Mary leaned over to lift her bosom above the corset.
“So, yes, today my brother and his wife will lord it over everyone. And when his new ship leaves port, everyone will come to Salem again to see her off. After that, no one will think of her until she returns.”
Mary arranged her fichu.
“Hold my dress for me while I step into it.”
“Wouldn’t you prefer to have your lady’s maid do this for you?”
“I can hardly have my maid here to watch you pace and rant. The servants’ gossip would be all over town before the launch is complete. My point is”—Mary narrowed her eyes on her husband’s face—“Hasket’s new ship will soon leave, and whether she has a successful voyage or not, we will prevail in the end because our sons will soon sail in our ships. Together, they will bring home greater profits than Hasket’s giant ship. The present is nothing. It’s the future that counts.”
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