Sally Bartlett is a speaker, workplace menopause educator, and author of Dammit … It IS Menopause! and MORE Dammit … It IS Menopause! an intimate and candid look behind the scenes at the psychosocial impact of menopause that offers holistic tips for hope, comfort, and clarity. Sally has coached countless clients through peri-/menopause on the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level. AND she has gone on to thrive + flourish through her own menopause!
Is it possible that even the Pandemic virus has a silver lining? For me, the pandemic caused me to feel a stronger connection to my fellow humans worldwide than I’ve ever experienced. This connection begets a craving for still deeper connection. Intuition in me knows there is no place for fear or perfectionism in this equation. Hence, this spiritual moment of clarity frees me to risk being more authentic than ever.
When stagnation becomes 51-percent painful, you will find yourself shedding fears and taking new risks. What aspects of your fear and perfectionism are you willing to let go of today to gain deeper connection with people in your life?
Book Excerpt
More Dammit ... It IS Menopause!
I have allowed fear of criticism to hold me back for years. Same story with my perfectionism. In other words, my fear was greater than the pain of my stagnation. Although both have decreased considerably, there is still room for improvement. For some reason, this novel virus has given me a different perspective on both learned behaviors and the willingness to risk criticism like never before.
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