“You think the same criminals are behind all the invasions?” Josh asked as he reached for his coffee.
“Yes and no.” I pushed away from the metal table and stood. “Same patterns. Same M.O. Some of the crimes happened simultaneously. I don’t believe it’s just two or three people behind the break-ins.”
Josh nodded. “Which explains why victims gave a slew of conflicting descriptions for the crooks.”
He scrubbed a hand over his face. “You gathered that just from scanning the reports?”
Placing my hands flat against the table, I leaned over it. “That’s my job, and I’m damn good at it.”
Yeah, I was feeling a little arrogant. It was more welcome than the hostility threatening to surface again.
“If you’re right, the captain should see this.” Josh started gathering our empty cups and placing them in the trash can.
“I tried, but he won’t listen.” I started pacing the floor. “He keeps saying if it’s not in his precinct, it’s not his problem.”
“We’ll get to the bottom of it.” Josh cut me off and stopped my frantic movement. “For now, keep this info between us.”
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