"Volkswagen caught in a lie – the value of shares fell by twenty percent... Moody's downgraded Russia's credit rating... In six years of recession, more than 200,000 jobs have been lost." – TV news drives me crazy. Why doesn't Mum at least turn the volume down, if she has to watch that crap? I‘m a mess already, so they don't have to go to the trouble of putting it in my ears so that it rings in my head. As if I don't know that the recession has taken its toll in the whole country, as well as in the whole Europe. Due to the financial crisis in the USA, the global financial crisis is shaking us all. I've been out of work for four years now. As of March 2011, the unemployment rate has risen to a staggering twenty percent. I no longer theorize that I could find a decent job. I'm up to my throat in shit anyway...
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