Fred, Bernadette, Perdy, Jack, their dog Coco and many animals cram into Jim's truck and find a nice camping spot. They explore the area and enjoy hang gliding, but have to be rescued when they come unstuck when white water rafting.
British-born semi-retired Professor of Medicine in Charleston, SC, widely traveled and author of many medical books. He wrote the first story about Fred the snake getting squished (and mended) when his kids were young, to teach them how (not) to cross the road. When they had their own children, they asked "what happened to Fred-Fred" (so-called because he was in two pieces initially). So, Peter dusted it off and found a publisher. It seemed popular and fun, so there are now 8 books (beautifully illustrated by Bonnie Lemaire) about Fred the friendly snake. After recovering from squishness, Fred has gone to school, welcomed Jungle Jim and other animals, explored Charleston, enjoyed the beach and taken his friends camping. Books 7,8 ans 9 have Fred and friends exploring the cities and sights of USA.
The midwest book review said "Move over for Fred-Fred, Lewis Carroll"
Fred the snake, family and friends, thought they were on a nice quiet water float, but were suddenly and scarily launched over a waterfall. Good thing that Jim made sure they were wearing "floaty vests".
Hold on tight Coco!
What will happen to them? Please read on
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