“Why have you been running from me?” I guide her chin around so she can face me again, my eyes searching hers, hoping she tells me the truth. I’m tired of trying to guess.
“I wasn’t running. I was busy. I left Dallas for Cincinnati the next day. I worked my ass off for six years there and came back home. I’ve been busy ever since. The wedding business is cut throat, believe it or not. Life is like that sometimes, you know?” Her denial doesn’t appease me at all.
“I know, but phones work in Cincinnati. You never returned my calls. Why?” She may think I’m playing Rapid Fire with twenty questions, but when questions and scenarios haunt you, you’re going to take the first chance you can to get some answers. If I upset her, I’ll apologize later.
She breaks eye contact with me and, for once, she looks bashful.
“I didn’t know what to say. Before I knew it, too much time had passed, and I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. It was like we’d grown up and moved on with our lives.”
“I didn’t.”
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