Drew Bankston lives in the Rocky Mountains with his wife, two amazingly perfect dogs, and a garden.
Before he started writing science fiction, Drew received his bachelor’s degree in Bio-Ag Sciences from Colorado State University. After that, just to shake things up, he never really used that degree but worked various jobs in retail and Asset Protection with some really important people who are way too dignified to be named here. He’s still working but would eventually like to write full-time and stop working for other people. He likes pie and chocolate, as everyone should.
If you want to know when Drew’s next book will come out, please visit his website at http://www.drewbankston.com, where you can sign up to receive an email when he has his next release.
He’d also love to connect with you through social media at places like:
When I think about the head of a company, I typically think about a person in a business suit and very stiff. That's the way I grew up. In recent years, I've seen the heads of large companies becoming more loose and relaxed and it shows how successful a company can be when the leader can have a little fun! In this excerpt from "The Imagination Stone" (coming to internet shelves near you in October 2020) Tom, the head of an advertising firm is about to shock and surprise his team. He's gone from being way too serious to...take a look and see for yourself! This is sure to be one of the best feel good stories of the decade!
Book Excerpt
The Imagination Stone
Doni jumped up and ran to the back office. After a moment or two, she squealed loudly. Joe, Julie and Brett looked at each other and then ran back as well. As they crowded through the door, each one stood, mouths agape, staring in amazement. Tom’s floor was covered from wall to wall in blank paper. Blank paper was taped to the wall and ran about four feet up the side. Not a single spot was left uncovered. Piles of crayon boxes littered Tom’s desk and several piles of boxes were on the floor. Tom grabbed one box and opened it. He closed his eyes and sniffed the box. “I love that smell,” he said, eyes still closed. “I just can't get enough of it!” He opened his eyes and looked at the back of the box. “These boxes are so cool, too. They are made so that you can just keep coloring.” He turned the box around and pointed to a hole in the back, holding it up for everyone to see. “It’s got this little sharpener in the back in case your crayon gets too dull. Dull crayons are okay to color with, but the sharp ones are amazing, don’t you think so, Brett?”
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