When a new trooper starts working at the Southwest Library, she meets Alaya, the Librarian's daughter. But for Henrietta, a soldier with a secret, this young woman may hold the key to expelling the invaders. The events that follow launch Henrietta on a journey that is dangerous and epic, leading her into the councils of the invaders and chieftains of the tribes that rule the desert land of the Southwest. But an even greater danger is coming. Something is moving into the land, something more evil even than the dominating ruling clans. Messengers warn of a mounted menace moving down from the north, destroying all in its path. Facing the rising threat, Henrietta must join with the librarians and old enemies to build a stronger alliance. In this tale of the future world without modern technology, each character must make decisions of loyalty and commitment that will shape the future.
Book Bubbles from In the Horde's Way
A key moment when Henrietta and Alaya determine who they can trust and might ally with. It is not clear who is friend and who is foe.
The Librarian's daughter, Alaya has been placed in the path of danger. It does not matter there are powerful men and women around her who would like to keep her safe. It will rest her, with her closest friends, to determine her fate.
Kalapati and Tangaroa have faced many difficult challenges in their lives of leadership and fighting enemies. But neither has ever faced a challenge like this. What is coming no one is prepared for. Death or retreat might be the only future for them and all their people.
Kalapati and Tangaroa have faced many difficult challenges in their lives of leadership and fighting enemies. But neither has ever faced a challenge like this. What is coming no one is prepared for. Death or retreat might be the only future for them and all their people.
Alaya did not believe the stories of the Horde. But she is about to hear a heartrending story from a family that lived through a terrible time, in the north. Danger is coming.
Blackhand leads an armed force that prepares to challenge the Horde that is moving closer each day. Not only must she get her troops ready. She also must fend off her leaders who don't trust her.
Henrietta must stay hidden in plain sight. She is on the opposing side of this Alliance. But her responsibility to find the weak points. But she gets sucked in the the camaraderie of these men and women who are supposed to be her enemies.
Henrietta has just arrived in Silver City. Her plans are not going well. She has gained the attention of officers. Now she will have an even more difficult time achieving her goals.
Alaya's father once ruled here. Now she is but a prisoner in her own home. Living a life studying and being obedient. Until a new guard appears. Her life may take some unexpected twists.
Henrietta and Alaya are confronted with a squad of angry Horde fighters. They have one job, don't die. And keep the horses safe.
Alaya and Henrietta see a vast horde of enemy. What can they possibly do? This is a horrible sight.
From being a spoiled princess to being respected as a leader of men and women, Alaya has changed in a few short months. The greatest challenge faces them. But perhaps a fighting force united as one can withsand the Horde!
Alaya has changed. From daughter being protected by a famous father, to being respected as a leader in her own right. Only a month earlier she never would have thought this would become her life. She would become this person.
Alaya and Henrietta are developing a growing relationship. If they can stay out of the hands of the rebels, they may become closer.
Commander Xuna knows he can bend the Librarian to his will by threatening Alaya, the Librarian's daughter. We see who has the most power in Silver City under occupation.
Alaya and Henrietta are developing a growing relationship. If they can stay out of the hands of the rebels, they may become closer.
Book Bubbles from Librarian Tools
Book Bubbles from Librarian Tools
Eight short stories set in the future Earth when modern technology has been lost, and librarians rule: Kalapati's Tool Future's Fate Zuni Stash War Tools Out of the Sands Burning Library Lakisha Decides Pratima's Engines
Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Librarian Tools: Stories in the Protected Books World
Pratima continues her undercover role in the Duke's household. What she finds will spell doom for someone. Only time will tell who can survive this revelation.
Lakisha first meets the Library Scout Asante at the port. She needs help, and this swordsman and his dog will serve. Little does she know her life will change profoundly from this moment forward...
Pratima secretly works for the Library in post-Collapse India. She must infiltrate a Duke's manor house and determine a threat to the throne. The deaf servant will be a needed ally.
Chizuko spends her first night in the royal palace. She awakes to find an assassin over her bed. Words are exchanged, and a few blows. Such is the life of a samurai for the Emperor.
Kalipati has led the escapees into the mountains. The pursuers are close behind. Now begins the dangerous game of loosing arrows across the distance between the two groups. If this keeps up, someone may die. A part of one story in the Librarian Tools anthology.
Tomas and Alfonsa uncover an old dangerous weapon. They seek it, only to destroy it. If they are not stopped.
Lindy and the library scout are surrounded with only a small staff, and one child to help them. They need to send a message for help. As a courier Lindy feels it is her responsibility to deliver the book she carries. The scout must decide if they can defend her against attackers. Read this bubble from Librarians Tools and begin learning the lore of the Protected Books World.
Chizuko is undercover in the Korean palace hoping to uncover a killer, before it is too late. She must use all her talent with swords and words to survive this mission. One story in the Librarian Tool anthology set in the future world were advanced technology has been lost.
Aaleyah and Sunil are over a pyramid in his balloon when they are attacked. Thus begins their adventure in Out of the Sands, part of the Librarian Tools anthology.
Kalapati meets Lucia, years after their first meeting. She must decide who she can trust in her effort to free the captives.
An adventure with young Lakisha, traveling to a new lands and encountering surprising and fascinating new folks. Lakisha and the boy Jolan must bring their knowledge of Gullah lands to the Gulf coast. Their journey brings them to experiences they could only imagine before. Participate in the thrills of new discoveries, the choices made in the face of danger, and follow along as folks grow, change, and strive to survive.
Book Bubbles from Gullah Girl in the Bayou
Lakisha helps with the gather at the Harvest Festival. This meeting between the Creoles and the tribespeople can either lead to peace or war. The decision may occur at this moment!
The start of a new adventure for Lakisha the new library staff member. Her first assignment. She has no idea what difficult decisions she will face in this new land of Creoles and Natchez.
William must enlist others to help him save the kidnapped children. The Librarian has charged William with restoring balance in the future California without technology.
Book Bubbles from Feeling A Way
The new leaders in California after the Collapse must rise to protect the people. They must not shrink when faced with danger and impossible odds. Tamara as a representative of the Libraries is one of these leaders from whom much is demanded.
Lucia is the guru's slave. Her life is obedience and duty. But, this day she stands up to defend another. She confronts her master. And fights back!
The library scout William hears the story of the attack on the school. Claire tells her story of that day. She used her bow as best she could.
William hears the story of the kidnapping of young Dash from the school. Claire explains how she used her bow and arrow to defend the students.
William has just arrived on a clipper ship, and is trying to get a bearing on what his assignment is to me. He has met Tamara, and is about to meet a strange young girl.
In this scene we are introduced to William Way who has made the journey from India to California. It has been a long dangerous trip by sail. We begin to see signs of William's expertise with the sword. We are about to learn why the local Librarian has requested that William come to solve a local problem.
In this scene we find out that Kalapati is amazing with a bow. When they see the danger she reacts instantly. Toby is just a young boy, but he can see that Kalapati is a force to be reckoned with. This is the scene where we first meet Toby and Kalapati. They have just begun the journey that will bring them into contact with the major players in the story. Kalapati was raised on Native American land and knows how to survive in the wild. This is the first dangerous adventure Toby has ever experienced.
Auntie's best friend is accused of bumping off the new train station architect. Though only a student, Henrietta swings into action to solve this mystery fast, or murder will mar her vacation in this desert landscape. In a post-Collapse world knives will fly.Balancing a semi-friendly relationship with the local sheriff and perhaps a secret tie to the powerful librarian Henrietta walks a tightrope in her impromptu investigation. Is one of the town’s old biddies the cause of the trouble? Or could some outside culprit be sabotaging the small town?One thing is for sure, someone is stirring up something sinister at the soon to be reopened train station. Henrietta’s determined, making sure Gabriela doesn’t hang for this crime, while making sure she doesn't get thrown in jail. Auntie wouldn’t like that at all! Join Henrietta in this first tale, of this post-Collapse world, follow her amateur sleuthing and crime solving to clear Gabriela’s name.
Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Henrietta Gets A Clue
Henrietta must keep a decent relationship with the local lawman if she is going to solve crimes...
Eleanora está trabajando duro en la granja de sus padres de acogida y entrenándose ella misma en las artes defensivas para evitar el mismo destino que sus padres. William es un espadachín de la biblioteca. El Bibliotecario se ha jubilado y todo está envuelto en el caos. Eleanora y William deben emprender viajes por separado a través del árido y primitivo paisaje de la región sudoeste tras el Colapso.
Book Bubbles from Un Camino Peligroso
William es un espadachines más hábiles. Él debe luchar y ganar en esta escena.
Eleanora lavora sodo alla fattoria della famiglia presso cui è in affidamento e si allena nell’autodifesa, per evitare il destino dei suoi genitori. William è un esploratore della biblioteca. Il Bibliotecario sta dando le dimissioni e tutto va alla deriva. Eleanora e William devono intraprende viaggi separati attraverso il paesaggio arido e primitivo del Sudovest, nel mondo dopo il Crollo. Quando i loro cammini si incrociano, decidono di aiutarsi a vicenda per sopravvivere grazie alla loro intelligenza e per combattere con le armi o con l’astuzia i potenziali nemici. Il futuro della regione dipende dalle decisioni prese da questi due ragazzi, separatamente e insieme. In questa avventura per la sopravvivenza, Eleanora e William intraprendono un viaggio attraverso l'America post apocalittica del futuro, dove la tecnologia moderna ha cessato di esistere. Con il ritorno alle vecchie usanze, il mondo si è tramutato in una distopia steampunk all’età del legno.La gente deve vivere di agricoltura, allevamento, intaglio del legno e armi primitive. Unisciti a Eleanora e William mentre si imbarcano in questo pericoloso viaggio.
Book Bubbles from Una Strada Pericolosa
Eleanora is working hard on her foster parent’s farm and training herself in the defensive arts to avoid the same fate as her parents. William is a swordsman for the library. The Librarian is stepping down and all is being thrown into turmoil. Eleanora and William must take separate journeys across the arid and primitive landscape of the Southwest region after the Collapse. Once their paths cross, they partner to survive by their wits and choose to fight or outthink potential enemies. The future of the region depends upon the decisions made by these two, separately and together. In this adventure of survival, Eleanora and William take a road trip through post-apocalyptic future America where modern technology has ceased to exist. With the return to the old ways, the world has become a woodpunk dystopia. People must live with woodcraft, farming, animal husbandry and hand crafted weapons. Join Eleanora and William as they venture forth on this dangerous way.
Book Bubbles from A Dangerous Way
William is one of the most skilled swordsmen in the region. He usually avoids fighting. Unfortunately, Yang's fighters are determined to kill him. He has no choice but to use their aggression against them. His sword fighting and his ability to out-think his enemies are tested this day.
We meet the Librarian who is about to step down. The Librarian represents the most powerful force in the Southwest. Leaders are in town to hear the announcement. We will see how William Way relates to the Librarian and who will have the power among the library staff. The future in the region depends on what happens in this scene.
Eleanora is facing a large number of bandits. She is committed to preventing these bandits from hurting anyone else, but will she be able to handle this number? Eleanora has trained her whole life for this moment. This is the first time she will use her weapon to defend her life. Someone has to act to make the region safe.
This scene is here to show that William knows the most powerful weapons a human has are his mind and language. He has been taught as a library scout to avoid fighting and to reason his way out of trouble. While the scouts are renowned for sword fighting, they prefer to engage in fighting through other means. William practices with weapons every day of his life, but never draws his weapon in anger.
Pratima has been trained as a scholar. She has been thrown together with William, the young library worker, to act in defense of the kingdom against strange weapons in the hands of dangerous people. Her choices will make or break a nation. Future India without technology is a wonderous land.
Book Bubbles from Pratima's Forbidden Book
Darlana is threatened by those who would build a destructive weapon. She must join together with Pratima and the libraries to bring peace back to India.
Pratima must go from new recruit to quickly act to save thousands at the army base. The Librarian gives an order to Pratima and she has to do whatever it takes to get the message through. Pratima is taking the first step from student and scholar to leader.
When Gullah family farms are being threatened library swordsman Asante must help save them. In this post-apocalyptic world of swords and soul, doing what's right leads to unimaginable threats. Beneda, a local farmer and archer, has begun her own quest. Will Asante and Beneda join forces to save the Gullah farms?
Book Bubbles from Asante's Gullah Journey
Beneda and Zenobia must change and grow if they hope to protect the library in this future world without technology.
Lakisha and Asante have just arrived at the Library. They are interrupting while attempting to eat. This is when Asante first meets Beneda and Old Lady. He must decide to help the farmers.
Beneda runs the farm for her mama. She checks with the workers and makes sure the watering and weeding is done. An attack and ruin a whole season. She must grow and get stronger to defend the farm.
Beneda works to rescue local children who might be between the two opposing sides. Her first thought is that innocent bystanders not be hurt. She is ready to use her bow to fight the enemy, but she must prepare the ground.
Beneda uses her bow outside the library against the enemies of the farmers.
Asante, scout for the libraries, defends a stagecoach traveling through Gullah land. The libraries have taken power in the future where modern technology has ended. The library scouts are swordsmen and swordswomen who enforce the law and defend the weak.
The Gullah grandma tells the little ones the legend of Igbo Landing. There slaves took matters into their own hands. This story inspired the descendants of African slaves for hundreds of years.
Pratima is a scholar. William works for the Librarian. They must join forces to save thousands. In a utopian future of wood and animal power the knowledge of dangerous technology is forbidden. A deadly evil knowledge hidden for hundreds of years has been exposed in Northern India. Now the young scholar Pratima and the inexperienced library worker William must join forces to end the threat. They must make fateful decisions as they travel the rivers, valleys and village ways to stop the unleashing of a grave danger on the land. Their choices will determine if the kingdom will survive.
Book Bubbles from Pratima's Forbidden Book
This is the moment it comes down to. Pratima, Darlana and the rest have exhausted all resources. Only the will remains to hold the bridge. If they can survive another few hours, they can grasp victory.
I wanted to mention the issue of child brides. "Despite laws against it, the practice remains widespread, in part because of persistent poverty and gender inequality. In developing countries, one in every three girls is married before reaching age 18. One in nine is married under age 15." UNFPA. Pratima has power, even though she only became library staff a week earlier. As the library scouts and investigators travel the land, local authorities call on them to render judgement in local disputes. As Pratima is asked to rule on a potential child bride she shows how she works. She combines her feelings with research and understanding of laws and customs to render judgement.
William is young and has lived a sheltered life in libraries. What he doesn't know about women could fill books. This stop on their trip brings a change to William and Pratima, for different reasons.
I wanted a scene to tell some backstory for William. He had a youth growing up trying to defy authority. Parts of this memory are from my own life. I also wanted to show how Jyotsna and Raakhi were at one time like sisters who fought together to rid the valley of dangerous men. Now that they are both old they are at odds with each other. The Librarian sending William and Pratima to this valley means the power balance has perhaps changed again between these one time friends.
Pratima and her supporters are risking their lives to defend a bridge. The outcome of this conflict will determine the future of India. Pratima and most of the others are not fighters, but they will do whatever they can to stop the attackers. Pratima has promised she will not abandon the bridge, because others are depending on her.
Pratima has enlisted a mahout and his elephant to help seize the compound containing the deadly weapon. She fears that lives will be lost and wants to offer a way out. The loyalty Pratima has gained among the villagers means she is not in the fight alone.
Pratima has staked her plans on holding the bridge against the coming enemy. She must enlist the entire town to help her build a defensive fortification. Pratima, Darlana and Jyotsna lead all the local people to accomplish this massive construction project. Pratima makes decisions that may cost people to lose their lives. She is demonstrating that part of leadership means being able to convince others to aid in a group effort.
Pratima is becoming more powerful after being recruited by the Librarian. This scene gives a hint of the depth underneath the scholarly appearance that Pratima shows to the world. She will need all the strength she can muster with the coming conflict.
This scene shows that people we might consider disabled may be more capable than we expect. Pratima meets a woman who is completely blind, who is doing medical research and who can find her way around the village better that Pratima can with her eyes.
I wanted to explore the tension of being in India as lower class people. Amina is considered a Dalit. That is a term for what were once called undesirables. Legally she has full rights, but day-to-day life is not the same as the law. William has some similar issues. As a mixed race expat living in India, he has been granted full rights, but he also would be looked at differently than other Indians. And the experience of living in India is intensely sensual. There are smells that surround you at all times. It is part of life and reminds you where you are.
Eleanora kaj William vojaĝi tra la post-apokalipsa lando en la sudokcidento kaj batali super la estonteco de la bibliotekoj
Book Bubbles from Danĝera Vojo
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