“Well,” Gordek said, stepping back toward the door, “did you find your answers on Hakai?”
“I found the Lost Fleet.” Linsora folded the jacket carefully. “But every answer creates more questions.”
“And now? Still on a quest for answers?”
“Maybe. You say that like I’m a child looking for a lost pet. Truth can be as powerful as your mental charms.”
“Indeed so,” he said. “Think about what the combination might mean. Truth and, as you put it, and mental charms.”
“The only truth you’re interested in will result in your own advancement.”
“What else is there? I mean that. If you did find the ultimate truth and, by some miracle, managed to unite Tokorel and Khizara, they would consider you a hero. That’s not unattractive. I want political power. That’s also not unattractive.”
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