The Four Horseman are trapped in the world they desolated. Their only purpose now is to exist amongst the ruins. All of that changes with a small group of survivors... The seal was broken, and Hell was unleashed. Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death rode over the earth, creating a super-virus that turned humans into bloodthirsty monsters, opening a path for demons, decimating nearly all natural life, causing chaos and death throughout the world. Now that their duties have been preformed, the Four Horsemen have disbanded, reduced to human bodies and trapped in the world they destroyed. No longer the Horseman Pestilence, Avery wanders through the waste he created, slaying any undead monsters and demons that cross his path. But when Avery comes across a group of survivors looking for a safe haven, his priorities begin to change. Not that the demons are going to let him stand in the way of their plans. Avery ended the world once, and he refuses to see the demons end it again. But to protect the last of the living, he must seek the help of his brothers, all of whom are content with sitting back and watching the world burn…
Book Bubbles from Path of the Horseman
One of the first chapters where the Plagued are introduced as the zombies of the story. But they aren't the ones that Avery is really after. Still, he has no problem taking out a couple on the way to get his goal...
I always liked this quote from Avery's inner monologue.I think it accurately describes him as a powerful, dangerous, supernatural character who's limit is being tested. It's also fun to read snippets like this, when you can tell there's something intense going on. What do you think when you read this piece?
Wanted by law enforcements. Chased by drug cartels. Hunted by demons... Constance Ramirez has more than her share of problems when it comes to protecting her adopted sister, Andromeda. Especially since Andromeda isn’t fully human, and her strange powers are dangerous and out of control. But Constance will do anything to keep her safe, which won’t be easy with bounty hunters hired by the drug cartel she betrayed looking to capture her, and savage monsters seeking to take Andromeda for their own dark purposes. Being a big sister has never been so hard... Or so deadly.
Book Bubbles from Demon’s Daughter
Flashbacks are key in the CURSED series, and this one stands out to me. Even as a child, Dro knew she was powerful, unnatural, and dangerous. Like her older sister, she will help any way she can. But using inhuman powers on your loved ones can be unnerving, no matter what the intention...
When I started writing DEMON'S DAUGHTER, this was the first image I had in my mind. It was like an instinct, telling me to write this as an opening. Nothing else would do. I've heard praise for its strong imagery, and I am immensely proud for creating this scene. What do you think? What do you feel when you read this snippet?
This was one of the first scenes to come to mind when I was writing. I wanted to tease readers with a hint of what was to come. I wanted them to get to know Constance a little better, and see the lengths she'd go for her sister, how she wouldn't let fear freeze her over. What do you think?
Hell has risen. Heaven is descending. Sacrifices are made... It’s been two months since Constance Ramirez’s adopted sister Andromeda was used as the Key to opening the Gates of Heaven and Hell. They escaped with their lives, but made countless enemies as a result. Now that demons are beginning to weave into ordinary lives, their only hope is to find a way to close the Gates of Heaven and Hell before the angels and demons begin a war. Something that becomes only harder as one of Constance’s deadliest enemies resurfaces. But as they struggle to stay alive and find the Gates, they learn that a huge sacrifice will be required if they succeed, and this time, Constance isn’t sure the cost will outweigh the reward...
Book Bubbles from Dark Divinity
The action scenes are one of the highlights of writing the CURSED series. I drew a lot of inspiration from Jennifer Estep's ELEMENTAL ASSASSIN series, thinking of how I could pit my main character against seemingly insurmountable odds and having her fight her way out of them. It was kind of amazing to see just what Constance was able to handle and just how hard she could fight. I definitely had fun writing this opening fight scene.
Throughout the series, Constance and Dro are often at odds about who needs to protect who. Nobody who's read the books so far would argue that Constance is a fighter, but neither is Dro a withering daisy. Their arguments about loyalty and preservation are heavily prominent in DARK DIVINITY, and I think it adds a great deal of tension– not to mention strain– on their relationship. Do you get that sense from this scene, which will be featured in DARK DIVINITY on its release on 12/01/15?
One of my favorite things to write when I start a novel is the opening line. It often sets the entire mood for the story and will ultimately hook a reader. I chose to start with tension, rather than immediate action, and I think the action scene that follows is intense and exciting. What do you think? Are you interested to find out what happens to Constance, Dro, Warrick, Max, and Seph?
They’re always watching. They’re always waiting. They’re always starving… Ten years ago, the sky shattered and the Hellions emerged. No one was able to keep them from destroying the city of Westraven. Now that the bloodthirsty monsters rule the skies and have forced the few remaining humans underground, Claire Abernathy lives in a nightmare. She survives by using her skills as an engineer for a ruthless tyrant connected to her mother and father’s past failure. Then Claire’s world is torn apart when her sister Abby is kidnapped by the Hellions, and Claire herself is taken by dangerous sky pirates known as marauders. But Claire will not be intimidated by them while her sister’s life hangs by a thread, and so she strikes a deal with them: If they help rescue Abby, she will fix their ship and give them the chance to take the revenge they desperately seek. As Claire fights for her sister’s life, she begins to realize that the Hellions are not the only dangers she’ll face. Burdensome secrets and devastating betrayals threaten her at every turn, and if she loses herself to them, it won’t just be her life that is destroyed…
Book Bubbles from Crimson Sky
It took me a while to figure out a name for Sawyer to use to tease Claire. When I found it, it was perfect. Claire isn't a reckless, chaos-seeker like her new companions, but she definitely has a tendency to get into trouble. And Sawyer wants to make sure that she knows it.
I love the history of this world. I could honestly write it forever. Half the fun was just thinking about what could happen in the fictional world of Aon, and the prestigious city of Westraven in particular. And everything is more interesting with pirates in it.
I had a clear vision of what I wanted the monsters of DARK SKY– the Hellions– to be like. For the most part, I wanted them to be more like rabid animals, savage and wild. But as I wrote the story, let the ideas flow through my mind, I realized how intense things would become if one of the Hellions appeared to be smarter than the rest, and that he had a dangerous fixation on Claire and her new friends...
When I first started CRIMSON SKY, I had a clear image of Claire. I didn't want her to be a badass warrior like Constance in my CURSED series, but I wanted her to be a fighter. I knew she was a survivor, and that living the way she did would make her a scrapper, so I made her fights as rough and clumsy as possible. Her moves didn't have to be pretty– they just had to prove that she would fight to survive.
It didn't take long for Sawyer to become one of my favourite characters. I loved adding mystery and darkness to his backstory, and to have Claire see it and become curious about it. Reviewers and Beta readers have told me they enjoyed the relationship between them, and this excerpt shows that their trials are just beginning.
The first lines of any story are supposed to get the readers attention, and these were the first ones that came to mind when I started CRIMSON SKY. While the test version of the story, LOSY SKY, which is featured in the AVAST, YE AIRSHIPS! anthology, was similar in terms of action, the most important element remained: The protagonist, Claire, running for her life from horrific monsters.
Demons are free. Angels are fallen. Hope is dying... The final chapter in the Cursed series... Constance Ramirez and her adopted sister, Andromeda, have stopped Lucifer’s plan”" They have closed the Heaven Gate and kept the demons out. But their choice came with brutal consequences, and now every angel on earth is trapped in their mortal body. All that remains is closing the Hell Gate and establishing a balance once and for all. That means returning to the city of Constance’s nightmares, which has become a haven for murderers and monsters. But even more dangerous than their hunt is that Andromeda’s powers and instincts are turning darker, and this time Constance doesn’t know how to protect her. Constance is ready to fight for her life, but her enemies have plans she can’t begin to imagine, and they’re prepared to make her suffer... Trust is lost and hearts are broken in the epic conclusion in Amy Braun’s Cursed trilogy...
Book Bubbles from Damnation's Door
I'm pretty sure I wrote this scene at Mach speed. I became engrained in the action and adrenaline and excitement. It's definitely one of my favourite in the book– everything from the visuals to Constance's tormented thoughts gives me a chill.
Before Constance and Dro met their new companions, Dro was plagued with violent nightmares that ended with her body erupting into flames. Constance trained herself to keep a level head under that pressure, but she let herself become comfortable, and forget that perhaps one of the most dangerous people she knows is the one she loves the most...
In DARK DIVINITY, the second novel in the CURSED series, Constance and Dro were forced to close the Heaven Gate to bar Lucifer and his minions from entering and conquering it. Their actions weigh heavily on them, and while it was for the greater good, Constance worries that Lucifer hasn't directly sought them for revenge. She can't help but think he has something worse planned for her and those she loves...
One of the things I miss most about the CURSED series is writing the fight scenes. I've always loved writing battles for Constance, putting her in rough situations and figuring out how she could get out of them. I had a lot of fun constructing them, and hope that readers enjoy them as much as I do.
Drake Talbot is one of the most despicable villains I've ever written, and I couldn't resist opening the novel with his appearance. Those who have read the previous novels will remember him being a volatile villain, and that every encounter Constance and her friends have had with him has led to violence and bloodshed. Who else likes to see familiar villains appear early in final novels?
I wanted the last book in the CURSED series to convey a sense of hopelessness, that things weren't going to go the way Constance and her friends wanted it to. That everything they faced would be a near insurmountable challenge. What better way than to start the book off by having them walk into a trap?
There are secrets, there are betrayals, and there are sacrifices… The Behemoth has been destroyed, and the bloodthirsty Hellions seem to have left Westraven. But Claire Abernathy’s mind is not at ease. A terrible disease plagues her sister, appearing to have been brought on the Vesper, the leader of the Hellions beyond the tear between worlds– the Breach. To save Abby and stop the Hellions for good, Claire must find the machine her parents built before the attacks, and fix it before the monsters return. To do so, she needs the help of her crew, and must ignore the secrets and rivalries between her captain and the man she saved. Because the Hellions are not the only dangers following Claire. Twisted humans and old enemies surface to stop her and destroy all she loves. While she is determined to endure the trials, a single betrayal could shatter the hope of a better world, and force Claire to make a choice that will cost her dearly…
Book Bubbles from Midnight Sky
Claire isn't afraid to do what's necessary to protect those she loves and achieve her goals. But she's a woman with a conscience. When she confronts a cruel marauder crime-lord, she gains the advantage until he brings her morals into question, and sees right through her disguise...
Ever since I started the DARK SKY series, an indisputable truth demanded attention: I have to write some kind of airship battle. What's the point of having a story with sky pirates if you're not going to have them chasing and shooting at one another? This whole scene was fast-paced and fun, and while Claire wasn't always active in combat, she made an impact in a big, explosive way.
Davin is a villain I truly enjoyed writing. He's dangerous, nasty, and not the kind of person you want to catching you. Claire is stronger than she believes, but she's seen the horrible things Davin is capable of. Can she find the courage to stand up to him and protect the crew she's come to love?
While Riley wasn't originally planned in the DARK SKY series, he turned out to be a great and interesting addition. In MIDNIGHT SKY, we learn more about his past and the horrors he endured as a prisoner of the Hellions, including his interactions and knowledge of their monstrous leader, the Vesper.
It's not just Sawyer causing Claire to stress about her chosen goals. Her traumatized little sister, Abby, has contracted a strange disease that no one can find a cure for. Claire's duties to her crew force her away from her sister's bedside, and the guilt wracks Claire to the core...
If I had to sum up Claire and Sawyer's relationship in a single word, it would be "stubborn." Their insecurities keep them from engaging in a relationship, especially since Sawyer's greatest fear is his past returning to haunt him and hurting someone he has grown to care for.
Press-ganged into servitude by a ruthless band of marauders who survived the devastating Storm, Nash has grown tired of his career– the young, undefeated champion of the Stray Dog fighting pits. All he longs for is a place to live where his family is not his enemy. When his captain gives him an assignment to embed him deeper into the crew, Nash attempts to refuse, until the life of his friend is threatened. Determined to save her, Nash embarks on the mission to subjugate and control a supplier. But the supplier has other clients, one of which could be the son of the most feared pirate captain in all of Westraven. And if Nash plays his cards right, the key to his deeply desired freedom, if he can live with the consequences of his choice… Set two years before the events of CRIMSON SKY, this prequel novella tells the story of how Nash and Sawyer crossed paths– and fists. While best enjoyed before reading CRIMSON SKY, this bonus story can be read at any time or enjoyed as a standalone.
Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Amber Sky
Sawyer is a survivor, and will fight to escape his new captors any way he can. Nash admires this about him, and can even respect it. He has no desire to see anyone in pain, even if it is a stubborn, snarky marauder who will bolt the second he has he chance, and feels compelled to offer advice to ease Sawyer's mind. Sawyer has other thoughts, which will either make Nash respect him more, or give him a brand new level of anxiety.
I always loved Nash's relationship with Sawyer, and even before I planned this novella, I knew it would have started off rocky. Sawyer can be sullen and volatile more often than not, and with Nash on the other side of the line, it was inevitable that both young men would butt heads and throw fists. Though why they would ever choose to side with each other is a mystery that only readers of AMBER SKY will uncover...
Nash's life is controlled by a ruthless marauder named Ryland, the man who forces Nash to fight for his life in the Crater. But that's not the only task Ryland sets up for Nash. He has seen how strong Nash has become and wants to use that strength for his own selfish, bloodthirsty purposes, but Nash is nothing if not resilient. Though what will it take for him to bend to Ryland's indisputable law?
While Nash knows his relationship with Sonya will never have a future, he's still a young man with dreams. Though his existence is an endless stream of abuse and dishonour, he can't give up the hope that some day he'll find a way to become free. Sonya, a woman who has seen many black-hearted men in her time with the Stray Dog marauder Clan, knows otherwise. In the face of such dismal odds and pitiful living circumstances, what will it take for Nash to recover the hope he's losing?
For readers familiar with the DARK SKY novels and characters, there might be some surprise that Gemma was not Nash's first love. He learned about romance from his only friend in the tunnels of the Barren, Sonya, a woman whose beauty comes with a terrible price. Their relationship is fragile but easy-going, and the one thing Nash values in his life, even if it hurts him...
When I was writing MIDNIGHT SKY and hinting at Nash's past, I knew I wanted to write a short story about his life before he met Sawyer and Gemma. I knew his past would have been brutal, but I didn't know how brutal and violent it would be until I started his novella. Nash's life was on a knife's edge, and he resorted to extreme violence to survive. He wasn't the person Claire met in CRIMSON SKY, and I think the first chapter really captures that.
To survive in a horrific world overseen by bloodthirsty monsters, young thief Gemma will do whatever she must to see another day. Even though that means working for a damaged man convinced to make her a permanent member of this thuggish family. So when her employer tells her that he’ll release her from his clutches, Gemma is obviously skeptical. Especially since the job is easy enough– recruit the two marauders that the gang has been spying on to take her place. But as Gemma lies to Nash and Sawyer, she commits the greatest mistake a spy can make–– she begins to see them as friends, and perhaps more. Soon, she will have to choose: Sacrifice two strangers to ensure freedom from a brutal future, or risk her life to save them… Set two years before the events of CRIMSON SKY, this prequel novella tells the story of how Gemma met Nash and Sawyer, and what prompted her to chose their safety over her own. While best enjoyed before reading CRIMSON SKY, this bonus story can be read at any time or enjoyed as a standalone.
Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Smoke Sky
Gemma and Nash's relationship has been a staple since the first novel, CRIMSON SKY. They're perfect opposites: Her fiery attitude meshes with his cool one and her brash demeanour is softened by his kindness. At this point in the story, she's beginning to see that her task isn't going to be easily accomplished, since Nash is too good a man to betray. But whether or not she can find the will to do it will be another story...
This whole snippet speaks volumes to the future relationship between Sawyer, Nash, and Gemma. Sawyer and Gemma constantly taunt and provoke each other with Nash acting as the reasoning medium between them. This snippet not only hints at their upcoming friendships, but gives a better insight to Gemma's turmoil about the task she must preform to gain her freedom.
With the kind of take-no-crap-personality Gemma has, it was inevitable that she collide with both Nash and Sawyer. While Nash has a tender heart and doesn't spark Gemma's temper, Sawyer is another story. I loved writing their first interactions, especially Gemma and Sawyer's. Their head-butting is so much fun to write and read!
One of the things I like most about Gemma is her attitude. In the main DARK SKY novels, she's ferocious and bows to no one. But it's important to know that she wasn't always like that, at least not to the people she needed to survive with. Gemma came from a twisted "family," and how she overcame their nightmarish control is the heart of the story...
I don't think there's such a thing as a lucky protagonist, and I'm glad, since what fun would that be? I like making things tricky for my characters, and Gemma, one of my favourites from the DARK SKY books, is no exception. I wanted to start her off in what seems like an impossible situation, since this will be one of the easiest things she does in the entire book.
The final struggle against the Hellions has arrived. A trapped engineer and a desperate marauder scramble to fight an enemy with unspeakable power on its side. Time is running out, and one world will be destroyed… After sacrificing herself to save the lives of her friends and family, Claire Abernathy struggles to outwit her Hellion captors. They torment and terrify her into working on a weapon with the sole purpose of obliterating the world, friends, and love she has struggled to save. If Claire has any chance of saving those she loves, she must delve deeper into the Hellion world, and witness nightmares she could never imagine. In Westraven, Sawyer Kendric is desperate to find the woman he loves. To do so, he must finally embrace his family’s atrocious past and heal the wounds it has caused. He will be forced to make new allies, uncover secrets that change all he knows, and find the courage to lead a ragtag crew into the darkest, deadliest battle of their lives. Claire and Sawyer fight to save their broken world in the final installment of the epic DARK SKY trilogy.
Rough-Cut Book Bubbles from Obsidian Sky
Riley's control under the Vesper was a challenge to write, but one that I enjoyed. He struggles under the control of a ruthless monster, and while he wants to help Claire any way he can, the Vesper is too strong for him to fight for long. But when he does, he remembers what is worth fighting for...
Leave it to Sawyer to get into a fight with a marauder twice his size. Though that said, he's not someone who gives up easily. He's willing to fight for who and what he believes in, what he cares about, and is willing to die for.
Davin is one of the most despicable villains I've written to date. In addition to being a ruthless pirate, he's a sadist who enjoys tormenting anyone he can get his claws into. Now that he knows Claire is in love with his brother, Davin has no qualms about taunting her about Sawyer's fate, just to see how she'll react...
Throughout the series, Sawyer has had problems with self-esteem and has carried around the shame of sharing the name of two of Westraven's most ruthless marauders. He doesn't know how to free himself of that guilt, and until now, it has taken him a long time to separate himself from who is compared to who he's related to. This is the point where he begins to realize that his family's actions are not his own, and that he can carve his own path if he wants to, which just might be the key to saving Claire.
The Vesper was always meant to be a terrifying villain, but I have to admit, writing his scenes was a lot of fun. I could never tell how Claire and other characters would react to him or how violent he would make himself. He's a dangerous being, and Claire's going to need a lot more than her wits to survive him...
The moment I finished MIDNIGHT SKY, I knew I had to tell two different stories–– Claire's and Sawyer's. They both have such distinct personalities and respond to situations differently. It was a lot of fun to start with Sawyer, who's become desperate in an attempt to rescue Claire, the girl he loves but wasn't able to save.
A single night can change your life… for the worst. It’s been a century since the last Centennial Storm, the calamitous phenomenon that covered the world in disasters– tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, tsunamis, and dust storms– caused not by nature, but by alien creatures from another realm. The Stormkind. Ava Reid tries not to think about that night, when she was caught in a hurricane and brought face to face with one of the Stormkind, the man with a dagger, and the agony she felt when he stabbed her with a crystal blade. Yet as she and the rest of Florida’s citizens begin to rebuild their lives, Ava can’t help but notice strange things happening around her. Things she seems to be causing. The gusts of wind and sudden floods attract the attentions of a mysterious stranger who leaves her clues, and the deadlier men following her. It isn’t long before Ava is swept up into a wild conspiracy, led by a secret society that knows the truth about the Stormkind– and what their enemies have planned for the world she loves. If she wishes to protect her friends and her family, Ava must harness her strange new abilities and become part of the Stormkind society. Because if she loses control, there will be no force strong enough to stop her…
Book Bubbles from Storm Born
One of my favourite characters in the story is Hadrian. He's chosen to guard Ava, and he's very good at his job. But the odds aren't stacked in their favour, and Ava isn't the only one who's been transformed.
One of the best parts about writing STORM BORN was coming up with new titles and names for the characters and their powers. It was a lot of fun to write in the phrases "Guardian" and "tether," and know what they meant, though Ava didn't.
There's nothing painless about getting superpowers, and Ava's journey with them is no exception. When she went missing during the Centennial, Ava's memories were blocked, but they come through in a nightmare where she relives the awful pain inflicted on her by her captors as they transform her into something else.
A fellow author recently offered me some advice that he'd come across– it's best to put a surprise in every chapter. That's one of the best ways to keep a reader's interest throughout the novel. This twist was one of my favourite to write, and I had a lot of fun keeping the mystery going through the book.
When I started writing STORM BORN, I knew what I wanted the Stormkind to look like. I aimed to make them humanoid alien beings that reflected the storm they were capable of controlling. It's always fun to create a new kind of creature or monster, especially when it's one you don't commonly find in fiction.
I've always been fascinated with storms, the beautiful, terrifying chaos of it them all. The writing prompt I chose suggested that the Centennial Storm was on its way, and I figured that was as good a place to start as any.
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