Authorpreneur Dashboard – Nick Alverson

Nick   Alverson


Humor & Entertainment

Insane-O-Tron is a hilarious trip into the absurd and surreal, with stories about a family-themed TV show gone wrong, inter-species dating, a talking haircut, trick-or-treating with a candy wizard, magical dancing ponies and an earwig’s day trip to the gutter. These stories are insane! Insane-O-Tron is a collection of six short stories about unexpected characters in crazy situations, with plenty of action, adventure, Sci-Fi, fantasy, friendship, family and romance.

Book Bubbles from Insane-O-Tron

Not a Pleasant Way to Die

This is never a good way to go. Enough said.

We've got a Floater.

If you're a young earwig, there's nothing quite like the thrill of climbing on to a large pile of floating shit and pretending its a pirate ship.

Mashed Potato Love Making

This scene played in prime time to a nationwide audience of millions. It was well received.

Jane tells her Dad about her bad date.

Jane just had a terrible first date and Peter isn't about to let the smell of his poop pants, ruin the tender moment, between him and his daughter.

One Sexy Haircut

Tommy just got his haircut, and it is awesomely sexy. So much so that people on the street can't help but proposition it.

Don't Mess With the Candy Wizard

The Candy Wizard is no candy ass. This guy has been around the block a few times and he'll just as likely give you a delicious, chocolate candy bar as kick your ass.

Cat Food

Scott has written all kinds of terrible TV shows. Cat Food wasn't that bad but he may have stepped over the line on this one.

Blunt, Raw

Antediluvian is the wisest pony in Pony Land, his advice though, might not be what you want to hear.

The Real Reason Mammals Beat the Dinosaurs

It easy to survive an extinction level event when someone tells you its coming.

You Don't Want Peter Designing Your Roads

Peter Hunter is a piss poor civil engineer. Some of his low lights include a road with alternating patches of pavement and gravel, a stop sign on a freeway, and a car jump over a two thousand foot canyon instead of a bridge.

Let's Trick-or-Treat at Ms. Crabenscab's House

Ms. Crabenscab isn't winning any beauty pageants and Billy's about to find out why. Happy Halloween!

The bathroom situation at the Dirty Fisherman.

The bathroom situation at the Dirty Fisherman is a little sketchy. If you find yourself having to use the facilities there be prepared to contract a disease or two. In the Dirty Fisherman's defense, I have heard that their low quality, grease battered, barely edible cod is to die for.

Munching the Groovy Oats Bag

Gooch likes to expand his mind. Don't judge him. He's not hurting anyone. It's not his fault, that his main source of food is an intense hallucinogenic.

Centipede Eyes! Yummy!

Fun fact: Young earwigs, like Ernie, love candy. Other popular bug candies include Lady Bug Brittle, Thorax Jerky and Dung Balls.

Scott Scotterson: The A-Hole who wrote Queenslande

Scott's one attempt at dramatic TV was a complete failure. It got him banned from Australia for a year, even though he had never been there.

A Spectacular Drunk Day of Hunting

Peter is a hunter, but the kind of hunter who's better at it when he's drunk, like someone who's better at pool after they've had a few.

Time Cocaine is a hell of a drug

Insane-O-Tron is already crazy so I figured I might as well make it as crazy as possible. Time Cocaine is in fact a hell of a drug, one that might just get you out of a bad situation.

Tommy uses the Insane-O-Tron

This excerpt is from the opening chapter of the title story, Insane-O-Tron. I open the story with a huge gun battle where I introduce the main character Tommy and the mysterious Insane-O-Tron. I want to leave the reader wondering just what in the world the Insane-O-Tron is.

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