Dominik is 25 years old and is a neighbourhood informant for a police officer. He is the son of a famous soccer legend from the 80s and lives with his mother.
He was caught by the police with an illegal pistol in 2011, and since that day that inspector has been blackmailing him.
He informs about petty theft, fan riots, drug dealing, puts xyz people behind bars, etc. all for a small sum.
He's looking for a way out of all that, but he can't find it... but luck still smiles at him... on an unusual guest in his neighbourhood...
There are 3 levels of passion: inaccessibility, mysteriousness, and dancing on the edge of the law. You want to have it but you can't, it's intriguing because it's unknown to you and in the end, it's forbidden and sinful. Dominik’s life offers an insight into the world that offers all that and more because it is seasoned with real events.
THIS IS MUST-READ. Written very carefully, this book is something that will be a delight to read, and I absolutely recommend you to read it. This book is definitely worth the purchase and worth the read.
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Book Bubbles from Hood Snitch
Did you liked Jason Bourne? well, Dominik Braun is far better and realistic. Step in into life of a Hood snitch
Dominik is 25 years old and is a neighborhood informant for a police officer. He is the son of a famous soccer legend from the 80s and lives with his mother. He was caught by the police with an illegal pistol in 2011, and since that day that inspector has been blackmailing him. He informs about petty theft, fan riots, drug dealing, puts xyz people behind bars, etc. all for a small sum. He's looking for a way out of all that, but he can't find it... but luck still smiles at him... on an unusual guest in his neighborhood...
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