Authorpreneur Dashboard – Charlie Peters

Charlie  Peters

X Marks the Spot

Literature & Fiction

After pirates destroy everything Diane loves, she decides to hunt something of theirs-treasure!

Book Bubbles from X Marks the Spot

Eight Toes

More like six and a half toes.

Jolly Sailor Bold

After pirates destroy everything Diane loves, she decides to hunt something of theirs-treasure!

Happily Ever After

Literature & Fiction

A princess, an alcoholic vampire, and a honey badger walk into a bar. Actually, it was more of a stumbling out of one. Let's start from the beginning...

Book Bubbles from Happily Ever After

Work place accidents

To what degree do work place accidents become a liability?

Happily Ever After

There are many reasons why a man could be drunk on the mourn of a Tuesday.

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