She went over to the fountain, her eyes widened, holding her breath. The fountain stopped working, leaving no water, not even in the reservoir. “Cucun! You better get in here and now!” she yelled, her voice echoing off the walls. Both Cucun and Jay ran into the room to see what was wrong. When Jay saw the fountain wasn’t working, his eyes widened, wondering what happened and what they were going to do.
“What’s wrong?” Cucun asked.
Both of them looked at him, wondering if he was blind and couldn’t see the problem that they were facing. “The fountain isn’t working anymore, and all the water is gone,” Crystle said, slightly panicked.
“Calm down. It is just because time ran out,” Cucun replied.
“Time ran out! Why didn’t you tell us there was a time limit until we wouldn’t have any water?!” Jay snapped.
“Because you can restart it again if you want to. The scroll on the fountain requires payment for the spell to work. In this case, Crystle’s blood. The more blood she puts on the scroll, the longer it will last. And if she puts more of her blood on the scroll now, the fountain will flow again; it is quite simple,” Cucun explained.
“Great, it’s like a parking meter from hell...” Crystle groaned, grabbing her dagger. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this again.” She sliced into her hand, placing it against the scroll, and water flowed once more. She grabbed a bowl, filling it with water and dumped it over her hand to get the remaining blood off.
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