The conclusion to a medical crisis on Earth in a trilogy that introduces a new universe of adventures. Specialists from spaceship Chiron are working with alien scientists while furtively aiding a secret science society on the planet. However, that shortcut to solving Earth’s problem could endanger their relationship with planetary officials. Meanwhile, Chiron deals with aliens on nearby planets to gain more information and goodwill as they solve some of the neighbourhood’s problems. Armed with new information, they meet back at their new home base, but soon find their relationship with the planet’s government strained. Desperate to gain back the trust and aid of the innovative aliens, the crew of Chiron find themselves involved in interplanetary conflict as they strive to produce a vaccine to send home to Earth.
My fiction writing brings together years of science studies, work in heath care, and training and assistant teaching as a black belt in karate. After reading stacks of science fiction in my youth, I was inspired by space adventures such as Star Trek and medical thrillers by Dr. Robin Cook. Before publishing Earth and Beyond, I had articles on art and science fiction published in print and on-line magazines and served as editor for a newsletter/magazine for several years. Selling fantasy art and approved paintings and products related to the Canadian Musical Ride prepared me for doing some graphic design for fellow visual artists and for my own novel cover and ads.
In my town in New Brunswick, Canada, I run a writing group, am a literacy volunteer at school, and enjoys gardening, creative cooking, yoga, photography, kicking back to good movies and shows, and, of course, my family.
Bears, jaguars, and other animals hunt humans for food. It makes sense that primitive beings on an alien planet would want to find out how we taste. It’s not even cannibalism, and reportedly, though to most it’s disgusting, it isn’t even dangerous for humans to eat other humans except for the brain, which could have a prion in it. Thus, scientist Scott D’Amour finds himself in a realistic crisis in the wilds of planet Fabar. Though humans like to think we’re special, really, to a hungry creature, we’re just food. There’s some food for thought.
Enjoy this tiny excerpt from the trilogy finale that opens a universe of further adventures.
(Click “View Profile” or my website to see my science fiction books available now.)
Book Excerpt
Shoot for Earth: MedSci Missions 3
To confirm Scott’s worst horror-filled fears, he was tied onto the spit. It was a rough-hewn stick with some kind of resin coating it. He’d love to investigate it, he thought, with great sorrow. He’d love to do a lot of things. Tears poured down his face as he thought of Savna, and his home planet he’d never get back to. Never finish helping to save. He found himself screaming and bawling like a maniac. After he was firmly fitted over the fire, a pottery drinking vessel was held over his mouth. If he was really lucky, the contents would quench the flames below before he was lowered right into them, he though wryly. In a state of shock, he stopped screaming and stared straight ahead, trying to come up with any last-minute way of getting out of this. “Hey, I’m Scott, from a distant land. I can help your people. We have lots of food where I come from.” He doubted they could understand him, but it couldn’t hurt to try. An upright pretended to pour into his own mouth from the vessel, then mimed falling asleep. There was a slight feeling of relief. They were offering him a way out of being burned alive. So at least they had empathy. Scott was torn. If he took the drink, it would be the last thing he ever did. But if he didn’t take it . . . .
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