What keeps you from experiencing abundance in your financial life?
You can use the Logosynthesis sentences to dissolve those blocks. However, sometimes it's hard to figure out just what those blocks are. The more precisely you identify what triggers your beliefs in scarcity, the more likely you are to successfully release the energy stored in those beliefs.
Once you retrieve your own energy and remove the energy bound in the influence of others, you'll learn what abundance will mean to you.
Here are two different activities that will help you identify some of these personal blocks. The first is a personal journey, and the second one introduces ideas from people who experience financial abundance but which may be foreign to you.
You can finish reading this book and come back to these activities later, if you prefer. Remember though, if you want to release your energy to use it to truly experience abundance and relieve your anxiety about money issues, it is important to actually practice the activities. That way you will discover the hidden triggers in your field and release the energy that is stored in them.
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