Authorpreneur Dashboard – Kathleen M Flanagan

Kathleen M Flanagan

Dancing Souls:

Religion & Spirituality

In Book 3 of the Dancing Soul series, Destiny is totally lost. She is confused and is riddled with helplessness and hopelessness. She continually asks herself, Is there no light to the evil and darkness that has surrounded her?

The King of the Dark Lord focuses his sight and begins a massive seduction of Destiny’s mind and soul. His goal is for her to become the Queen of the Reptilian Essence, joining him on the dark side with the ultimate mission to destroy Earth. Will he succeed?

Will Bill become an ally … or a betrayer?
Will Ken be the ultimate supporter … or a betrayer?
Will the shackles that locked her down be removed … or will she be betrayed?
Will the Creator be there to the end … or become a betrayer?

The question Destiny struggles within her waking hours is: Will she have the internal strength to continue to stand up to others … or will she betray herself, as so many already have?

Eduardo and Rebecca, her longtime friends, continue to stand by her side with their words of encouragement and kindness. Yet she feels so alone as others create a revolving door of cloaked friendships.

Finally, the Draconian truth is revealed in Awakened. Can Destiny’s light continue to shine as she fights the increasing evil and hate circling the Earth? She is weary, exhausted and has been lost too long.
It’s time to be found and become free.

Book Bubbles from Dancing Souls:

Returning to Colorado

I was finally relieved to go back home. I missed Colorado so much. To this day, I still don't know why everyone tried to prevent me from leaving. I was happy that Eduardo showed up but I no longer cared. I just wanted to go home. I could not leave the state fast enough. It was an easy drive home only for a new set of circumstances to show up and continue the transformation process.

Dancing Souls

Religion & Spirituality

What if your soul held the key to saving humanity? In "Dancing Souls: The Call," Kathleen M. Flanagan takes readers on a mystical journey of self-discovery, unconditional love, and spiritual awakening. When the author begins ballroom dance lessons on a whim, she is catapulted on an unexpected quest - one that will challenge her ideas about relationships, men, women, and the divine plan for her life. Through vivid stories and insights, Flanagan shares her personal transformation, weaving in powerful messages about forgiveness, empathy, and the urgency of living one's purpose. As the narrative unfolds, a covert mission to save Earth from an impending Draconian apocalypse comes to light. And at the center of it all is Destiny, a prominent Draconian whose memory was erased and DNA altered to equip her for this vital task. Will the mysterious Dorian's promise to protect Destiny succeed? Can their deep soul connection overcome the dark forces that imperil humanity's fate? From the dance halls of Chicago to the majesty of Yellowstone, "Dancing Souls: The Call" takes readers on an unforgettable adventure. More than a memoir, this genre-blending book explores the power of love, trust, and embracing one's higher calling.

Book Bubbles from Dancing Souls

Dancing is My Life

At the time the book was written, I had no idea how much my life would change as well as the world. The books were written in 2008, and today more than ever, are far beyond relevancy. Who knew our world would shut down in 2020, yet the world changed dramatically from that moment on. We are living in a world where it appears to be out of control, and yet, everything is in divine perfection. It is time for humanity to rise above greed, corruption, murder, hate, indifference, etc. We are all one and we all have a mission to fulfill to bring love and happiness back to the Earth. It is time to wake up and remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Dancing Souls

Religion & Spirituality

Will the Screamers destroy Destiny's peace and purpose? 
Destiny had accepted the quest from the Creator allowing her DNA to be altered as Book One-Dancing Souls ... Heaven and Earth -The Call ended. She had agreed to forfeit her life ... and to be reborn as something she knew was horrible. A something that was now destroying the worlds she loved. 

All Destiny knew was that her time on Earth would create a dramatic change that would alter her beyond anything she could imagine. 

She didn't know what the Creator was planning in his change design. 
She knew it was coming. 
She ... knew ... it ... would ... happen. 

With her rebirth, Destiny suddenly lost all knowledge of who she was. All of it. She lost all knowledge of where she came from and who her friends were. All of it. 

In Book Two-Dancing Souls ... Dark Night of the Soul, Destiny begins a new adventure with no vision toward what the outcome would bring. Settling in, the absolute chaos of the previous year ebbs away. And finally, peace and acceptance enveloped her that is disrupted by the Screamers. Who are they? And why have they become the nightmares of Destiny's existence? 

Would she survive the Creator's ultimate test? 
Would the Creator's Grand Plan work? 
Would the Earth, Destiny came to love, be saved? 

And ... will the Creator bring her back, rebirth her again ... to be found? 

Book Bubbles from Dancing Souls

Getting Ready to Move to Chicago

I finally made peace with the move to Chicago. There was so much to do. I had a business with lots of product bottles and product. I was leaving a 10-year relationship. I felt overwhelmed, excited, scared and hopeful. I really tried to "feel" what was coming but there was no way. I was very much in the moment of my emotions during this time. When the day came to drive to Chicago, it was uneventful. I interpreted it to mean that maybe this would be a nice change. OMG once I landed in Chicago everything changed. And, it continued to change until 2012 when peace returned and I was like a newborn baby learning who I was and why I was here. The events in Chicago unfolded in ways unimaginable.

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