Luke 15:12, 21-22
12The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ 21His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son.’ 22“But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet.’
Beloved: The younger son began his journey full of pride. His misfortunes taught him humility and lowered his self-image. Father, that’s where I am. I’m glad to receive a lovely covering so that I appear acceptable to others, but in reality I feel unworthy, unlovable, and fearful that the truth will come out.
Lover: My dear, precious child, can you see that My heart is filled with love and compassion for you? I see and know the truth, and still I love you. And if you are so loved, you cannot be unlovable—for I love you. By being loved and accepting My Love, you will learn to love, and that is how it will be between us.
18 So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help. 19O people of Zion, who live in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will surely respond to the sound of your cries. 20Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. 21Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left. (Isaiah 30:18-21, NLT)
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