Tom came running out of his office. He had the look of a wild man. His hair was a mess. His eyes were wide. Had it not been for the insane grin on his face Julie might have felt threatened, as it is she jumped and let out a small scream.
Doni laughed.
Julie closed her eyes and put her hand on her heart, breathing heavily. She started to laugh along with Doni. “God, Tom, you scared the crud out of me. What in the world are you doing here?”
“I work here the last time I checked,” he said, and then laughed at his own joke. “Great to see you two, however!” He poked Doni a couple of times lightly on the stomach causing her to laugh even more.
His bounciness and excitement made Julie more curious than ever, and she wondered if, perhaps, some good fairy godmother had given him a pumpkin carriage overnight.
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