A utopian future is disrupted by the arrival of mysterious aliens. After a bizarre robot occupation and all-out war, humanity is threatened by an alien mutagen. Headed by clever Ambassador Karen O’Bien, the world’s top scientists must venture into deep space on a pulse-pounding medical mission to cure the pandemic sweeping the Earth.
My fiction writing brings together years of science studies, work in heath care, and training and assistant teaching as a black belt in karate. After reading stacks of science fiction in my youth, I was inspired by space adventures such as Star Trek and medical thrillers by Dr. Robin Cook. Before publishing Earth and Beyond, I had articles on art and science fiction published in print and on-line magazines and served as editor for a newsletter/magazine for several years. Selling fantasy art and approved paintings and products related to the Canadian Musical Ride prepared me for doing some graphic design for fellow visual artists and for my own novel cover and ads.
In my town in New Brunswick, Canada, I run a writing group, am a literacy volunteer at school, and enjoys gardening, creative cooking, yoga, photography, kicking back to good movies and shows, and, of course, my family.
Friends and family are in floods; forests have been decimated by fires; a world-wide pandemic won’t give up its grip. Is it time to dam up the flow of disasters and have a little fun, at least for a nice long weekend?
For those of us who aren’t in the thick of building new dykes or giving shots, maybe it’s time to party it up so we can come back refreshed and imagine a future with fun.
Before med-ship Chiron underwent the dangerous Quantum Displacement to send mission specialist on their quest for a cure, they partied. The crew hired to ferry them and keep them safe were suffering the grim tension of preparations, but everyone else was asked to relax and get acquainted. Now, a room full of geeks doesn’t really knows how to party properly, but they tried. Shooting though ramps, tunnels and corners in some 3D pool, live monster shoot-outs you can step into with your team, some BB, karaoke, or old-fashioned cards. Fun!
More than just fun, though, partying plays a vital role in our survival. What would be the purpose of humans living without enjoyment? How would we carry on continually cognizant of horrors and suffering? We need a break from it. A video binge, perhaps. Maybe a good book (grin.)
Book Excerpt
Earth and Beyond
While Roed waited for his simulation to run its course he pulled out his new Chiron Pocod and examined it. Everyone on board had found one waiting in their apartments when they’d come on board. He’d been too busy to explore the games but now he was pleased to find the latest update of Arachnoids in Space. Gleefully he battled up a few levels, then he got stuck. Noticing he’d have to get back to work soon, he decided to hunt for a cheat code. It turned out to be harder than he’d thought. Finally, he found the Ambassador had a file labelled “AracInSpaceInfo.ecgcfied.” He laughed out loud that the government would classify game codes as top secret. It made sense though, he supposed, that the Ambassador would be privy to them in case she needed to hand them out for morale reasons. He wasn’t going to ask for them, though, and admit he’d been defeated. Thus, he started the laborious process of hacking in so she wouldn’t notice. Finding it was just as fun a game to break into his boss’s files as the one he was trying to cheat on, he pursued it vigorously. Finally, he had an in. Opening the file, he skimmed it for level codes, but didn’t see any. Instead of the expected data and game code, he had some sort of essay in front of him. He was disappointed until he started reading. It was much more interesting than he’d thought; he laughed out loud when he saw Rich had seen real ships that were covered up with an elaborate game creation scenario. Their esteemed Captain could probably have figured it all out when aliens became undeniably real, with similar form to the shadowy one he’d first seen so long ago. Should he tell him? No—it would be fun to gloat until he got in big doo doo for hacking. After a moment of enjoying his success it occurred to him to wonder what else the government was covering up. Skimming file titles, he was strangely stunned when he saw one with his name on it. He stared. Could he open it? Should he? A beep called for his attention, saving him from a decision. Knowing he might have to start over or never get back in, he closed doors and covered his tracks to put his full attention to the coming Quantum Displacement.
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