Authorpreneur Dashboard – K Gregg Elliott

K Gregg Elliott

Career Reinvented

Business & Investing

Do you worry that accelerating changes and new workplace technologies will mean less job security? Do you hate your job? Have you ever dreamed of being your own boss? This fast-paced book packed with actionable advice will explain three mega-trends disrupting the way we work. You’ll learn why so many freelancers feel happier and more secure compared to those with traditional jobs. There has never been a better time to start your own business! Inside Career Reinvented, you’ll discover: -The self-inventory you should take before starting your own business. -Principles for success, based on lessons learned from 10 solopreneurs and business owners. -A method for launching your business that can increase your chances of long-term success. -Why business training is not important to run many prosperous businesses. -The job and business opportunities of the near future foreseen by workplace experts. -Inspirational true stories from real people who were in a bad place then changed everything by going independent. Don't miss out!

Book Bubbles from Career Reinvented

What I want to share about the sharing economy

I don't want to knock the sharing economy. I do want to provide a caution, however. Based on both my brother's experience as well as my own experience trying to make money from some web writing platforms, I already had a good idea that it might be difficult to freelance using these platforms that, at first glance, seem so easy! The research I conducted seemed to support that conclusion. My advice is be smart. Use the platforms to make extra money, get work experience, and test the waters...but probably not for a good long-term livelihood!

My "hidden" ecosystem of entrepreneur friends

I wanted to write this book to share my experience and share what I had learned in 10 years of freelancing, but then I thought, "Who am I to give people advice?" So then I thought I'd compare notes with others in business for themselves. But who? When I began really considering this question, I realized that I had a "hidden ecosystem" of friends and acquaintances all around me who were self-employed. Somehow, we rarely focus on that in our day-to-day lives. These 10 individuals (running 9 businesses) were all happy to provide their knowledge and insights. Their stories read like "hero's journeys." We all are living our own hero journeys . . . what is yours?

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