Life energy gets stuck when something painful or overwhelming happens that you can’t handle. It might have happened 10 minutes or 40 years ago. You freeze it to protect yourself from the pain—perhaps of someone’s disapproval. It is like bumping yourself on a table and either holding tight to the bruised spot with your hand or even refusing to go near the table again.
As long as you hold on to the bruised place you can’t use your hand for anything else. Twenty or forty years later, if you happen to learn you have not met someone else’s expectations you may feel far more ashamed than seems appropriate for the current situation.
When something happens in your daily life that is similar in some way to an event that is frozen in your past, it breaks through your protection and sets off, like a trigger, the distress that is already in place in your life energy system. You just did not even realize your energy was lost in your past—until now.
Today’s Distress Connects to Your Stuck Energy
You may not even know that your current problem is a reaction to something that is connected to something else that happened long ago. You just know you feel on edge or worried or can’t seem to get around to doing something you want to do. Nevertheless, learning about these triggers and connections may be very important to letting the problem go.
It was for Dennis. He didn’t have any idea why he started feeling so anxious about keeping his job. Everything seemed to be going well but he couldn’t let go of his feelings of dread or the pounding of his heart each time he entered the building.
If he had come to me for help before I learned to use Logosynthesis, I would have explored what was happening with his supervisor and co-workers and what his hidden fears might be.
If he had gone to his physician for help, he might have been given anti-anxiety medication to help him relax and become dependent on the medication to manage his anxiety for the rest of his life. Fortunately, he was in a workshop where he was learning Logosynthesis as a self-coaching tool.
Logosynthesis Helps You Reclaim Your Energy
Dennis chose to reclaim his energy that was stuck in his pounding heart. When his partner helped him use the sentences the real trigger emerged. It was the new vice-president who reminded him of his deceased father, who had been very critical of mistakes he made when he was a child.
He didn’t even report to the vice-president and chances of encountering him on the job were remote. When he used the sentences about all the times his father had criticized him, he relaxed. Afterwards, when he imagined having to actually work with the vice-president, he felt calm and relaxed. His anxious feelings vanished completely.
The entire process took a lot less than an hour. And it was not even necessary for him to know the original reason for his upset when he started to work. It was just important for him to be open to exploring how his energy got stuck and having the tools to release it.
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