Why NOW Is the Perfect Time to Write a Book!

For authors, there is a bright spot in the current pandemic: people are reading in record numbers. In fact, according to an April 19, 2020 CNBC news report, “There was a whopping 777% increase in book purchases” in the first half of April as compared to the first half of March. This means it’s a great time to write a book. There’s plenty of demand, especially if you can help people through the constraints and uncertainties people are navigating due to COVID-19. Here are a few of the big concerns and circumstances driving book purchases this spring and summer:

  • People are looking for entertainment for themselves and their kids. What kind of books are these readers seeking? Feel good fiction, immersive reading experiences, middle and young adult grade fiction, and children’s illustrated and activity books are all selling well.
  • People are looking for answers in uncertain times. What kind of books are these readers seeking? Books about career transitions, business books on crisis management and entrepreneurship, science and culture nonfiction, history books and inspirational books on how to overcome adversity.
  • People want to learn something new while they’re stuck at home. What kind of books are these readers seeking? “How to” books, self-improvement and self-help books, craft books.


Bublish founder Kathy Meis took a deeper dive into these trends in “How Reading Habits Have Changed During Quarantine (And What to Do About It)” on the IngramSpark blog.

Leaning into these opportunities doesn’t mean you have to write a long book. Shorter books can be of value, too. The key is to think about who you can entertain (fiction) or assist (nonfiction) and write something of value for them. It’s not a bad time to consider an eBook-first launch strategy, so you can get your work into the market more quickly. If the title takes off, you can release the book in other formats at a later date. Of course, this approach doesn’t work for all categories (like children’s activity books), but it does for many.

If you’re interested in writing a book now is a great time. We’ll leave you with a few general publishing tips:

  • Know your audience and study reader expectations in your genre before you start writing.
  • “Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”—Louis L’Amour
  • Work with seasoned editors and designers who can help you create a professional book product.


If you want to write a book, now is a great time. The new normal means more time for reading and writing. If you’re stuck at home, writing a book is an opportunity to do something productive during quarantine. Don’t put it off. And if you have questions or need a publishing partner, don’t hesitate to get it touch with us. We’re always here to help. We’ve created new publishing and marketing trainings for you each week during quarantine. You can check out all the topics and watch the replays here.

xo, Team Bublish


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