I read, that’s what I do.
I searched, I absorbed.
I listened.
I watched predictions of what was to be.
I planned.
I packed.
Carefully, I chose the spot, but not just for me.
For the family.
Would the experience be isolated, with a chance to listen to nature?
Would it be a party, with group energy from excited souls?
The best plan was to be ready to move.
To chase, to find cloudless skies.
A storm just days before the event left trepidation.
As the day approached, the temperature rose.
The atmosphere above cleared of interfering vapours.
It was as if a gift was being granted by the galaxy for the day.
A break in time predicted to endow pleasant warmth,
and crisp view of the so brightly burning sun.
Burn it does.
It burns skin, brings cancer.
It burns eyes should one dare to look at it.
Ruins them forever.
They might as well be stone.
However, the giant Medusa of the sky was kind that day.
For two minutes, give or take, the glorious body in the sky offered a view of its unearthly glow.
A corona provided an unguarded view of its greater self,
to be painted safely into memories.
A diamond, so brief I almost missed it.
Dramatic, but not black.
A navy glow, warning of the potential strength of it.
Red loops of plasma, diversifying the pot of gems above.
Gold on the horizon, set off by the waving yellow ochre branches.
A willow creating mysterious patterns over the show,
beside water that kept its steady, unaffected flow.
This was only for humans to fully appreciate.
And they did.
Before the totality, a huge line behind a telescope.
Booths full of shoppers.
Surprisingly, the return of the sun seemed not to matter.
Taken for granted by a crowd that packed up and left after the darkness disappeared.
A short line, now.
A chance to see through a powerful lens.
Anticlimactic, after all.
The view was the same, appearing only larger.
I see why the people left.
Fine, lets find delicious food, to celebrate fine memories.
For very fine they are.
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