Authorpreneur Dashboard – Vin Bittencourt

Vin  Bittencourt

Mind Definition

Business & Investing

Welcome to the digital divide—the age where artificial intelligence and software dictate the future of work.

Estimates reveal that over 50% of today’s jobs will get completely transformed or cease to exist in the 2020s due to massive levels of automation and the rise of digital platforms. In contrast, new promising roles and skills will emerge, and your time to master the right career principles to succeed in this scenario is now.

Mind Definition, Defining MBA Principles for Career Success in the Digital Age brings corporate-level insights into the most promising jobs of the future. The book shows how modern professionals must prepare and strategize for the most rewarding and fulfilling careers of the 21st century.

Book Bubbles from Mind Definition

The Hidden Secret of Career Success

The biggest misconception about careers is the assumption that professionals invariably grow and get promoted solely on their dedication and talents. They don't. And while these two elements are important, by themselves, they don't define who gets to the top in the long-run - in fact, if you pay attention, you'll identify way too many talented and dedicated people actually getting stuck in their careers, often blaming the unfair system or complaining about luck. So if career fulfillment and success it's not about dedication and talent, it is about what? What is the hidden secret? The hidden secret is the quality of projects and experiences inside the company, where the best ones are reserved for a small subset of people connected with the top. This book brings practical insights on what professionals must do to join these influential networks and get access to career accelerating projects.

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