Rod Raglin
The Truth Sayer
“I love Canada. I don’t want to see it explode in violence nor do I want to see its institutions slowly dismantled. It’s one of the few places in the world where the circumstances of your birth don’t determine the life you’ll live.
“I want expose these people for what they are – opportunists who care little about anything other than personal power and self-aggrandizement. When and if they come to power, either by the ballot box or the gun, it becomes apparent they have no idea how to run a country. The public euphoria is over surprisingly fast and in the face of growing opposition, the man of the people views the people who have swept him into power as the enemy, and, almost without exception, becomes worse than his predecessors.”
Matt Bennett - former foreign correspondent, freelance investigative journalist who has put is career and his relationship in jeopardy by exposing the myth of marginalization. In doing so he’s been denounced as resenting the success of others, making excuses for his failure as a writer, and against equal opportunity for BIPOCs. In other words, a racist.
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