At last, a cool breeze arrived to relieve the oppressive heat. I hurried to email Becky, my supervisor, at P.J. Waxit and closed my laptop. As I dropped to my knees to scoop the papers off the tiles, people were screaming and running toward their homes.
“Noah, the beach! Let’s text the triplets.” I placed the papers inside my backpack, my pulse thumping. Desperation filled my voice as I spoke, a plea to God, hoping my dreams never become a reality. Zerus’s voice resonated in my head as I swayed, the only sound I could hear. ‘Kill humans!’
“I will send a message in a minute!” He responded.
Sirens pierced the airspace. Several black oval-shaped police hovercrafts concealed their decals on the side of the vehicles and zoomed across the sky. Their sleek design reflected the moonlight. My heart raced after I glimpsed at the police vehicles.
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