What came next unfolded so quickly, Trask nearly couldn’t follow it.
The bald suspect, temporarily uncuffed, slipped free of his handler. He was at once pursued by the two handlers and another agent. The first to reach the suspect was met with a fist to the face, and before the others could respond in kind, the suspect yanked Trask’s new attorney by the wrist and reeled her up against his chest.
Trask began to panic when he saw several agents draw their weapons. He and the supervising agent exchanged concerned looks. A quick glance over his shoulder revealed Ramsey was safely behind him and the responding agents.
The suspect slowly backed away from the gathering agents who were ordering him to release his hostage. The expression on the young attorney’s face changed from surprise and fear to one of anger. The man’s arms were around her, pinning her arms at her sides. She initially stepped backward with her captor as he moved in the direction of the door, making the escape easier. As though realizing this, Trask watched as the woman’s head dropped, her legs going limp, much like a toddler throwing a fit.
The suspect was suddenly dragging the young woman. There was a look of surprise on the man’s face. It appeared that he and the pursuing agents hadn’t seen what Trask had and assumed the woman had passed out. But Trask knew better, watching the young woman’s hands ball up into fists. Suddenly, her legs pushed her body up hard. She deliberately pushed her head back, catching the man in the nose. He howled in pain. As his captive came back down, she drove the heel of her right foot into the top of his, and he screamed again, loosening his hold, allowing her to twist partially free. Their feet and legs intertwined, causing them to fall to the floor, the new attorney on top. When the suspect tried to get up, she brought her right arm around, catching him in the throat. The blow was not fatal, but it slowed the man significantly, allowing agents to subdue and drag him away.
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