Aside from genetic hair loss factors, a very significant cause of hair loss is dehydration. If the body is dehydrated the majority of fluid must go to the organs and brain capillaries. Hair and nails suffer first. Hair and nails are your body’s mine canaries!
If the body is dehydrated, the nails and hair will be weak, fragile. They will break easily. The hairbrush will be filled with broken hair after brushing.
It is natural to lose a certain amount of hair per day. If the hair is well hydrated, the loss will be less. Properly hydrated hair is flexible and strong.
Don’t be surprised when your hair is thicker and shinier when your body is properly hydrated. It will not be noticeable immediately. New hair will grow in once there is proper moisture in it. It will take a few months for the stronger hair to make a visible difference.
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