Book Bubbles from E-Book.docx
As we have seen in recent years, xenophobia is alive and well in the United States and it is not much different than in the 1960s. My grandfather was very racist and xenophobic and he absolutely hated my dad because he was a Greek immigrant. While Greeks, Italians, and other white immigrants were not welcomed into the United States by many, it now seems to be fine but now if you are an immigrant of color.
My Uncle Pete's Shoe Shine is now on display at the Bucyrus Historical Society. I recently went there as a news reporter to interview the new curator for an article and took my dad along. He explained all of the history behind the shoe shine and I got some really good photos out of the interview and presented on of my books to the museum! Win-win!
I am not surprised that the shooter at the Trump rally turned out to fit the most common profile. A white man who felt bullied, was all about his guns, and just wanted to leave this earth and make sure everyone remembered his name, just like the shooter in Las Vegas..........
My dad was so scared as a little boy when these evil men came into his home.
There are many Greek Orthodox holidays that are celebrated throughout the year.
When your parents and son are hiding from an active shooter, it really makes you think about life and what it all means!
Although many of us in the United States celebrated Easter in March this year, this Sunday is the Greek Easter for many of my family members. The differences are very interesting. Check out this chapter of my book!
My Aunt Carolyn would still be alive today if she had the choice of health insurance through the Healthcare Marketplace that was created through the American Healthcare Act, nicknamed Obamacare. Read about how the program could have helped her and how it is helping millions of people now.
If you believe in love, it will happen in so many ways!
Since the concept of the United States was formed, we have been a nation of immigrants. When did people start to hate immigrants? Why when we all come from immigrants? So strange!
Growing up in a small town as part of only one of two Greek families was difficult sometimes but also, very enlightening and educational.
It is disheartening to think of what immigrants went through when coming to the US in the early 1900s but even more disheartening that it is still happening today. Uncle Pete being hunted by the KKK is chilling and so awful.
When there is chaos and your family is being threatened, you do whatever you can to stay calm, even reading a book about your grandmother's life.
It is never easy to lose someone close to you, whether they were a great person or an abusive one. Either way, with death comes grief, but also, new beginnings.
Such a generous gift for a mother from her children and then it is lost.....
Downsizing inflicts profound pain on employees. Job losses erode trust, diminish morale, and breed insecurity. Families suffer, communities reel, and corporate cultures are irreparably damaged. The human cost is immense but my dad was able to turn it around when he lost his job to downsizing.
Immigration is not as easy as some people may think it is. Many parents have to make difficult and heartbreaking decisions to ultimately give their children better lives.
You never know who you can really trust, even when it comes to friends. My daughter learned that lesson the hard way when she was still in high school......
My dad studied and waited for years to be able to take his American citizenship test. The test is not as easy as many people think it is and to pass it, you need to know a ton of info about the history and current laws of the United States. What types of questions are on the test? Find out in this chapter of Never Break the Chain: Immigration and the American Dream.
Both of my grandmothers lost a child, sons. I can't imagine the pain and anguish they must have felt. Both were preventable deaths in today's world but back then, it was all too common, and sad, just so heartbreaking.
Many people in the United States are under the impression that people from other countries are coming here to take their jobs and do harm to others. This is not the case. In my Grandma Greek's own words, she describes what it really feels like to leave the only home she has ever known to move to a country she has never even visited. The United States is a nation of immigrants which means most of us would not be here if our ancestors had not immigrated.
When your parents and son are hiding from an active mass shooter in Las Vegas, it really puts into perspective just how much our families mean to us. For me, it made me realize the importance of the history of our families and how much we can learn from the struggles our ancestors overcame. Knowing where we come from can give us the courage to overcome life's obstacles and can motivate us to do better in the future.
Growing up in a multicultural home with a Greek immigrant father and a mom from Virginia was interesting, but nothing could have prepared journalist Kimberly Gasuras for a night of horror as she waited to hear back from her parents and her son who were hiding from an active shooter in Las Vegas. To keep her mind occupied, Kimberly began reading a book written by her Aunt Helen from discussions she had in the past with Kimberly's Grandma Greek. That book inspired Kimberly to delve further into her family history and to learn more about the hardships, triumphs, and tragedies that immigrants faced in the 1950s and those who are still facing those same struggles today. By reading Kimberly’s story about her family, you may very well be able to learn more about your own since the United States is a nation of immigrants.
Book Bubbles from E-Book.docx
Growing up in a multicultural home with a Greek immigrant father and a mom from Virginia was interesting, but nothing could have prepared journalist Kimberly Gasuras for a night of horror as she waited to hear back from her parents and her son who were hiding from an active shooter in Las Vegas. To keep her mind occupied, Kimberly began reading a book written by her Aunt Helen from discussions she had in the past with Kimberly's Grandma Greek. That book inspired Kimberly to delve further into her family history and to learn more about the hardships, triumphs, and tragedies that immigrants faced in the 1950s and those who are still facing those same struggles today. By reading Kimberly’s story about her family, you may very well be able to learn more about your own since the United States is a nation of immigrants.
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