A century’s old grudge. A burning desire for revenge. A hunger for carnage and chaos...
For years, the Mercier family has despised Elsbeth, the Red Witch. Now, with her entering their town, Melisande Mercier feels her chance for a long-awaited vengeance is finally at hand.
Yet before her plans can be put into place, the sexy sorceress finds trouble snaking its way through the halls of her manor. Downtrodden by the fact that her overwhelming desire for her cousin, Kenrick Locke, can never be, she unknowingly invites evil into her bed.
As the son of one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, her new lover seeks to unleash Hell on Earth with the Mercier family as his sacrificial pawns. Melisande’s only hope to save her family is to put aside her hatred and join forces with Elsbeth.
Can the flames of their age-old rivalry be snuffed out for the greater good? Or will their failed alliance cause the world to burn?
From the world of Falls Creek comes Book Two in The Spell Caster Diaries; a paranormal suspense series by author SF Benson!
SF Benson loves putting a spin on a story. She primarily writes romantic fantasy with unusual characters in unexpected circumstances. SF’s books feature diverse and strong characters who have to work hard to get to their happily ever after. Sometimes the playing field is fraught with supernaturals. Other times it might be a pervasive magic. No matter how you look at it, her characters know how to meet the challenge and get what they desire—love!
Published since 2016, SF has released sixteen books in five different series and has appeared in four anthologies! Under Nadirah Foxx, she’s written six books on the darker, steamier side of life.
Curious about what all SF Benson and her alter ego, Nadirah Foxx, might be up to? Check them out at https://www.authorsfbenson.com/.
Who would associate hope with witches, grudges, and evil plots? Believe it or not, there's a shred of it in this series. To reach it, characters will have to put aside preconceived notions and look hard to see the good in their associates.
Book Excerpt
Dark Intent
But all of humanity along with the supernatural world was in jeopardy. I definitely didn’t want the world’s disaster on my conscience. When I finally lost hold on immortality, I wanted to do so without regrets. So I had no choice but to suffer silently and work with the vampire.
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