Pinterest: The Secret Book Selling Machine

Pinterest has grown into a strong channel for driving free traffic to online book listings and author websites. It’s why expert book marketers like John Kremer and Daniel Hall use Pinterest to consistently generate traffic for free. 

One of the main reasons Pinterest is so powerful is the fact that it can help you drive highly targeted traffic. In other words, with Pinterest you can attract users who are interested in a specific niche. In fact, many Pinterest users are absolutely obsessed with their niches! And if they’re interested in your niche, they are precisely the kind of people you want discovering you and your book and clicking over to your book pages, website and offers.

Another benefit of Pinterest is how long posts (or pins as they are called on the Pinterest platform) can remain relevant. The half-life (median lifespan) of a tweet on Twitter is about 24 minutes. On Facebook, the half-life of a post is about 90 minutes. Contrast that to Pinterest, where the half-life of pin is 3.5 months! Yes, months. That means, on average, a Pinterest post (aka pin) lasts 1,703 times longer than a Facebook post. Some marketers even report getting “repins” (Pinterest’s term for reposting—like a retweet on Twitter) and clicks on their pins years after posting them!

Crazy, right?

Here are some other crazy Pinterest statistics:

  • Pinterest users spend 70% more than visitors from other social networks.
  • The average order value of a sale from Pinterest is $50.
  • 87% of Pinterest users have bought something online after browsing pins.
  • 93% of people on Pinterest use it to plan their purchases.
  • Only 20% of Pinterest users ever create content, the other 80% simply pin and share the content.

If you are building your author brand and promoting a book, you need to take a look at Pinterest. Want to learn how it works? Check out the replay of our free webinar, which originally aired on August 8: “Pinterest: The Secret Book Selling Machine” with book marketing experts John Kremer and Daniel Hall.

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