Become clear on where your thinking may be falling short and letting you down. There are times in life when our attitudes are less than perfect. We might experience a bout of cynicism or anger, believing we’re not good enough, or feeling sad or disconnected because of pain from our past. When we live in awareness, we can weed out negative energy so we can make the most of aligning our life.
No one else can tell us what’s best for us. People can sometimes see little nuggets of truth about us and deliver accurate insights. Only you can discover your essence—the core of who you really are. The best way to uncover your core is to engage in moments of transcendence—perhaps when you sing, dance, draw, or commune with nature. You have the opportunity to get a little closer to understanding who you are and discovering the wonder of you. When do you forget time and all your worries? When do you experience a sense of connection and peace? When are you most joyful? It’s up to you to discover your pathway opening that leads to joy, when you are brave enough to explore yourself.
Inner harmony comes from seeing life as one big adventure, otherwise we will be spinning our wheels chasing someone else’s dream. Imagination is crucial to finding ways to play outside the boxes of conformity. However, it still challenges those who function behind the invisible bars and man-made prisons of the mind, as they have a great need to organize and pigeonhole everyone into neat little boxes in order to understand and operate from their box.
Consciously creating fun and play in your world probably goes against everything you learned in your upbringing. Especially if you were taught to win at all costs to be successful. If this is the case, maybe now is a good time to revisit the “manual” you were given and consider coloring outside of the lines.
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