The easiest way to toilet train is Subliminally.
Let’s analyze what makes a child want to toilet train himself. You notice I say train himself? That’s because your child is the ONLY one in the room who can choose NOT to poop or pee in his pants. The motivating reason for a child to cease the need for a diaper is very simple. Discomfort. No stay-dri training pant can motivate a child. They are not uncomfortable.
What motivates a child not to soil his pants is the knowledge that if he does, he gets to sit around in not only a soggy CLOTH training pant, but his clothes will be soggy as well. Children are smart, much smarter that most of us give them credit for. If they know that taking a pee in their pants is going to make them soggy and gross, hey, they will make a concerted effort not to do it.
Since the advent of the “stay-dri disposable training pant” the nursery schools are finding themselves having to diaper kids till they are four and five years old. Ridiculous, and incredibly expensive for the parent.
The industry has all but made cloth training pants obsolete. They can be found but are expensive. As much as 18us dollars a pair!!! If you are creative you can modify a cloth diaper easily into a training pant with an elastic waist. Much cheaper to buy a pack of diapers and modify them than paying a fortune for one one single training pant. The good news is they don't wwear out. you can pass them on when you no longer need them.
Nursery schools surveyed said that the change is directly attributable to the advent of “stay dri” training pants that do not discomfort the child. What possible motivation is there? It’s much easier to just wet your pants than it is to have to go to the bathroom.
At toddler age few children can easily manipulate their own clothing. It’s a big hassle to go to the bathroom. However, when the alternative is to have to stand around in wet soggy clothing, guess what? The motivation is there!
Before getting started out on toilet training however, the parent must consider this; there is a very specific time when each child is physically and psychologically ready to toilet train himself, he will not train successfully if forced to do so too early. Early punishment associated with premature toilet training can cause a child to stutter.
Each child is different. Some toilet train early, some late. There is no rule, and no right or wrong age. Once the parent feels ready to toilet train, the parent must determine if the child is ready.
Once you feel your child may be ready to toilet train, do the following.
Each morning hold up a diaper in one hand and a CLOTH training pant in the other hand. Say to your child, “do you want a diaper or big (girl/boy) pants today? The child will initially choose the cloth training pants wanting to be a big (girl/boy). Put them on saying, “When you wear big Girl/Boy pants you have to use the potty, so tell me when you have to go to potty and I will help you.”
Be prepared the first few times with a change of clothing and a diaper, plus some clean up materials. Soon your child will have to go to the bathroom. An accident WILL occur. Don’t be too speedy noticing the child has wet himself. Give him a chance to truly “experience” the discomfort.
When your child makes you aware that they are soiled (and probably crying about it) be sympathetic. Say, “Oh, you forgot to tell me to take you to the potty!” CHEERFULLY clean your child up, and put him in diapers again for the rest of the day.
The next day give your child the choice again. Your child is smart, remember, you child knows that if he is wearing the big boy/girl pants, and wets, it will be gross. Each time your child chooses the CLOTH training pants, be prepared for an accident. You will find, however, that the child will go back to the diaper for a while, and then he will start choosing the “big boy pants” and cease having accidents. Children want to be big girls and boys.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. DO NOT TO EGO OUT ON HOW YOUNG YOUR CHILD TOILET TRAINS. It is not uncommon for children forced to train too early to have problems with fear of lack of control. Many times this fear leads to stuttering if trained before they are physically or psychologically ready. Never, ever, spank your child for soiling themselves. This can cause irreparable psychological damage.
Also think about this. It is easier to wait till the child is ready, and continue to diaper him, than to force him into a behavior that makes twenty times the work for you. A forced behavior that can keep you in a state of misdirected anger at you child. It’s easier to change a diaper than to have to completely wash and redress your child.
When your child is ready to train, accomplish it quickly by allowing him to wear training gear that allows him to feel soggy. If you do this it will be over quickly, and on to the next!
The invention of the stay-dri pull-ups has been a gold mine for the diaper manufacturers. The parents get the shaft.
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