Zeus left Mount Olympus, but not before destroying it. Zeus' secret cavern is discovered. Zanna is captured by the Bug Eye Aliens and becomes impregnated by one. Trouble continues to haunt Michaelis, Phineas, Myriam, and Zanna. Alexandria has interrupted Myriam's teleportation sending the four time-travelers into the Mesolithic/New Stone Age where they encounter Ildiko the Dragon and Xenomonsters from the Paleolithic age. Myriam and Michaelis find pleasure in each other's bodies and lust enters into their relationship. Michaelis and Myriam fly to Africa saddled to the back of Ildiko where they encounter Dillon the Black Panther and afterward find General Demetrius, Alexandria, and Hannah with the African Woman's Army of three-million soldiers
Book Bubbles from Black Water Mist: Troubled Water
Once married and now friends, Poseidon and Aphrodite fall into a sexual orgy
Four timetravelers try to save planet earth. Ladon Torm Defeats Zeus and moes To his planet, Gusstonia. Zeus relents on agreement with Ladon, sends his Zaliens to destroy Ladon Storm and Gusstonia. The four young friends find joy in sex.
Book Bubbles from Black BWater Mist:
Ladon Storm has pulled himself out of ashes of Rhea’s disappearance. He travels with Big Dawg Crow to a secret mine, left by the elder ones, and finds crystals with powers that surpass Omnikensis power, and Maxine, a six-foot dragon fly 400 million years old. He harvest twelve crystals, confronts Bellerophon waiting on him outside the mine riding Pegasus, kills him, and takes his golden sword of war and Pegasus. Jessi returns and tells of her marriage to Apollo. Ladon goes to Mount Olympus only to find out that Rhea has been moved to Tartarus. A verbal confrontation happens between Ladon and Zeus whereby the latter agrees to submit his kingdom and leave. Indeed, Zeus does leave Mount Olympus as promised, but little of value is left for Ladon and the New World Order to rule over.
Book Bubbles from Black Water Mist War in the Heavens
Ladon poisoned by raven and falls unconscious
Man's best friend is a dog.
When dealing with the immortal gods, one must be careful and receive their approval or face consequences.
Queen Kenna has been detailed to escort Nerites back to Aphrodites after having been a prisoner of Alexandria for two years.
Hera may be the Queen of the Gods, but she is powerless against her unfaithful, conniving husband.
War is Hell. One must experience war in person to grasp the reality of combat, and subsequently Combat PTSD. War is not stored into your brain for reference, it's scrawled into your brain as a reminder of the fear, the carnage, and the death you've faced. God Bless those who have served in the armed forces and those brave soldiers who are now fighting to keep this nation FREE.
Cronos is the metaphor of time. By eating his children, Tana and Tananye, he controlled time. I am convinced that while imprisoned within the bowels of Cronos, time stops; one could live inside his bowels forever, without being immortal.
The Amazon Female Army has come to the Garden of Hebrides to help Ladon Storm. Trouble awaits them and spiritual truths awake them to reality.
Meteors will destroy earth if Uranus is not appeased and Cronos released by the Black Goddess, Nyx. Twenty-two years ago, Tana Storm, Ladon's mother, promised her first child to Cronos for her release from Nyx's Cave, Ladon Storm is that child. Ladon is time traveling to the Cave of Nyx to free his mother and her friend Tananye who have been swallowed by Cronos. There is trouble ahead for Ladon. He must persuade Nyx to allow him to enter the cave, get past the Cyclops,and find a way to make Cronos reguritate his mother and her friend.,
The future of the Cosmos has been cursed by the All-mighty Zeus and his family of rulers. A blessing is about to unfold, but the blessing depends upon five recent college graduates from Mount Storm, West Virginia, who find their destinies entwined with gods, goddesses, and evil mythological creatures. Ladon Storm must defeat the all-mighty Zeus, remove him from his throne, persevere, and find a way to institute a New World Order. It will demand a War In The Heavens. Wrestling with their own likes, loves, and true identities, Ladon Storm and his gang of friends look for the truth about meteors, the Earth, the Cosmos and themselves while working with beings and reptilians that cannot always be trusted.
Book Bubbles from Black Water Mist Pegasus Rising
Sexual advances were strange to Ladon, but Alexandria's beauty removed all his inhibitions. He couldn't resist wanting to fuck his boss.
Kronos the destructive force of time will stand still for no one or nothing. He consumed his children and like us, Time, will consume us all.
Gaia petitions Hera's advice on the disposition of Cronus expecting compassion and reinstatement for him as ruler of Mount Olympus.
It's well acknowledged that everything Aphrodite touches becomes a LOVE-ly mess.Nerites is being punished for refusing Aphrodite's request to follow her to the Throne Room on Mount Olympus as her lover. Sometimes it's better to think with you head and not your heart.
Love, and Sex have been pillars of the Greek Society since the beginning of time. One must learn to control their desires for sexual satisfaction or there will be consequences to pay. Alexandria could not control her passion for Nerites and now must serve her time of exile in the mortal world.
twenty-two years previous, Ladon Storm's mother, promised her first child to Cronos. The time has come to pay the debt owed to the primordial god. Ladon Storm's fate was determined before he was born and now he will be sacrificed.
Apollo's Monstrous Stemphalians are in Miller's Field in Mount Storm, West Virginia. The Birds aren't the only strange event happening. The Field is actually the Greek God Fallen Hero Allesian Field burial ground maintained by Papineau Lomax. Also in the field are fireflies that communicate by spelling out their messages. All leading Ladon Storm to the Cave of Nyx and a confrontation with Cronos. Overhead meteors are streaking toward Earth to destroy the planet.
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