Chad stared at the boy in disbelief. “Sometimes you like salad?”
The boy hesitated.
Chad told the boy curtly, “You can go now,” waving him away.
The boy didn’t move, insisting, “B—but I like soup!”
“You like salad.”
“And soup.”
Chad stood up to make sure the kid knew he was serious.
“It can’t be both.”
The boy considered Chad’s words. Then, after a moment, he rolled his eyes and walked away. Chad was not surprised.
He sat down and had to wait only a few seconds before he had his first member.
A boy bounded toward the table like he was thrilled to find Soup Club. He was smaller than most kids but had wild, curly red hair that shot up almost high enough to make up for his small stature. His eyes were wild with excitement.
“I LOVE soup!” he proclaimed.
“GREAT!” Chad pointed to the sign-up sheet, “What’s your name?”
The boy grinned, “You can call me Noodle.”
Noodle nodded happily, “Like, in chicken noodle soup!”
Chad nodded, “I love it!” He shot out his arm and shook Noodle’s hand to make it official, “Welcome to Soup Club, Noodle!”
“I’m in?”
“You’re in!”
Noodle punched the air, “YES!” and immediately walked around the table and sat on the empty chair next to Chad.
Just then, Erin Cohen approached the table.
Chad knew her from history class. Erin was the kind of kid that was first to raise her hand and even got away with questioning the teacher’s opinion—but at the same time, she didn’t brag and make fun of other kids that weren’t as smart as she was. Instead, she just wanted to help.
He hadn’t dared to dream that she was also a soupster.
Erin scrutinized the sign for a few moments as if there was a hidden message.
“Soup Club.”
Chad smiled his best smile. “Yes!”
“You don’t just sit around and drink soup, do you?”
“No! Of course not!” That was part of it, but Chad figured he shouldn’t admit that.
Erin got to the point. “My time is valuable. I have Science Club, I have band, I’m in History Club, and I don’t have time to sit around and do nothing.“ She leaned in toward Chad, resting her palms on the table. “This isn’t a do-nothing club, is it?”
Chad hesitated, “No?”
“Because if it is, I’ll leave, understand?”
Chad nodded.
“Do you understand?” she repeated.
Chad nodded. “Sure!”
Erin smiled, satisfied. “Okay, I’ll join.”
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