“Ms. Parrish. It is so nice to meet you finally.” She doesn’t take my hand right away. I ca see she is contemplating not shaking it, but she eventually takes my hand after looking over at GP.
Ah so good manners win over natural impulses. Good for her.
“Nice to see you do indeed own a shirt after all. And look at you, wearing it buttoned up like a big boy and everything. Johnny must be proud.” She says softly, speaking only loud enough for me to hear.
But she just can’t stop herself from throwin’ a little shade my way. She has manners, but she has a wild streak in her.
Love it.
She tries removing her hand, but I grip it tighter and lean in closer to her.
“I wish I could say the same. I rather liked watching you flounce around in your see thru night gown with your ass and your thick juicy thighs out on display. Any chance I might be blessed with an encore?” I give her a lascivious grin before she successfully yanks her hand out of my grasp after cutting her eyes at me.
“Never. Not even when you’re taking your last breath and it’s your dying wish.” Her snarky comment tickles me for some reason and I chuckle silently.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, what did you say?” GP asks, cupping his ear, and leaning toward her.
“I asked him how was the fish.” She explains a little louder for his benefit. GP nods his understanding and goes back to eating his food.
When she finally brings her eyes back to me, I wink at her. “Challenge accepted.” I mouth to her silently.
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