The conclusion to a medical crisis on Earth in a trilogy that introduces a new universe of adventures. Specialists from spaceship Chiron are working with alien scientists while furtively aiding a secret science society on the planet. However, that shortcut to solving Earth’s problem could endanger their relationship with planetary officials. Meanwhile, Chiron deals with aliens on nearby planets to gain more information and goodwill as they solve some of the neighbourhood’s problems. Armed with new information, they meet back at their new home base, but soon find their relationship with the planet’s government strained. Desperate to gain back the trust and aid of the innovative aliens, the crew of Chiron find themselves involved in interplanetary conflict as they strive to produce a vaccine to send home to Earth.
My fiction writing brings together years of science studies, work in heath care, and training and assistant teaching as a black belt in karate. After reading stacks of science fiction in my youth, I was inspired by space adventures such as Star Trek and medical thrillers by Dr. Robin Cook. Before publishing Earth and Beyond, I had articles on art and science fiction published in print and on-line magazines and served as editor for a newsletter/magazine for several years. Selling fantasy art and approved paintings and products related to the Canadian Musical Ride prepared me for doing some graphic design for fellow visual artists and for my own novel cover and ads.
In my town in New Brunswick, Canada, I run a writing group, am a literacy volunteer at school, and enjoys gardening, creative cooking, yoga, photography, kicking back to good movies and shows, and, of course, my family.
Does being in a black vacuum on a deep-space ship affect existential musings? I can imagine how tiny one must feel in a vast nothing that goes on virtually forever. Does that make your life and those around you seem more precious? Or does it make you feel so tiny and insignificant in the universe that it would make no difference if you were to leave it?
In this excerpt, scientist turned guinea pig Troy D’Amour is seemingly on his deathbed, and his brother, a brilliant microbiologist, is forced to contemplate his pending poof from the universe.
Enjoy the snippet from the trilogy finale that opens a universe of further adventures.
(Click “View Profile” or my website to see my science fiction books available now.)
Book Excerpt
Shoot for Earth: MedSci Missions 3
A few minutes later, they were quietly watching Troy sleep. “Are you sure he wants to exist like this? Is he able to enjoy living? Can he accomplish anything?” Scott winced. “Well, you’re blunt, aren’t you? I must say, he’s degenerated a lot since how he was when we headed out. He’s been through changes he did to himself that gave him a tail” “Why would he do that?” Savna asked. “He wanted to give himself enough Fbar genes to stave off the worst effects of his infectious DNA illness. It worked, but the Fbar tail was a side effect. Anyway, what, in your mind is the purpose of anyone existing? Just to accomplish something?” Savna thought. “No, it’s not that simple. First, the individual should have a sense of satisfaction about their presence in the universe. I guess that’s a feeling, more than a concrete set of accomplishments.” “So, if someone is unable to get anything useful done but they’re happy, you’re ok with them being alive?” “Yes, I think so. I mean, someone has to get things done so that there’s food and shelter, but we have to allow for illness and old age. Plus, in this age, we have many machines and energy sources that can allow a being to have a basic existence without being a burden on others. “So it’s about the individual’s happiness more than there place in society?” “A contentment in their general existence. On Fabar that usually goes along with a desire to contribute to society.” “Yes, on Earth, too,” Scott assured her. “Good. I’m guessing no Earth person always has positive emotion at any randomly tested time, so by happiness I mean a deep-felt satisfaction with their general existence.”
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