“What? I just told you I got my dream job, and you want me to spend the summer in a grocery store? You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Leslie, of course I don’t want you home to work in the store. You must have known about this job for a while now and you didn’t mention a thing to us. That wasn’t very thoughtful. We’ve been planning for your last summer at home with us… a vacation and plenty of family time. You graduate next year and then you’ll be gone for good. If you need to work, there are plenty of opportunities around here.”
“This job is the chance of a lifetime, Mom. How can you not be happy for me?”
“Don’t take that tone with me, young lady, and it’s not a matter of happy. I’d be happier if we’d been part of the planning. Your family should be more than an afterthought. You don’t need the money. You have a scholarship. You’ll work after you graduate and you’ll be sorry you didn’t take vacation when you could.”
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