Authorpreneur Dashboard – Lisa A Kramer

Lisa A Kramer

Re-Creating the World


“Lisa creates an energetically safe space for people to explore what creativity means.” —Nadia Clifford Sr Director, Engineering Program Management  "With her honest, smart and patient voice, Kramer gives us creative tools, resources and hope...for a more caring, equitable, and compassionate world." —Cathy Rose Salit Founder of Global Play Brigade, CEO Emerita of Performance of a Lifetime, author of Performance Breakthrough (Hachette 2016) Are you ready to reignite your creative power? Rediscover the powerful tool that we all possess in this inspiring book. Whether you're an artist, entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to reconnect with your creative spark, this book will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. You'll discover how to tap into the creative and collaborative power that will help solve problems, build communities, and develop a stronger creative economy. Through its practical advice and thought-provoking exercises, this book shows you how to embrace an important part of yourself that many have forgotten—the joy of creativity. With its message of hope and possibility, it invites you to join a movement of creative thinkers and doers who are working together to shape a better future for all of us. Don't let your creativity languish. Let's create together and make a difference in the world!

Book Bubbles from Re-Creating the World

We need true collaboration.

I've noticed a lot more people lately discussing the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration. Still, there seems to be hesitancy about bringing in artists to help solve problems that involve linear thinking. I challenge that. We need both kinds of thinking to solve big problems. And, at least when it comes to the world of theater, many have mastered the ability to be both linear and messy. That is a superpower.

To play or not to play?

The concept of play gets a bad rap in the adult world. It's often seen as a waste of time, when we have serious work to do. But what would happen if we recognized that play is an important part of work. Playing with ideas, with creativity, with impossibility is the path forward toward innovation. In a world where the landscape of work is changing at a drastic pace, adults need to step back and reconnect with the playful aspects of themselves. It's time we remember how to learn like we did as children.

Use Yes, And for the new year

This section of the book explains the practice of "Yes, And . . .", a technique that comes from the world of improvisation. What would happen if you applied this to your life in the coming year?

Social Media and Creative Power

In this section of the book, I explore how we can best use social media as a tool to enhance our collaborative creativity, using as an example one of the newer SM platforms, Spoutible.

Creative Economy

More and more lately, it seems as if creatives are asked to produce work for free, or are competing with Artificial Intelligence. While AI serves an important role, the truth is that we need creative economy--an economy that supports the work of the creative sector--in order to develop sustainable communities, and strengthen both local and international cultures and societies. I believe that supporting creative economy will help us all move forward in sustainable ways.

The Importance of Collaborative Creativity

Creativity is often seen as a solo act, but it is more powerful than that. When we work together, bringing individual skills into a creative team, we can achieve so much more.

Everyone is creative!

Throughout this book I argue that everyone--yes everyone--is creative. Many will argue against that because society has limited how we define creativity, or limited access to creativity because it somehow seems "less important" then other skills. I argue that it is perhaps one of the most important skills or powers that we have. All it really takes is a change of perspective.

Yes, And . . . Helps You Create

One of the concepts I play with throughout the book is the idea of "Yes, And . . ." used by improvisational theater. When we yes, and life, it leads to new possibilities.

Re-Creating The World


Book Bubbles from Re-Creating The World

Use Re-Creating the World for Inspiration

Throughout this book you will find stories, examples, ideas, challenges, questions and suggestions as to how to bring more creativity and creative collaboration into your life. I encourage you to explore and play. To use this book anyway that is helpful. Enjoy! It's coming soon.

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