Just the Edge of God will provide inspirational significance, thought-provoking words of scripture, and a spiritual approach to understanding man's plight in these End-Time days. This book is for people of God who have not fully committed their life to Christ. But they may wonder why they have never obtained success in their daily lives as Christian. It will help them find Christ and give reasons for many dissatisfactions with their lives and how to overcome many of life's distractions.
Michigan-based author Ardith Arnelle Price writes inspirational books and Christian Apocalypse Sci-fi thriller novels. She has been a lifelong writer since fundamental school, creating supernatural worlds and characters. Ardith Arnelle Price has received outstanding recognition for her book, Looking Through the Sea of Glass, from the 28th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards in 2020. In addition, Just The Edge of God climbed #78 in the Kindle Unlimited top 100 books in July 2021. Ardith is an accomplished musician, educator, bible studies enthusiast, an avid golfer, information technology, web designer, and studies foreign languages. She lives and works in Michigan with her husband. Ardith is a member of several civic and social organizations: Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc., Sigma Alpha Iota Fraternity (Music), American Association of University Women, Civitan International, and Rochester Writers. Published books: Just the Edge of God, Looking Through the Sea of Glass, The Grave is Licking its Lips, The Narrow Door Blazes with Fire, and Exalted Above All Gods.
Did God not turn his back just once in all eternity on his Son so Jesus could fulfill the sin of humanity? Just think how awful this was for the Creator to have his Son go through the pain and anguish humanity sent him through just for mankind, and this is the ultimate Love gift for mankind. Just take a moment and think about this statement. God so loved the world (and loved us so much) He sent His Son to save us of our sins and then had to turn His back on His own Son.
Almighty God sends His Son to save us from the fires of Hell and bring Salvation to the lost world that turned over the keys given to us by Jehovah to Satan who rules at this time in history. However, Satan’s time is coming to an end very soon, and he will be locked in the Abyss of Hell for at least a Millennium. We are to look up and thank Jesus for every day we have to save others and wake them up before the Second Coming of Jesus. Wake up, people, and be kind, considerate, loving, and peaceful. Almighty God has a wrathful side to him. I will discuss the wrath of God in my next post. Follow me website:https://www.drmozart18.com
Book Excerpt
Did God not turn his back just once in all eternity on his Son so Jesus could fulfill the sin of humanity? Just think how awful this was for the Creator to have his Son go through the pain and anguish humanity sent him through just for mankind. This is the ultimate Love gift for mankind. Just take a moment and think about this statement. God so loved the world (and loved us so much) He sent His Son to save us of our sins and then had to turn His back on His own Son. So why did the Holy Father turn His back? As He cannot see sin or be a part of sin since Almighty God is HOLY and Perfect. This is what it means to be “beyond the edges of God” when you really think about the gift we have been given and yet we just throw it away daily. Our own selfish concerns of life are so important; God does not enter into the equation during the day or ever for some of us until we are suffering. Then we call on Him and then God becomes an “old shoe” (excuse the pun), we put on when it is convenient for us. Our Savior is not needed by us unless we can make earthly riches whereby, we try to bargain with Almighty God. He is our creator and no bargains can ever be made. Eternity is the ultimate life to have with Almighty God. Since many folks don’t care about their life in the hereafter, then they are missing out on the best God has for his children.
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