Authorpreneur Dashboard – Lyndsay Stanley

Lyndsay  Stanley

The Jittery Jostled Journey of Morley the Mouse

Children's Books

A heartwarming tale of a little mouse named Morley and his parents, who are chosen by God to be saved from the worldwide flood. But first, they must embark on a dangerous journey across unknown territories and overcome many obstacles. Along the way, Morley learns some important lessons about himself, his family and most of all about the way that God takes care of him.

Book Bubbles from The Jittery Jostled Journey of Morley the Mouse

Stubborn or Courageous, What's it Gonna Be?

This is the pivotal moment where Morley discovers that his life is going to change forever. Early on in the journey, Morley learns to trust that his parents know what is best for him and to trust that God will provide for them.

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