Authorpreneur Dashboard – Jenn Soehnlin

Jenn  Soehnlin

Embracing This Special Life

Parenting & Relationships

There is a unique struggle to keep your faith in God’s goodness while juggling the appointments, stress, grief and loneliness that accompany the special needs parenting journey. Jenn Soehnlin knows these struggles well, and seeks to encourage other mothers with scriptural truths and her vulnerable honesty to help provide a biblical view on special needs parenting, free you from unhealthy expectations, worries, and emotions, and to enable you to embrace the life and blessings that God has for you.

Book Bubbles from Embracing This Special Life

Book Title and Message

It is this passage that became the heart and foundation of my book's message, as well as the book title.

Learning to Bloom

It was this image of a flower growing through an unexpected place that not only transformed my special needs parenting journey, but also inspired the image of the cover of the book. To me, it is the perfect picture of not just how our special needs children are growing, but how special needs parents are also growing. We can all learn to flourish through hard circumstances.

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