When the music started after dinner, Chuck rescued her from any more talking by taking her onto the dance floor. "You look calm, cool and collected. How do you feel?" he whispered as they slow danced.
"So far I've liked everyone I've met. I notice this job works with a lot more women."
"Pick the one who will be your mentor," advised Chuck, "And be friendly with the others. Just don't get too friendly. I watch the politics in our front office. You don't want that."
"I've gotten lots of oohs and ahs over you," she teased. "You should spin me out to show them your best move." Without hesitation Chuck spun her under his arm and pulled her back into his embrace. She gave him a mischievous grin, "I'm sure that will do it for me."
Chuck and Marti returned to their seats when they saw a gentleman heading to the podium. It was time for the summer vacation auction to begin.
The auctioneer began with a Mexican cruise. Next was a Caribbean cruise. Marti sat up straighter when he announced an inclusive Hawaiian package. Chuck entered the bidding at $500.00. It quickly rose to $600. Chuck kept going to $650. Bidding narrowed down to two competitors as Chuck countered $700 with his $750. People began to cheer on the bidders. The exchange climbed - $800 to $850. Finally, Chuck won the bid at $900.00. Marti clapped along with everyone else before the next bid started. "Thank you" she mouthed silently to Chuck and squeezed his hand under the table.
Shirley had her own bid war getting a weekend for two in Key West so she could take Tom away for his birthday. By the end of the evening, spirits were high from the lively exchanges. Marti made a point of stopping by Margo's table to say goodnight and thank her for the invitation. "You did well tonight," Margo said. "I got good feedback from the Atlanta Manager during the dancing. I'll call you tomorrow."
Aunt Shirley hugged Marti good night after they arrived home. "I'm so proud of you, punkin', I can't wait to hear what Margo says tomorrow."
"You sure made it easier for me, auntie. I promise to call the minute I know something." She and Chuck said their good nights and walked home. The minute he was in the door Chuck took off his tie and shrugged out of his jacket.
"I know how you feel. I just want to get out of these clothes," Marti said untying the halter top of her jumpsuit while she kicked off her heels. "Would you like some hot chocolate we can take to bed with us?" she asked.
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