Author and Book One-Sheets Are Necessities
Think of a one-sheet as a “brag sheet” for the author or book.
For the Author One-Sheet … include one or two images of you; a few great quotes or endorsement blurbs; content that states your expertise; use bullet points to bring attention to benefits you bring to the reader (or a coordinator or planner who is in charge of getting authors for book clubs and speaking); blurbs from key book reviews; your key book titles; contact information: phone, email, website, social media images. An Author One-Sheet is different from a Speaker One-Sheet. The latter will have an emphasis on speaking titles, topics, and testimonials from groups that say you are a rock star on the platform.
For a Book One-Sheet, include your cover and if you have “art” on the interior—the opening page of a chapter with images that deliver some type of variable to the line text—eye candy for the visual side; images of logos from any major media you have appeared on; blurbs from key book reviews; if the book is part of a series, mention other titles, sometimes include cover images (make sure the current book cover pops out over the others); if it has won awards or hit a bestseller status, mention or include images reflecting who the awarder is; bullet points of key points from the book for nonfiction (ID what pain—what solution—what benefit there is to the reader); for fiction—hook the reader with a creative lead-in (most likely pulled from back cover); contact information for author: phone, email, website, social media images.
TIP: One-Sheets are handy tools to have.Carry extras to give out at presentations or for general interest about you or your book. Create the PDF to post on your About the Author or About the Book tab on your website; also place it in your Media tab.
Outside of the written One-Sheet for Book and Author, create a one to two minute video version and load it on your website plus to your YouTube channel and pin it to your Pinterest site.
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