Carol went to help a customer as Wendy sat in her office re-thinking last night. Was it what she wore that did it? Her hair and makeup were the same. She just couldn’t imagine why now. Oh, how she wished she could share this with Cindy, but what a ridiculous idea. She didn’t want to hurt Cindy. Wendy felt guilt, she wanted him so much, but since he and Cindy split, maybe she’d understand.
To stop her head from spinning she started looking through the receipts. She saw a drop in profits. But, what to do about it was the question. She thought for a few minutes, and it came to her, she’d have an Open House. Yes, she liked the idea. She pictured the set up. She could serve snacks, have soft music, and offer new plant varieties. With growing excitement, she scanned through the plant catalogues. Half an hour later she completed a list of sixteen new plants to order. She’d work on advertising tomorrow.
She left the office and told Carol about her plans. Although surprised Carol liked the idea. They’d discuss the details later as they noticed many customers roaming around and went to assist them.
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