad choices. We want to rush in and fix everything...to make everything right. Yet, as a mother, it is our duty to teach our children to become responsible, law-abiding citizens and productive members of society. I took this concept to the extreme when Carling is forced to choose between rescuing her best friend's parents and the villagers she is charged to protect. Duty won out, as it should, but Carling, and especially Higson, suffer because of it.
In each of the "Centaur Chronicles," finding the stone is NOT the climax of the story. Rather, the important part is seeing how the stone helps Carling, the future Queen, develop that quality. In the excerpt the reader sees Carling develop Mercy toward an enemy. Forgiveness and Mercy tend to go hand in hand and neither one is easy!
The best thing about writing fantasy is that you, as the author, get to create your world. You not only create the landscape and populate it with whatever creatures you want, you also have to decide on the type of government and the technology that is used. In "The Centaur Chronicles," I have created the land of Crystonia that is populated by Centaurs, Ogres, Cyclops and a little race of people that I call the Duende who are half fairy and half human. They live in a pre-industrial land...no computers, no television, no cell phones. You see in this excerpt that the village blacksmith is working iron the old fashioned way...like horseshoes still do today. Fantasy can be set in any time period...just let your imagination run wild!
I have read many heart-wrenching accounts written by prisoners in terrible circumstances. Some fictional like "Marco Polo," others true like "The Hiding Place." Many nights I crawl into my soft, warm bed and sigh with a smile on my face. But that smile disappears when I think of those who have suffered in those awful cells. In this scene in the book, Carling, the future Queen of Crystonia is suffering, alone and afraid. She has been thrown into a situation she never imagined nor desired. I hope this bubble shows you how miserable she is.
A boy is told that his father was a brave and virtuous man, a soldier who traded his life to save the lives of countless others. He was the man that Hunter needed to emulate. The only problem is the whole story is a lie, all of it. The truth, which Hunter discovers as he begins his sophomore year of high school, is that his father has actually spent the boy’s entire life in jail, paying his debt to society, but not mending his ways. A wild mustang mare, is rounded up by the BLM. The spring rains had been sparse, the forage on the plains even more so. The mare and her herd are rescued from certain starvation and placed for adoption. In a sandy corral at Promise Ranch, a home for troubled teenage boys, the boy and the mare meet. A weathered, old cowboy brings them together – a mentor for one, a trainer for the other. The bond that forms between boy and horse becomes one that saves the lives of both.
Book Bubbles from In the Heart of a Mustang
I love summer! I love the weather, and I love setting my own schedule. As a child, I had the dream life. Living in Lake Oswego, Oregon, my days were spent riding my horse in the morning and hanging out at the lake with my friends in the afternoon. We had more freedom then. My parents weren't afraid to let us go off on our own . . . as long as we were home in time for dinner. When it came to reading, I always picked a horse story! "In the Heart of a Mustang" has won six national and international literary awards. It is a fun read for teens and adults.
Bullies come in all shapes, sizes and ages as the people of New York are learning! A ranch for troubled teens is a ripe environment for bullies. Craig represents just such a type of character. Julius is the strong one who is willing to stand up for what is right. Julius is my hero throughout the book!
This Christmas might be very lonely for many people. People who are susceptible to viruses of any sort are opting to or being forced to spend Christmas alone. This makes me so sad. I realize that having your family and friends gathered around or not, does not change the true meaning of Christmas. But spending Christmas alone is very hard even if you try to focus on the birth of Christ. Whether you are alone or with family, please take a few minutes to light someone's world with a card, call, or cookies at the door. #lighttheworld
I am really good at riding horses and pretty good at writing books. I love dancing and acting and I was a high school and college Cheerleader. I used to think those were my only talents. I have since learned that talents come in all different shapes and sizes. The most valuable talents are those that can be used to light the world and bring joy to others. My mom was always described by others as a great conversationalist. It took me a long time to figure that out as she hardly spoke. Her talent was being a good listener. Others have the gift of empathy, others are organized, others just work hard. No one is just like you but they all have their own gifts. Those gifts become valuable when they learn to use them to serve others. I try to use my gift for writing to server others and leave something good in the world.
We are all sent to this earth with various talents and in differing circumstances. What we do with our life is up to us. We can choose to be the victim and simply give up or, we can do as Julius's mother did in this excerpt and "take the bull by the horns" and make something of ourselves. The choice is always ours to make.
I have had my share of accidents...most of them related to not staying ON a horse when I should have! Whenever I have had to use crutches, for a break or a sprain, I am reminded how much I hate them. They are so hard to maneuver and soon your armpits are aching. When I was in junior high, my horse fell on me and broke my foot and ankle. I was in a cast for the whole summer. Fortunately, after just a few weeks, I was able to graduate to a walking cast and get off those awful crutches. To avoid using the crutches, I would hop around on my other foot. To this day, the muscle on the healthy leg is much more developed than the injured leg!
I was born loving horses! I bought my first horse with my own money when I was thirteen. I supported him myself until I got married, at which time I sold him to another Pony Clubber. I waited impatiently for twenty-five years, until my youngest child went to first grade, before buying another horse. (Actually, I bought two in two days!) Kit, one of the horses that I bought at that time, was a thoroughbred. Thoroughbreds are an amazing breed. Once they connect with you, they give their whole heart to you. I had Kit for twenty-two years and held his head in my lap as he passed away at nearly 29. For a few years I worked for PATH, Intl., The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship. There, I witnessed the incredible bond that forms between disabled children and adults and their horse-healers!
Horses have both a thinking side of their brain and a reacting side. Training a horse means developing the thinking side and minimizing the reacting side. Note: You will never completely remove the reacting side. Even the best trained horse can bolt or panic when exposed to something they perceive as a danger. I have observed that the same is true with people. We, too, can respond with fear and panic to the unknown. Often our responses are unreasonable and an over-reaction. Governments have been known to take advantage of this tendency by taking away our rights and freedom for a false sense of security. We need to use the thinking side of our brains. But this is hard to do when we are not always given correct information.
My daughter is an amazing musician. She has magic fingers and uses those fingers to play both the harp and the piano. I wasn't blessed with that talent. But I do love listening to classical music. As a result, I gave Hunter the skills to play the violin and I had him play one of my favorite pieces, Pachelbel's Canon in D, in the story. He is given the nickname, "Pachelbel," because of his skill with the violin. The kindness in Hunter is revealed as he shares his talent with a younger boy. It gives me great pleasure to share my talent riding horses with young children. I love watching them progress and gain confidence. There is something remarkable about every kid!
When I was doing research for "In the Heart of a Mustang," I attended two Clinton Anderson horse training clinics. I have trained all my horses myself but I have never started with a wild mustang! Clinton Anderson talked a lot about the two sides of a horse's brain, the thinking side and the reacting side. So, I used this in the book. It also made me think about people. We tend to be the same way. We often react without thinking. The wiser we become, the more thinking we do and the less reacting!
I was born loving horses...I call it "being born with manure in your blood." I started taking riding lessons as an eight-year-old. One lesson a week eventually became two and I soon became quite a good rider. At thirteen, I bought my own horse. Now I had a lot to learn about horsemanship and horse care that I didn't know just being a good rider. Being with my horse everyday taught be a lot about how they think. I learned what Smokey is teaching Hunter in this excerpt about the two animals inside a horse...the reacting one and the thinking one. A word to the wise, no matter how well trained a horse is, the reacting horse is still inside!
Most humans think horses are herd animals, but they really aren’t. Rather than forming into herds the way cattle and buffalo, and even deer and elk do, they form bands. Bands are small groups of three to a dozen horses, like human families. Sometimes they are related, but not always. That is why horses brought together in a barn will band together and take care of one another. Sure, it takes a little negotiating to establish their hierarchy in the band, but they eventually get it worked out. If there should be a large group of horses, whether wild or domesticated, grazing in a great open field and a threat of danger should present itself, horses rarely stampede as one body. Rather, each band will run off in a different direction like the rays of a star. They wisely find this to be an effective way to get away from danger. NEW BOOK COMING! "PINTO!-Based Upon the True Story of the Longest Horseback Ride in History" will be released on Oct. 15th!!!
The Bureau of Land Management is charged with protecting, managing, and controlling wild horses and burros in ten western states, including my own: Colorado. As I was doing research for "In the Heart of a Mustang," I discovered that there is constant conflict between the BLM and those who like what they are doing and those who do not. One thing I do like is their effort to manage the size of the bands (or herds) by rounding up some of the horses and placing them for adoption. My book focuses on the benefits of the training of these wonderful horses as a therapy tool. Here horse training is used with troubled teens but it has also been used successfully with people who are incarcerated. Animals are a gift from God!
Growing up, I was teased for being short, but it was always in an affectionate way. I never took offense and was confident in my own skin. However, good-hearted teasing is not the same as bullying. I witnessed plenty of cruel bullying, always on the kids who lacked the confidence to stand up for themselves as we read in this excerpt. Bullying isn't new, that is for sure. The key is helping kids learn to stand up for themselves and for one another. I took it upon myself to stand beside the picked on kid. All kids need to internalize the motto "Kindness Begins With Me!"
This excerpt is taken from chapter 21 titled "Training the Boy." The old cowboy, Smokey, shares with Hunter an experience from his youth. Forgiveness is a major theme of "In the Heart of a Mustang," and Smokey uses this example to illustrate how he was forgiven. All of us have need to be forgiven and to forgive others. Parables are a great way to teach important life lessons.
I have a sticky note on my computer with the words: "Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, Taste" written on it. This is to remind me to use as many of the senses as I can when setting a scene. In this short paragraph, you should be able to find three. Being an author is to be an artist with words. I pick words that, combined, paint a picture in the reader's mind. The senses not only help the reader see what I am seeing, but experience it as well.
I have always been told to write about that which I am passionate! That is not hard to do as horses are so fun the write about. Most of my books are about horses, either real or fantasy. People send me letters in which they say they can feel my passion on every page. That is a good thing! In this excerpt, you will feel the love Hunter (and therefore me!) has for his horse. If you want to write, consider what you love and write about that!
To prepare to write this book, I attended two clinics offered by the horse trainer, Clinton Anderson. Anyone who has attended one of his clinics will recognize the method. I took careful notes of everything Clinton Anderson and the horses he was working with did. You can learn a lot by reading fiction books! You can learn how to train a wild horse by reading "In the Heart of a Mustang!
It is almost Valentines Day, the day to celebrate love. So, it is only appropriate that we also celebrate the love of animals. I truly believe that animals are a gift from God. And horses are his finest creation! From "Behind the Mist," in which I create a scene where Jazz rescues Nick from a mountain lion to my Picture book "Percy - The Racehorse Who Didn't Like to Run," where Percy becomes the legs for children who can't walk, I love to depict horses as our saviors. Even if you have never been rescued from a dangerous situation by a horse, I'm sure they have rescued you from spiritual or emotional danger. I know they have been my saviors many times.
The National Western Stock Show is about to start in Denver. It is quite a big event, drawing exhibitors and visitors from all over the country. I love the rodeo the most. One feature of the rodeo is the performance by the Westernaires. The Westernaires are a mounted drill team from Jefferson County, Colorado. They are a large group of teenagers who learn not only teamwork but responsibility and hard work as well as they learn to ride and take care of horses. Because there is so much to learn to be a responsible horse-owner as well as being a member of a team, I decided to include a drill team at Promise Ranch. Can't wait to see the Westernaires next week!
Christmas time is the best time of year because we are reminded that the most important things in life are not things at all! People, both in our families as well as complete strangers, are the most important things. In this excerpt, we read about the kindness of one man who not only fed the hungry but helped turn a life around by helping Julius's mother get a job so that she could take care of herself and her son. There may be a time in your life when you can be of such great service to someone. But, until then, look for the little things you can do each day. Our family's goal for this year is: "HOPE." It stands for "Help Other People Everyday."
Hunter is suffering both physically and emotionally. The pain causes him to respond with anger. That's normal. Dr. Collins immediately uses Hunter's connection to Mustang Sally, and all the things he has learned about horses, to teach a lesson. Horses, and all animals, actually, help us understand ourselves better. That's why horses are such wonderful healers.
This excerpt is taken from Chapter 25 which is titled "Danger in the Desert." Even the title tells the reader to beware...something awful is going to happen. It is fun to use your imagination to create a scene that is nightmarish in nature. Who hasn't dreamed of wild animals chasing them? The glowing eyes, the snarling beasts, the glistening fangs wet with saliva...the perfect setting for a nightmare and a scene filled with tension. This chapter becomes a turning point for Hunter. I don't want to tell you how it unfolds...that would spoil it. You'll just have to read this award-winning novel yourself!
In order to train a horse, you have to understand what makes them tick. First, you must realize that they are prey animals and their instincts are there to help them survive in the wild. Smokey does a great job explaining this in the excerpt. A trained horse is one who usually thinks before he reacts, although I have learned from a life-time of working with horses, that no horse is completely "Bomb Proof" unless he's nearly dead!
New to Promise ranch, alone and afraid, Hunter and Sally have a lot in common. Hunter senses this and that common understanding is much of what brings them together. All of us have been in a situation that is new and strange, so we can relate to what both the horse and the human are feeling. If we want to build a bond with others, two-legged or four-legged, we need to remember that all God's creatures are much more alike than they are different.
Did you realize that you choose to respond to a bad situation with anger. Anger is a choice. If you don't believe me just pretend that someone you don't know just backed into your car. Imagine the anger bubbling up inside you as you get out of your car and start to shout at the driver. "What's the matter with you? Are you blind?" Now imagine it was one of your good friends, or even your boss at work who backed into you. Your response would be much different. "Oh that's okay. It was just an accident." Same damage to your car...much different response on your part. In this excerpt Smokey teaches Hunter about anger and forgiveness as choices by comparing it to training a horse. A horse has two sides of the brain, the thinking side and the reacting side. A wild horse has a highly developed reacting side. A well trained horse has a highly developed thinking side. We can train our own brains to think rather than just react by the choices we make.
Music has a great affect on us, whether positive or negative. It is as though our ears take it in and send its message to every cell in our body. As I'm sure you know, many studies have been done on the affect of music on the brain, our moods, our emotions, as well as its ability to heal us. Here is an example of the healing power of music on Hunter during one of his darkest moments.
An author can't be an expert in everything he/she might decide to include in a book. I'm quite knowledgeable about horses but, even I don't know everything there is to know about every riding discipline, every horse illness, every breed and on and on. Go beyond horses, and my knowledge starts to decline drastically. Promise Ranch is a home for troubled teens. I interviewed a man who attended a ranch like that when he was young. He told me about their routine, their schedule, the staffing, and so forth. One staff member they had was a counselor. So, Dr. Collins joined the staff at Promise Ranch. However, even though I majored in Child Development in college, I am not a trained counselor or psychiatrist. To make sure my work was not only believable but accurate as well, I sent each chapter that included Dr. Collins to a real counselor. He read through them and told me if I was on track or not. It was so helpful!
Building trust with a horse (or any animal for that matter,) is much like building trust with humans. It takes time and consistent reliability on your part. In this excerpt, Smokey is training a wild horse by starting at the very beginning...trust. If that trust is broken by cruel or inconsistent treatment, the trainer must start all over again and it will take even longer. Gaining trust with people is much the same. If we live with integrity, people will know they can rely on us...that our word is our bond...that we are who and what we profess to be. If we break that trust, it takes a very long time to rebuild.
We all face problems in our lives...some big, some small, some of our own creation, others are thrust upon us do to no fault of our own. The question always remains--how do I handle this? Sometimes we are tempted to just ignore the problem and hope it goes away on its own. Other times, we react without thinking (the topic of a future bubble.) Hunter, in this excerpt, has reacted. He has decided that revenge is what he seeks so he puts his own life in danger in order to meet that end. Action, no matter how stupid, makes us feel in control, even if we aren't. That's why it beats just curling up in a ball under our bed covers. But, with maturity, we realize that action needs to be preceded by a carefully thought out plan. The Pros and Cons need to be identified and evaluated. All this comes with a level of maturity that Hunter has not yet achieved. And so...he runs!
On February 2, 2018, I lost my wonderful dressage partner, Jazz, the horse in my author picture. I loved that horse so much and my heart is still aching these many months later. For a while, I thought I would just give up on my dressage dreams. A few weeks ago, however, I started looking for a new horse to be my dancing partner. I have been riding numerous horses that are for sale. I thought I had found the perfect one but he didn't pass the vet's pre-purchase exam. I was heart broken as I drove away from the stable with an empty trailer behind me. As I read this excerpt from "In the Heart of a Mustang," I sighed with discouragement. How I wish that my future horse would just pick me the way Sally picked Hunter. It would be a lot easier that way.
Even fiction books require research to make them believable. "In the Heart of a Mustang" required a lot of research. I did research on therapeutic horsemanship, the wild mustang herd in the west, counseling techniques, ranches for troubled teens and...the most fun...training a wild horse. For the latter, I attended two 3-day Clinton Anderson training clinics, and took careful notes of everything he said and did. Research can take many forms...it doesn't always have to be from a book. With the internet, authors have the whole world at their fingertips. Most of the information on the wild mustang bands in the west was acquired by going to the BLM website. Attending a live clinic on horse training and sitting at my computer were not the only types of research that I did. I also interviewed a man who went to a ranch like Promise Ranch in the book. The chapters with Dr. Collins were sent to a real counselor for his feedback. As you can see, research can take many forms and it gives your book a stamp of authenticity it wouldn't otherwise have.
Julius is Hunter's cabin mate at Promise ranch. The boy is both kind and wise, and with enough patience to be able to put up with, and help, Hunter. In this excerpt, Julius tells Hunter his own story, a story of a miracle in his life and that of his mother. I took the saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime," and applied it to Julius's life. Clearly a miracle took place, and God's hand was guiding both Julius and his mother and the kind man who saw a need and helped them.
None of us get through life without having our fortitude and self esteem challenged to some degree. Some people get stronger when they are challenged. Some buckle under the pressure. In this excerpt, the theme of bullying is first introduced in the book. Julius is the confident one who has no problem standing up to a bully and defending the underdog. Hunter's strength comes from his love for and defensiveness of his horse.
The first four chapters of "In the Heart of a Mustang" are written from Hunter's point of view. Hunter is a fifteen year old boy. But, in Chapter 5, I changed point of view. I tried to imagine what it would be like to be a wild mustang being rounded up in one of the BLM's controversial helicopter round-ups. The critics say it is so frightening to the horses that injuries often result from their running away. The BLM says they need to use helicopters to cover the vast mountains and prairies and find the bands of horses. Restrictions regarding how close the helicopters can come to the horses have been put in place to minimize the risk of injuries. I used the technique of writing from the horse's point of view in a few other places in the book. It was fun and I'm planning to write an entire book from a horse's point of view as soon as I finish "The Centaur Chronicles."
Every one of us faces challenges that test us and stretch us. Some of these challenges we embrace with enthusiasm. Others we resist, hating that they are being thrust upon us. Hunter is in the latter category. He made bad choices and is resentful that he has to face the consequences. When I was a teacher of high school and junior high students, I was much like Smokey. I had some students that were struggling with their own problems and thought they didn't really want to be helped. With patience and understanding, they would eventually open up...but only after they developed a degree of trust. In another bubble, I will talk more about developing trust.
Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is conquering fear for the sake of doing what is right. A young Duende girl named Carling is in possession of the coveted Silver Breastplate, but the breastplate is only partially complete. The green Stone of Mercy, which Carling found on her first quest, is nestled securely in its place on the breastplate. Now, the Wizard of Crystonia sends her on her second mission to find the red Stone of Courage in the foreboding region known as the Northern Reaches. The assignment will be difficult because the stone is under the guardianship of a reclusive Tommy Knocker named Shim, who has no intention of relinquishing it to the young Duende girl or to anyone else. The Stone of Courage is the second tale in the Award-Winning Centaur Chronicles series. This book continues the compelling adventure that began with The Stone of Mercy as Carling attempts to gain another stone on her way to becoming the righteous ruler of Crystonia. In The Stone of Courage, Carling faces her fears in the form of the Tommy Knocker, Ogres and evil Heilodius Centaurs, all of whom attempt to prevent her from fulfilling her destiny to become the Queen of the land.
Book Bubbles from The Stone of Courage
I love summer (although Fall is my favorite season!) I am happy to leave the cold of winter behind for a while. Put away the insulated riding breeches and boots and trade them for light weight clothing. When I lived in Oregon as a child, I spent the winter riding with a rain poncho that covered me and my horse. So, for this week's book excerpt, I decided to remind you what winter would be like. Here, Carling meets the Ice Horses who help her on her quest to find the stone of courage.
Creating mythical characters is one of the fun things about writing fantasy. Since I am a horse-lover from birth, many of my mythical characters are horse based creatures. In this excerpt, Carling and her Centaur friends first encounter the Ice Horses...yes, horses made out of ice! I got the idea for them when someone sent me a picture on facebook of horses carved from snow during a snow-sculpture competition.
Carling first met the Wizard of Crystonia on her sixteenth birthday. That was the day he gave her the silver breastplate along with instructions to complete it by gathering the four stones of light. The wizard kindly tutors Carling throughout the entire series as she, step by step, develops the qualities of leadership she will need to be the queen. We, too, learn from our mentors...parents, teachers, church leaders, friends. The teachers that meant the most to me as I was growing up were...not surprisingly...my riding instructors, especially those in Pony Club. They not only instructed me in horsemanship and riding but encouraged me to do my best and work hard. Those are lessons I am still using today. I have a sticker on my computer that says: "Stay Positive, Work Hard, Make it Happen!"
I took four of my grandchildren to see "Frozen II." I was surprised to see the addition of an ice horse in the movie. I included ice horses in "The Centaur Chronicles." My idea to have such a creature in the story came to me when someone sent me a picture of a snow sculpture of horses through facebook. They were so beautiful, I knew I had to include them in "The Centaur Chronicles." They first appear in "The Stone of Mercy."
When I write a book, I become so focused on the story it consumes my thoughts. I even dream about it! I was working on the chapter where Carling meets Shim in his cave and I had a dream about it that night. However, it wasn't a dream...it was a nightmare and I woke up scared. I guess I need that Stone of Courage!
I created Shim, the Tommy Knocker (adapted from tommyknockers found in miners' lore.) He is the guardian of the red Stone of Courage in the second book of the Centaur Chronicles. You will see in this excerpt that Shim's moods swing widely and rapidly from suspicious and angry to conciliatory. Mood swings add depth to characters but also keep the reader guessing about true intentions. You don't know which way Shim is going to go in this excerpt. (Spoiler alert: Shim is NOT a good guy!)
The best part about writing fantasy is that I get to let my imagination run wild both in the world I create and the creatures I invent to populate that world. As the horse-lover that I am, I not only used Centaurs, but I also created more horse-based creatures. In "The Stone of Courage," I added the Ice Horses. I imagined what a horse would look like if it was all made out of ice like a snow sculpture. Of course, the Ice Horses are good and help Carling on her quest to find the red stone of courage.
Throughout each of the four "Centaur Chronicles," Carling is surrounded by friends who help and comfort her. As an author, my readers become my friends. I love getting letters from them. It warms my heart of know that my books are of value to my readers. I want to share with you one special reader who is my friend. His name is Brad and he lives in the mid-west. I met Brad seven years ago when he came to the National Western Stock Show with his dad to check out the cattle show. Brad is physically disabled but very bright. He and his dad purchased some of the books in "The Mist Trilogy." Now, every year since, his dad finds me when I'm doing a book signing at the stock show to get another book for Brad. It seems Brad keeps track of my new releases and tells his dad what to bring home. This year he had to get the last of "The Centaur Chronicles" series: "The Stone of Wisdom." Brad has every one of my books! I am so grateful for Brad and hope he'll be able to come to the stock show in person again soon! Keep your friends close and tell them that you love them on Valentines Day! #ReaderLove
We all have dreams...some frightening, some comforting. Our characters have dreams, too. By including a dream sequence in your story, you can help the reader relate to the character and understand a little more about the emotions they are experiencing. In this excerpt, you get the feel for the pent-up fears that Carling is carrying around in her little body. An awful lot is being asked of the young girl and she is struggling to deal with it. The Stone of Courage is a great source of strength for her but it can't sooth all her fears. One thing I was taught in a writing class about dreams, however, is to never start you book with one. It tends to send the reader off down the wrong road and they are often disappointed to find out it is only a dream after they became involved in it.
"It was a dark and stormy night..." While several books, including great ones like "A Wrinkle in Time," start with that line, it is now considered a joke in the literary world. So...don't start your novel with "It was a dark and stormy night!" In this excerpt, you can read how I started, "The Stone of Courage-Book 2 of the Centaur Chronicles." You want to create interest right from the beginning so your readers will want to keep reading. Here you see foreshadowing of something to come and it promises to be unpleasant. At the same time, I reminded the reader where we were: in the fantasy land of Crystonia. I reset the scene for both those who have read the first book and for those who have not. I did this as a description of the change of seasons so as not to bore those who read the first book. Then I went back to the foreshadowing of the danger that awaits Carling.
Foreshadowing is a warning or indication of a future event. It is a literary technique that works to get the reader's attention and prompt them to keep reading. In this case, it becomes clear that Zarius is bitter about the fact that he wasn't selected to be the new Commander of the Minsheen herd of Centaurs. His reaction tells the reader that something bad is going to happen as a result of his rejection. Zarius becomes a significant character in the rest of the books in the series and this is the beginning of his transformation. Sprinkle foreshadowing in your writing and look for it in the books you read.
As an author who is passionate about horses, most of my novels, fantasy or not, include horses. There are so many fantasy creatures based upon horses, such as the Centaurs, but in this excerpt I created a creature of my own...Ice Horses! What better creature to live in the wild and rugged mountain region I named "The Northern Reaches." The best part about writing fantasy is that one is not constrained by reality! I can just imagine something and bring it to life in my stories. The Ice Horses are good guys who help Carling find the Stone of Courage. Spoiler: They also show up again in the last book, "The Stone of Wisdom," that I have just finished.
I was inspired to write "The Centaur Chronicles" while reading Ephesians 6:14. "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness." I started thinking about the qualities that one would have if they wore the breastplate of righteousness. While there are others, I decided on Mercy, Courage, Integrity and Wisdom. As the Wizard of Crystonia tells Carling, these stones of light will give her great power, just as the very same qualities give us great power. Then he cautions her that power can be used for good or it can corrupt. It all rests in our motivation. Carling is a pure vessel that desires only to fulfill her assignment and serve her country.
My husband and daughter are both lawyers, but I have spent very little time in the courtroom. I did serve as a juror a couple of times. However, I once had the opportunity to sit in on a trial. I was disheartened to observe a man I knew to be guilty of what he was charged convince the judge that he was innocent. I was appalled. Undoubtedly, that happens often. And the reverse happens as well. In this excerpt, Carling is falsely accused, and convicted, of murdering Manti. Unfortunately, the land of Crystonia didn't have DNA testing or other Forensic tools! Today, science can provide the answers to the question of guilt or innocence. I think if I were to start all over, I might like to become a forensic scientist! I could specialize in blood spatter patterns or fibers or even handwriting!
The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius, who lived during the first century BC, once said: "But centaurs never existed; there could never be so to speak a double nature in a single body or a double body composed of incongruous parts with a consequent disparity in the faculties. The stupidest person ought to be convinced of that." Poor Lucretius didn't have much of an imagination, I guess. The best part about writing fiction, and especially fantasy, is allowing your imagination to go wherever it wants. Sometimes I am surprised by where it goes! Imagining what your characters are like is half the fun! In "The Centaur Chronicles," the reader gets to meet Tibbals - a centaur filly. Tibbals is so lovable and such a girly girl. She worries about her hair, what she is wearing and if her hoof polish is chipped. On their journeys to find the Stones of Light, she daydreams of being home in a bubble bath. Yet, she is strong and loyal and willing to fight to protect Carling. I love Tibbals.
I am the mother of four fabulous boys. They are so much fun to be around. Growing up, they usually got along quite well and my memories are filled with happy play and teasing. The few conflicts that occurred weren't severe and didn't last long. Such is not the case with all brothers. The term "fratricide" means the act of killing one's brother. The Bible recounts the first instance of this terrible sin in the story of Cain and Able. You can find many more instances throughout history and mythology. A recent example in fiction is in "The Lion King" when Scar commits fratricide on Mufasa. The leaders of the two Centaur herds in "The Centaur Chronicles" are brothers. Now you can guess what is going to happen between the Commander and Manti!
The most fun part about writing fantasy is creating fantasy characters. Often I'll take a mythological creature and put my own twist on them. This is true of the Centaurs. However, with Shim, the Tommy Knocker, I created my own version of the tommyknockers miners believed dwelt in caves and created the frightening creaks and bangs they heard behind the stone walls. When creating a character, you first use just your imagination. Then you need to select the right words to paint a picture of what you are seeing in your mind's eye. In the excerpt, you can read the first place I introduce Shim and what he looks like. I give other details later in the book. You also need to create a personality for your character. Shim is a nasty little guy who has become attached to the Stone of Courage and doesn't want to give it up to Carling. Shim reappears in Book 3 and Book 4. His concern is not for Carling, but for his beloved stone.
There isn't a person born who doesn't face disappointments, both large and small. I have had a wonderful life, but I have had my heart broken and setbacks a plenty. The test of our character lies in how we handle those inevitable disappointments. We can allow them to destroy us, or we can use them to become a better, stronger, wiser person. The choice is always ours. In this excerpt, we learn the true character of one of the lead stallions of the Minsheen herd of Centaurs. Unfortunately, he doesn't heed the sage advice of the wise historian and very bad things happen!
Carling has been keeping the Silver Breastplate and, therefore, her calling as the future queen, a secret from everyone but a very few. This marks the turning point at which she starts revealing not only the Silver Breastplate, but her selection as the one who is to rule the land. She has been struggling with accepting her role. Being a queen is not something she ever aspired to. With each new stone, Carling develops the qualities she needs to rule righteously and the role she must play becomes more real to her...still not more desirable, but more real.
How do you define a friend? To me, a friend is someone who is always willing to step in and offer a helping hand. In "The Centaur Chronicles," Carling makes several new friends while keeping the old ones. These friends help her out of many difficult and dangerous situations.
Winner of the Silver Medal from Readers' Favorite Awards, the Purple Dragonfly Award and the Award for Outstanding series from the Equus Film Festival.! “A brilliant fantasy read!” K.J. Simmill for Readers’ Favorite. Upon returning from her quest to gather the Stone of Courage, Carling, the future Queen of Crystonia, is summoned by the historian of the Minsheen herd of Centaurs. He entrusts Carling with a rare, ancient map. After a harrowing journey back home to her village, she is visited, once again, by Vidente, the Wizard of Crystonia. He tells her it is time to collect the purple Stone of Integrity for her royal Silver Breastplate. With the map in hand, Carling and her faithful companions set out to discover the mysterious island of Hy-Basilia, an island that no one knows exists. Frightening sea creatures, menacing Centaurs, a handsome young fisherman, a crafty witch, and Fairies who hide behind masks….who can be trusted? Another quest, another stone, and many more invaluable lessons to learn.
Book Bubbles from The Stone of Integrity
Cliff hangers are a fun literary tool when writing fiction. I love to use them at the end of a chapter as well as at the end of a book in a series. In this example, you, the reader, can't help but turn the page to find out where Carling is being led. That helps keep the story from stalling...to keep it moving forward. I do want to mention one thing. I get angry if I am reading a book and the author ends on a cliff hanger when I didn't know the book was part of a series! Then I feel cheated out of a satisfying ending.
The Centaur, Zarius, is seeking the throne of Crystonia. He is addicted to power and will lie, cheat or steal his way to get what he wants. "The Stone of Integrity" just received it's fifth literary award from "Top Shelf" book awards. As you read the book, you will discover the difference between a leader who has integrity and one who is only seeking power for himself. It's easy to look around and find leaders of the second type...not as easy to find those who have integrity.
Summer is USUALLY a time for lots of local fairs and festivals from rodeos to art fairs. There is even an event in Fairplay, Colorado each summer called "Burro Days" in honor of the little beasts who helped the miners. I really miss these local, colorful events. Often, I will sign books at a local festival. I love meeting readers face-to-face. So, since most of these events have been canceled this year, I am sending you a brief excerpt from "The Stone of Integrity" in which I describe a festival that the fairies hold. Enjoy!
This excerpt depicts an event that really happened to me. My husband, Tom, and I were on a trip to Puerto Rico. We signed up to go on a kayak trip to see the bio-luminescent lights in the water at night. We had to paddle through a canal that wound through mangrove trees growing out of the water. It was completely dark. All we could do was follow the glow stick on the back of the kayak in front of us. While we were paddling, a fish jumped into our boat and flopped around at my feet. It was so dark, I couldn't tell what it was. It scared me to death!
Magic mirrors are a fun and popular item in fantasies...from Snow White, to Harry Potter to "The Stone of Integrity-Book 3 of the Centaur Chronicles." This excerpt is a great way to illustrate the meaning of Integrity. Be honest and true...to yourself and others. The reflection in a mirror should reflect the true you!
When I did a lot of theater, I learned that it is always more fun to play the part of the villain rather than playing the part of the good, little heroine. As an author, I find myself having lots of fun creating villains and writing about them. Their dialogue is always colorful. I smile while I write it. Here, Hilgalda the Witch becomes a source of assistance for Carling, but she has her motives for doing so which the reader learns later on.
I'm excited to tell you that I just returned from the Readers' Favorite Award Ceremony in Miami where "The Stone of Integrity" was given the Silver Medal for Middle-grade Fiction out of hundreds of nominees!!! "The Centaur Chronicles" is a four book series. You never know if your reader has read all of the previous books in the series. Therefore, you need to add a little "Backstory" without getting boring or repetitious. As you read through this excerpt from the first page of the third book of the series, look for the subtle ways I put in information that was introduced in the other books: Adivino's role, Carling's hometown and heritage, a few physical descriptions of Carling.
I have a sticky note on my computer. On it I wrote the following: A. Motivating Stimulus B. Character Reaction 1. Feeling 2. Action 3. Speech. In this excerpt, you will see that I have followed this pattern. A. Motivating Stimulus-Something awakens Carling. The hinges on her door squeak. B. Character Reaction 1. Feeling - held her breath indicating some degree of fear. 2. Action - Sat up in bed 3. Speech - "Who goes there?" As you are writing, follow this simple formula so that your character's reaction will make sense to the reader.
Dictionary.com defines mythology as: "The body of myths belonging to a culture. Myths are traditional stories about gods and heroes. They often account for the basic aspects of existence — explaining, for instance, how the Earth was created, why people have to die, or why the year is divided into seasons." I absolutely love delving into mythological characters when I want to come up with a fun new creature for my fantasy stories. The Adaro, described in this excerpt, were malevolent merman-like sea spirits found in the mythology of the Solomon Islands. As an author, I can take all the liberties I want with the creatures but they are a great source of inspiration.
I am excited to announce that "The Stone of Integrity" was just awarded second place by the Purple Dragonfly Awards for middle-grade fiction! So, today, I am sharing an excerpt from that book, my newest release! I love writing fantasy simply because you on not constrained by reality! Take the addition of the Adaro in this scene. First, realize that Carling is sailing to an island that no one knows is there as it is hidden behind a curtain of fog. Secondly, the island is protected by monsters that are half human and half fish. I didn't make up the Adaro. They are a fantasy creature found in the mythology of the Solomon Islands. But I had fun imagining how they would look and behave and describing them in the book. This battle scene would not have been nearly as much fun with normal...real...creatures and weapons!
The Fairy King was charged with protecting the Stone of Integrity. Instead of guarding it, he hid it. At the same time, he commanded all the Fairies in his kingdom to hide their true selves behind masks. The masks were intended to allow the Fairies to keep their thoughts and feelings secret. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. I used the masks to represent just the opposite. By creating something to hide behind, the Fairies did not have to be honest with others. Great leaders always live with integrity. Others know they can be trusted to say and do the right things under all circumstances.
On a trip to Puerto Rico with my husband, we took a night-time tour to Bioluminescent Bay in Kayaks. It was such an amazing adventure that I felt like I was in one of my fantasy stories. So, of course, I had to include it in a book. The incident with the fish jumping in my kayak really did happen except I didn't have Kelfy to scoop it out for me! When we got to the bay, we shook our hands through the water and saw the white lights sparkling around us. Now, with all fantasy, you get to use your imagination and expand on real-life. I had the bio-luminescence change colors! By the time Carling and Kelfy find the purple sparkles, they are right over the Stone of Integrity.
As the Wizard of Crystonia tells Carling, Integrity "...is the supreme quality of a great leader." Integrity includes being honest but it is more than that. It is being true to yourself and others at all times. As I tell children, "Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching." For example, I profess to be a Christian. As such, I don't leave my religion at the door of the church each Sunday. I wear it home and never take it off.
The future queen of Crystonia is pure in heart and sees only the best in others. That is why she is so blind to the rivalry for her attention displayed by her long-time friend, Higson, and her new friend, Kelfy, the fisherman she met in Madiera. Rivals come in all shapes and sizes and in all areas of our lives. Here it is a love interest that is causing the rivalry, but in other cases it might be in a sporting competition or theatrical or scholastic endeavors. Rivalry makes the workplace a terrible place to be. Rivalry comes as a result of comparing ourselves to others rather than trying to focus on becoming the best we can be in whatever area of our life we are focusing our energy. That is a tough lesson, but one we all need to learn.
I have a little sticky note placed on my computer. It has five words written on it: Smell, Sight, Sound, Touch, Taste. This reminds me to use all of the senses in my writing to make the story come alive for my readers. In the excerpt included, there is no mistaking this scene with an ocean journey or a sojourn across a desert. You know they are in a jungle even if I hadn't named it. You can feel it, smell it, hear it, not just see it! I also had fun using personification and metaphor in this excerpt. Can you find these two literary techniques?
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