“Before I learned about Logosynthesis, I believed that thoughts about money are true or false. Now I know that all thoughts are just thoughts. They come and go and are not solid and they can be changed.”—A workshop participant
Frozen Energy Leaves Clues
What conversation are you afraid to have?
What task do you keep putting off?
There’s a reason that each person avoided doing these useful activities. You may think that what isn’t being done is the problem, but it’s really a little more complicated than that.
Simply by learning to live in this world, you experienced situations that overwhelmed you. When this happened, some of your energy froze around that experience and left a tiny part of you behind as you continued to grow and change.
These left-behind parts have agendas of their own. The reason one part (B) may be blocking another part (A) is because B imagines that doing what A suggests will cause you to feel the distress you felt when you were unable to manage a similar problem in your past.
It is in those images of the past or fantasies of the future where your energy is frozen. Finding and releasing that blocked energy and letting it flow so you can use it in your life is what the Logosynthesis process is about.
Logosynthesis is Simple and Profound
This process is based on a few simple ideas and is implemented by saying three simple sentences.
The ideas are:
Jennifer experienced saying three simple sentences that allowed her to experience her world in a whole new way.
First, she examined what happened each time she thought about purchasing the tickets. She imagined booking online, going through the steps of entering her name and credit card number. Then she identified a physical reaction to the memory, a tight feeling in her shoulders, each time she started toward the computer. As soon as she got distracted by something else, the tightness disappeared.
A workshop partner read these sentences to her a phrase at a time and she repeated them. Her partner paused after each sentence to allow time for her to notice how the words impacted her thoughts, feelings and experiences.
1. I retrieve all my energy bound up in this image of the computer screen and all that it represents and take it to the right place in myself.
2. I remove all non-me energy related to this image of the computer screen and all that it represents, from all of my cells, my body and my personal space, and send it to where it truly belongs.
3. I retrieve all my energy bound up in all my reactions to this image of the computer screen and all that it represents and take it to the right place in myself.
When she completed the process, she was smiling. She said, “I remember my Mom refusing to let me go to the movies with my friends because I hadn’t done my chores. I am in charge now and I know that I will always have something left on my list to complete. That’s no reason to stop myself from having fun.”
The image of Jennifer’s computer screen had activated a hidden, distressing memory of Jennifer’s past, which had kept her from booking a ticket. The Logosynthesis sentences resolved that frozen memory and freed her life energy.
I was happy to get an email from her a few weeks later in which she told me how much she had enjoyed the show.
This is often how Logosynthesis works as a tool to get your life energy moving again. You can learn to use the sentences from books and classes that are easily available. More are being developed by many professionals working in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, coaching and education.
Logosynthesis Offers Much More
You can get current information by joining one of the several Facebook Logosynthesis groups. The two books Willem recommends to begin your journey are first my book, Letting It Go: Relieve Anxiety and Toxic Stress in Just a Few Minutes Using Only Words (Rapid Relief with Logosynthesis®) and second, his book, Self-Coaching With Logosynthesis: How the power of words can change your life.
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